Showing posts with label Carletonmooreite. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Carletonmooreite. Show all posts

16 February 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16FEB2021

Mineral 'carletonmooreite' named for founder of ASU Center for Meteorite Studies
“It is a rare type of meteorite made up primarily of a white mineral called enstatite but with an interesting batch of very much smaller dark minerals in it,” ...

Ceramic in meteorites upends theory of early solar system
Futurity: Research News
A new analysis of ceramic chips embedded in meteorites suggests the formation of our solar system was not as quiet and orderly as we once thought.

'Glowing like daylight': Meteor lights up Melbourne skies on Sunday night
As seen in the video above, a meteor flashed across the sky in a stunning burst of light around 10.41pm Sunday night. The meteor coincided with ...

Meteor flashes in the sky above Melbourne
There were also reported sightings of the meteorite across the city, Bentleigh East and Korumburra around 10.40pm. LIVE UPDATES: NSW continues ...

A San Valentino un meteorite
l'Adige - Quotidiano indipendente del Trentino Alto Adige
Il cielo di Melbourne, nella romantica notte di San Valentino, è stato illuminato dalla caduta di un meteorite, che ha solcato il cielo con la sua scia ...

Une météorite a illuminé le ciel à Melbourne (vidéo)
RTL info
La chute d'une météorite a donné aux romantiques de Melbourne un spectacle à contempler le jour de la Saint-Valentin, alors qu'elle illuminait le ciel ...

WATCH: Dazzling fireball streak across Spain's Andalucia at 72000km per hour
Olive Press
The high-speed collision with the atmosphere caused the rock to become incandescent generating a white-hot meteorite that began at an altitude of ...

VIDEO: Peneliti: Air Rendaman Meteorit Berbahaya
CNN Indonesia
Peneliti ITERA menyebut temuan ini sebagai penguat jika dentuman di Lampung beberapa waktu lalu juga berasal dari aktivitas meteor sama seperti ...

Meteorite sovrasta il cielo, abitanti in visibilio: ecco cosa è successo a Melbourne, tutti i dettagli
Centro Meteo Italiano
Una forte luce simile a un fulmine appare a Melbourne, in Australia: la testimonianza di un ragazzo permette di scoprire che era un meteorite!

"Boule de feu" dans le ciel de l'Yonne ce dimanche : ce que l'on sait
L'Yonne Républicaine
... satellite qui entre dans l'atmosphère. Ce qui expliquerait la trainée un peu rouge orangée qui se consume. Sinon, il pourrait s'agir d'une météorite.".

China Moon Rover Finds 'Milestone' Rock on Far Side Believed to be From Meteor Impacts!
Tech Times
The rock was believed to be a contribution of multiple meteor impacts upon the surface, forming a new object that researchers consider unusual.

China's rover discovers elongated 'milestone' rock sticking out on the far side of the moon that may ...
Daily Mail
... the surface that experts say is 'unusual'; It is an elongated, sharp rock sticking out from the surface on the far side that formed from meteor impacts.

Mount Burnett Observatory on Twitter: "Did you see the meteor explode in our southern sky last ...
A meteor like this, that breaks up into multiple pieces, is called a bolide. It is caused when a chunk of space rock hits our atmosphere at between 10 ...

Dinosaurs were killed off by a COMET that 'pinballed' off Jupiter 66million years ago, scietnists claim
The Sun
What's the difference between an asteroid, meteor and comet? · Asteroid: An asteroid is a small rocky body that orbits the Sun. · Meteoroid: When two ...

This is how the meteorite that destroyed the dinosaurs was created
The Press Stories
The impact of the Cyclone meteorite changed the history of the Earth forever 66 million years ago, causing the extinction of 75% of the species, ...

Geminid Meteor Shower, Lowell Observatory at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff AZ, Science
Flagstaff 365
Family-friendly activities designed to teach visitors about the cause of meteor showers at 6 and 8 p.m. Learn about the source of the Geminid Meteor ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!