Showing posts with label Alabama Blue-Green Meteor Fireball 23AUG11. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alabama Blue-Green Meteor Fireball 23AUG11. Show all posts

24 August 2011

Gardendale, Alabama Blue-Green Meteor Fireball 23AUG11

Gardendale, Alabama Meteor Fireball 11:13 pm 23AUG11

Blue-green fireball, looking north from Gardendale (taking long exposures of north star) fireball started a few degrees above north star and traveled vertically toward the north. Appeared to tumble because it briefly flashed a blue green then gave the appearance of something tumbling in the last green flash.......I missed it by 2 min. getting it in my last shot.  Eddie S.  Thank you Eddie!

We need your sighting reports; please email details IF you witnessed a meteor event; thank you!
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!
2011 The Year of Meteors!