Showing posts with label Czech Rep. Poland Austria Fireball Germany Slovakia Meteor 09DEC2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Czech Rep. Poland Austria Fireball Germany Slovakia Meteor 09DEC2014. Show all posts

10 December 2014

Germany / Czech Rep. / Poland / Austria / Slovakia Fireball Meteor 09DEC2014

Germany / Czech Rep. / Poland / Austria / Slovakia Fireball Meteor
17:17 MEZ /  1616 UTC 09DEC2014
2 videos! 5 Reports
"click on image to enlarge"
Germany / Czech Rep. / Poland / Austria / Slovakia Fireball Meteor 
17:17 MEZ / 1616 UTC 09DEC2014v.1 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Video 1

Bright Fireball 2014-12-09 16:16:45 UTC Lindenberg (Germany)
Posted to YouTube by André Knöfel 113 views
Published on Dec 9, 2014
André Knöfel    Thank you André!

Video 2

Bolid nad Polską 9 12 2014 161645UT
Posted to YouTube by Regulus128 374 views
Thank you
ARTY_Bi_Skup for the video info!

Astro Czech Links-   Thank you to Sergey Vassaliev-

Check your security cameras!

Please file your meteor sightings for this event or others  HERE-

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
09DEC2014 Pavol Cerven Bratislava, Slovakia 17:15:00 5 sec nearly N (bearing 300) greenish blue -5 magn (less then Moon) yes start bearing 75, end bearing 300. In the end fragmentation and flash N48.22137,E16.980872

09DEC2014 Enrico Döring Berlin, Germany 17:17 MEZ 7/8/2014 starts in SO stop in SSO, left to right, facing in SO direction green/blue till orange/light yellow more than Venus light no

09DEC2014 Dominik Neugersdorf, Saxony, Germany) 16:16 UTC 5-10 sec Direction N-S, Facing S-E Color blue, green, red / no sound brightness like moon At the end it seems that it were fragmented Hey there! My wife and I have also seen that meteor in Neugersdorf/Saxony/Germany. And I asked others from here. A handfull of people from other towns have seen it also. I wonder why there's no comment from the press.

09DEC2014 Nembo Buldrini Seibersdorf, 2444 AUSTRIA 17:15 Central Europe 7-10 secs Facing N, Direction E-W Greenish about 2x moon small fragments -

09DEC2014 André Knöfel Dzikowo, Gubin, Poland 16:16:45 UTC / 17:16:45 CET 7 near SE-horizon from E to S yellow, red moon some pieces at the end From a car during driving.Also on a video with a all sky camera from Lindenberg, Germany - see separate mail  - Thanks for the video Andre Knöfel.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!