Showing posts with label 13AUG09 Northern California Fireball?. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 13AUG09 Northern California Fireball?. Show all posts

18 August 2009

California Meteor/Meteorite News- UFO 13AUG09 18AUG09

Northern California 6 Sec. bright object at 2334 hrs. PDT, Aug. 13
reported by YCSentiniel
An object travelling slower than the usual Fireball with the characteristics
of both a Fireball and a (VERY) brightly lit plane or Heliocopter, but
different enough in too many respects to assume an aircraft appeared at 55
degrees Altitude and ended at 22 degrees Altitude in the ENE horizon.

Photo has been included in updating meteor files sent last night to SETI.
These files are not yet posted, but will be.

Any other confirmation here locally on this object?


No follow-up reports yet published as of 18AUG09