Showing posts with label Belgium Holland Meteor 1JUL2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Belgium Holland Meteor 1JUL2011. Show all posts

01 July 2011

Belgium / Holland Meteor 1JUL2011

Belgium Meteor 11.50 pm (local time) 1JUL2011
I also saw a ball of fire heading for the east. Rather big, and with orange flashing flames. It was on the first of july 2011. About 11.50 pm (local time) in Belgium (Geel).
51° 10' 0" North, 5° 0' 0" East
Duration: about 1 minute
(comparison: looked like it was a satelite on fire) -Griet Liekens

Holland Meteor  2 July 00:24 local time (1 July 22:24 UTC).
There was a bright fireball this night (captured by a number of the Dutch all-sky stations), but 30 minutes after the quoted time, i.e. 2 July 00:24 local time (1 July 22:24 UTC).
The duration in this report is rather long, so it could be a satellite or a "Thai hot air balloon".
  -Marco Langbroek

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? 
please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 Year of Meteors!