Showing posts with label Atlanta contrail photo video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Atlanta contrail photo video. Show all posts

08 December 2010

نيزك Meteor/Meteorite News 8DEC2010

تقوم وزارة الدولة لشئون البيئة حاليا بإتخاذ إجراءات إعلان منطقة ( نيزك جبل كامل ) كمحمية طبيعية والتى تقع على الحدود المصرية السودانية خط عرض 22 و شرق جبل العوينات بحوالى 120كم تمهيدا لإعلانه على مواقع التراث الفلكي العالمى فى إطار اتفاقية التراث العالمي التابعة لمنطقة اليونسكو. ... The Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs is taking action declaration of the zone (meteor whole mountain) as a nature reserve, which lies on the Egyptian-Sudanese border line width of 22 and east of Mount Owainat about 120 km in preparation for the announcement of the heritage sites astronomical world in the framework of the World Heritage Convention of the UNESCO. ... (original story in Arabic) البيئة تستعد لإعلان منطقة (نيزك جبل كامل) محمية طبيعية

Wikipedia article about Gebel Kamil impact crater:

Where, How Astronomers Could Find Alien Life
ABC News
Scientists could find life that came aboard a meteorite or comet. They also could find life — deep in the sea or beneath Antarctica's ice — that is so ...

Man catches sky fireball on camera
7 (UPI) -- A Georgia man who used his video camera to record what appears to be a fireball rocketing across the sky said he does not know what the object ...  (NOT a meteor or fireball!  a jet contrail!; bad reporting!)