Showing posts with label Cabo Frio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cabo Frio. Show all posts

20 February 2013

Breaking News -Campos Dos Goytacazes, Brazil Daytime Bolide Meteor 20FEB2013

Breaking News - Brazil Daytime Bolide ~11:12 am Local Brasil time -3UT (1312 UTC).
20FEB2013 approximately 20 minutes prior to this post.
(Click on Image to Enlage)
v.2 (c) 2013 LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth
IF used by press include name of  The Latest worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News and LINK to this site and OWNER Dirk Ross, Tokyo and COPYRIST NOTICE above; thank you!
Sonics Heard on land! Meteorites MAY be on land!!!

MORE to be posted pending updates from Brasil and sighting reports; please check back.

Dr. Marcelo Souza, professor of physics in Campos Dos Goytacazes, called me and reported that witnesses had just seen this event from Campos Dos Goytacazes, Vitoria, and Cabo Frio, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil approximately 20 minutes prior.  It has now been confirmed that there was a single bolide seen by many persons in north Rio de Janeiro State, Brasil.

 Campos Dos Goytacazes Brasil Sentinel Allsky Network is currently checking for video capture.

 Dirk Ross, LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Marcelo Souza, IFF-R.J. and Sentinel Allsky established the Brasil Allsky Network, the FIRST in South America, last year.

 Ross says, "This event, along with the recent Russia and other large events demonstrates that Brasil needs to take the threat of an asteroid impact more seriously and expand the Brasil Allsky Network nationwide for detection" 
 Ross is hoping that Sao Paulo State will soon establsih the second network.


Eyewitness Report:
"Avistei hoje, às 1312 UTC, em vitória, es, um metero cruzando o céu, sentido norte para sul. O meteoro foi visto por cerca de 5 segundos por mim. Mais 4 testemunhas, que estavam no local, também avistaram. Uma das testemunhas, que avistou um pouco antes, deve ter visto o mesmo por cerca de 12 segundos antes dele se desintegrar na atmosfera.
O que vi foi basicamente um rastro iluminado, amarelado, cruzando o céu numa trajetória descendente e se desintegrando completamente."

Google translation:
"I saw today at 1312 UTC, in victory, es, a metero across the sky, north to south. The meteor was seen by about 5 seconds for me. More 4 witnesses who were at the scene also spotted. One witnesses who saw a little before, must have seen it for about 12 seconds before it disintegrates in the atmosphere.
What I saw was basically a trail illuminated, yellow, streaking across the sky in a downward trend and disintegrating completely. "
Verified by Dr. Marcelo Souza- Name of eyewitness withheld as requested.
Marcelo de Oliveira Souza
D.Sc. in Physics - Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense
Louis Cruls Astronomy Club General Coordinator (
Astronomers Without Borders National Coordinator in Brazil
UNAWE Program Coordinator in Brazil (
Sidewalk Astronomers - Brazil National Contact
StarPeace Ambassador in Brazil

Another Witness: Thank you John!
20FEB2013" John "JB Campos Basin, Brazil 1030 approx local time 4-5 seconds N to S Orange Sun Fragmentation: 3 or 4 large pieces Sorry, I did not note the time but between 0930-1030 Local time. Ship position 22 - 09.0 S, 039 - 57.1 W. i was looking directly west and saw the whole event.

Precisamos de seus relatórios de avistamentos de meteoros, Inglês ou Português ok:

Photos and Press contact only, please email:

Brasil Press now just reporting:

*Most up-to-date Brasil News Report* with video"!
Câmera de segurança registra 'bola de fogo' no céu do ES
Bolide was captured by security camera (Vitoria, ES)...
Note:Photo shown above is not of this event!
Uploaded to YouTube by Martim Peixoto 663 videos

Físico comenta passagem de suposto meteoro por cidades do RJ 分前
Após relatos de moradores de várias cidades do interior do Rio, o Clube da Astronomia de Campos dos Goytacazes, no Norte Fluminense, comentou a passagem de um meteoro pelo céu da cidade na manhã desta quarta-feira (20).

Correio da Bahia

Rio de Janeiro e Espírito Santo veem passagem de meteoro pelo ... 時間前
O instituto divulgou imagens de outro meteoro que também passou no estado do Rio no dia 15 de fevereiro, no mesmo dia em que caiu o meteorito na Rússia. Acompanhe o Jornal Hoje t
ambém pelo twitter e pelo facebook. Os dois meteoros ...
"Infraero, in Victoria, officials confirmed that the control tower of the airport also viewed trail from the fireball in the sky and there was no need to alert pilots because the phenomenon was very fast."

Local Campos news has just posted a news bulletin, but no information since this post on The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News based in Tokyo, Japan.
-  Only Newsflash:--- photo shown IS NOT of this event

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!