Showing posts with label Canada Bolide Meteor 13SEP2014. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Bolide Meteor 13SEP2014. Show all posts

15 September 2014

Vancouver, BC, Canada / WA OR Bolide Meteor Big Event 13SEP2014

Breaking News- Vancouver, BC, Canada / WA OR Bolide Meteor Big Event Approx. 2020 PDT 13SEP2014 -- FEMA Region X
54 Reports!
"click on image to enlarge"
Vancouver, BC, Canada / WA OR Bolide Meteor Big Event Approx. 2020 PDT 13SEP2014
v.3 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Check your security cameras!
Please file your meteor sightings please HERE-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!  Tell them about this website and event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
13SEP2014 Kerry Mahlman Gibsons, British Columbia, Canada 20:22 Pacific PM 2 to 3 seconds southeast to northwest, left to right, I was facing west from Gower Point towards Vancouver Island bright white tail, reddish ball, dissipated within seconds, could hear slight "hissing" sound Same as the moon seemed to be a few fragments just at the instant of disintegration length of tail was about ten times the width of the fireball

13SEP2014 Michal Smialowski Tatlayoko Lake BC Canada 2020 hrs PST 0.5 seconds E to W facing south appeared large, tail , very bright, glowing moon no by far the largest I have ever seen

13SEP2014 Marilyn Smith QUALICUM, B.C., CANADA 8:20 PM, PST 30 seconds South to West Yellow - no sound Sun no Appeared to be a meteor

13SEP2011 Zach McKay Surrey, British Columbia, Canada 20:18:00 4 seconds S-N Right to Left Facing West Blue tint to white Moon/Venus Burnt up. Saw 3 pieces right before they disappeared Streaked across the sky, lost its trail for about half a second and then burnt up quickly

13SEP2011 Kathleen whistler 20:15:00 in view for 3 sec east to west bright white/yelloe star +. brighter than moon big chunk with tail we had limited field of view

13SEP2011 Deina Susilo-Knox Indian Arm, North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2030 5 sec Travelling SW, left to right in sky White light, green tail Same as sun Large white light, then burst into green tail Viewed from canoe on Indian Arm - 5 mins before sun down

13SEP2011 Erik Surrey/B.C/Canada 20:25:00 10 secs East/West Blue/Green very bright no object shot across the sky coming towards ground in a east to west direction, changing colours before dying out as it got closer to the ground

13SEP2011 john Nanaimo, BC, Canada 20:24 PM 10/15/2014 S-N white same as a firework yes no

13SEP2011 Sarah McKenny Duncan, BC, Canada 20:40PM PST 5 secs W, Left to Right Bright Blue White Light Sun/Moon Small tail None

13SEP2011 Warren Burnaby BC Canada 8.20 PM 8 seconds heading north west white headblue tale moon No no sound coming in on a 45 degree angle

13SEP2011 Don Howell Nanaimo, BC, Canada 20:25:00 3 secs W to NW blue white moon at least 3 pieces very bright, looked close

13SEP2011 Brian Moll Roche Harbor, WA, USA 20:20:00 2 E-W Bright fireball like a roman candle no no comments

Eyewitness Report-
September 13th, 2014 - 8"20 pm Pacific
I was just getting up from my chair facing a big window, to look outside and I face the Burrard Inlet and Simon Fraser University from the north side....and I looked southwest to west. I saw a very bright white tennis ball size glow, as white as the moon, (maybe 1/60th of the moon in size....I tried to imagine 15 circles in one quarter of the moon.....after a while for an example...but it seemed even bigger). It came from the south east, but I noticed it as it was centre, straight in front of me to the southwest, It had a wide tail and it went from east to west.....between the Burnaby Mtn. and Capital Hill in a canyon to it's which Burnaby and Vancouver are beyond it directly. I watched to see if there was going to be an explosion as it seemed very low to the mountain....and very close. It took about almost 5 seconds (full 1+ 2+, etc.), not too fast, but apparently it couldn't have been a comet, because they stay for days.... although that is what it looked like. I heard no sound. I had no camera. If anyone living in houses on the water in Port Moody's north side was outside, they might have seen it. If it was that high up, I imagine others may have noted it as well.- Janet B.

September 13th, 2014 roughly 8:30 pm
Looking north on the west coast of oregon object resembling a star descending quickly east to west. Bright white then red/white color to it as speed increased. Size increased based on light. It left a long tail. Died quick behind the tree line of my vison. Less than 2 minutes after, 4 helicopters lingering. First came from direct north to south, large white light on it. Saw around 8 or 9 total. Law enforcement helicopters as well. They flew at 500 ft, while assumed news/other helicopters flew around 1000 feet. Skys were busy for the next hour. Anyone else see anything? - Nick Walker

All 54 meteor sighting reports can be seen here

reposted 15EP2014 1645
original post 14SEP2014 1535 JST

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!