Showing posts with label IAC. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IAC. Show all posts

13 November 2015

Object WT1190F Re-entry Video 13NOV2015

Breaking News- Object WT1190F Re-entry Video 13NOV2015

Screen Shot of
WT1190F Reentry November 13, 2015
Posted to YouTube by Astronomy Center 

WT1190F Reentry November 13, 2015
Posted to YouTube by Astronomy Center 146 views

The first imagery is in of the re-entry of artificial ovbject WT1190F south of
Sri Lanka at 6:18 UT today, coming from a trans-Lunar orbit.
Imagery is from a research aircraft organized by UAE Space Agency, IAC, NASA, ESA:

-Dr Marco Langbroek
Station (b)log:

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!