Showing posts with label Colorado Meteor 18AUG2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colorado Meteor 18AUG2011. Show all posts

19 August 2011

Merino, Colorado Meteor 9:00 pm 18AUG2011

Merino, Colorado Meteor 9:00 pm 18AUG2011
At about 9:00 I saw a green fireball, relatively slowly moving left to right in the western sky, from merino Colorado. It was large, appeared to be a double ball, burned out before dropping out of sight. It was low in the sky with a bright, well defined tail. 
It did not have much of an arc. -
Christine Bailey

Thank you Christine for your kind report!

Aurora, Colorado Meteor ~8:45 pm

Large Green Ball of of Fire

I live in Eastern Aurora, Colorado and last night about 8:45 pm I witnessed a large bright fireball fall from the sky.  It seemed to have a tall but them seem to break up before I lost sight of it.  It was so large & bright my dog even was barking at the sighting. -Robyn Hyita
Thank you Robyn!

Denver, Colorado Meteor Aug 18 9PM

I saw this as well. Sitting on a friend's patio in Denver. The meteor was moving south to north slightly north of the city. It burned out before it made it below the minimal cloud cover. Very bright green with a long tail.
Thanks, Frank M.   Thank you Frank!

Big Bend campground on the Poudre River 30 miles west of Fort Collins
I would like to add to the meteorite siting on 8-18-11 in northern Colorado. While sitting at Big Bend campground on the Poudre River 30 miles west of Fort Collins around 8500' we saw the fireball move from south to north slow enough to alert my wife, who saw the climax and tail. The climax was it bursting into fragments and burning out in the lower atmosphere. Brightest tail I've seen of all the meteorites I've witnessed from the Rockies. A great payoff for all those hours sitting around the campfire and watching the stars.
Tom Waters  Thank you Tom!

Colorado Meteor
My husband and son were walking around 9 pm on August 18th as well and saw a meteor flying through the sky from south to north. They both thought it was more towards Wyoming or Ft. Collins. They also said it was green in color and they felt it was breaking up as it was moving.
Lisa Christianson Best of luck!
Thank you Lisa!

Aurora, Colorado ~8:45 pm 18AUG2011
I saw a meteor on Aug18 around 8:45. I was standing in my yard in eastern aurora (Colorado) when I saw a very bright silver flash in the sky toward downtown (northwest). it trailed straight downward for a few quick seconds and then burnt out leaving a trail of smoke. I've seen 3 other meteors in the past few years and they looked more like fiery yellow balls. The one last night was VERY bright, but it was silvery. Just beautiful. Gave me chills, and yes, I made a wish. -DeAnna Hemmings  Thank you DeAnna!

Wyoming Curt Goudy Park west of CheyenneWe were camping in Wyoming when I saw this unbelivable beautiful bright ball of fire that trailed off with silver tail. I told my husband, brother, and sister-in-law, but was to late for them to see. I have NEVER seen anything so awsome. Tried to ask family and friends next day about it. Everyone thought I was crazy, so I am so happy to hear others saw the same wonderful event.
Sandie Thank you Sandie!

If anyone else saw this or another meteor we need your
reports; Thank you.
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were
when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!

2011 The Year of Meteors!