Single-impact theory is set in stone
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Ravizza's Manoa lab analyzes elements such as iridium and osmium that he said are very rare at the earth's surface but rich in most asteroids and meteorites ...

Ongelooflijk: dit is Mars Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Ravizza's Manoa lab analyzes elements such as iridium and osmium that he said are very rare at the earth's surface but rich in most asteroids and meteorites ...
FAQT - 5 分前
Deze krater, vermoedelijk drie kilometer diep en bijna vijf kilometer breed, is ontstaan door de inslag van een meteoriet. Die inslag heeft waarschijnlijk ...
Incredibly, this is Mars
FAQT - 5分前
This crater, probably three kilometers deep and nearly five kilometers wide, formed by the impact of a meteorite. That impact is likely ...
Incredibly, this is Mars
FAQT - 5分前
This crater, probably three kilometers deep and nearly five kilometers wide, formed by the impact of a meteorite. That impact is likely ...
Not a rock or stone -- a real meteorite
Delmarva Daily Times - 18 分前
He said to me, 'Sir, this is a meteorite'." Along with the confirmation, Littleton discovered that his meteorite was made of chromium, manganese, iron ...
Upcoming ARISS ham radio contact with Japan`s Shiogama Daini Junior High School ...
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
When you watch a meteor shower in the space station, what kind of shape does the meteor shower have? 11. In space, does everyone's face swell in a circle? ...
Upcoming ARISS ham radio contact with Japan`s Shiogama Daini Junior High School ...
Southgate Amateur Radio Club
When you watch a meteor shower in the space station, what kind of shape does the meteor shower have? 11. In space, does everyone's face swell in a circle? ...
Doch Klimastress schuld am Dino-Sterben?
scinexx | Das Wissensmagazin - 22 時間前
Diese hatte erneut die nunmehr fast 30 Jahre alte These vertreten, ein Meteoriten-Einschlag im Gebiet nahe der mexikanischen Halbinsel Yucatan sei ...
Kamienie z nieba
Polskie Radio - 20 時間前
10 lat temu w rejonie kanadyjskiej prowincji Jukon spadł na Ziemię meteoryt. Został nazwany "Tagish Lake" - wyłowiono go z jeziora Tagish. ...
Stones from heaven
Polish Radio - 20 时间 前 10 years ago in the region of the Canadian province of Yukon meteorite fell to Earth. Was named "Tagish Lake" - caught it from Tagish Lake. ...
Stones from heaven
Polish Radio - 20 时间 前 10 years ago in the region of the Canadian province of Yukon meteorite fell to Earth. Was named "Tagish Lake" - caught it from Tagish Lake. ...
Βρέθηκαν σωματίδια «αρχαίου» μετεωρίτη στην Ανταρκτική
iKypros - 2010年3月6日
Η ανακάλυψη μικροσκοπικών σωματιδίων μετεωρίτη και στρώματος «εξωγήινης» σκόνης που βρέθηκε στην Ανταρκτική, αποδεικνύει ότι κάποιος μετεωρίτης εξερράγη ...
Particles were found "ancient" in the Antarctic meteorite
iKypros - 2010 年 3 月 6 日
The discovery of tiny particles and meteor layer "extraterrestrial" dust found in Antarctica, show that a meteor exploded ...
Particles were found "ancient" in the Antarctic meteorite
iKypros - 2010 年 3 月 6 日
The discovery of tiny particles and meteor layer "extraterrestrial" dust found in Antarctica, show that a meteor exploded ...
Российский ученый нашел останки "инопланетян" на месте падения на Землю метеоритов - 21 時間前
Ученый российского Центра планетарной защиты НПО имени С. А. Лавочкина Евгений Дмитриев обнаружил фрагменты окаменелостей живых существ в местах падения на Землю Тунгусского и Краснотуранского метеоритов. По мнению исследователя, этот факт доказывает существование внеземной жизни. ...
The Russian scientist has found remains of "aliens" on
Place of falling to the Earth of meteorites -
Scientist of the Russian Center of planetary protection НПО of a name
S.A.Lavochkina Evgenie Dmitriev has found out fragments of fossils alive
Essences in places of falling to the Earth Tungus and Краснотуранского meteorites.
In opinion of the researcher, this fact proves existence extraterrestrial
The Russian scientist has found remains of "aliens" on
Place of falling to the Earth of meteorites -
Scientist of the Russian Center of planetary protection НПО of a name
S.A.Lavochkina Evgenie Dmitriev has found out fragments of fossils alive
Essences in places of falling to the Earth Tungus and Краснотуранского meteorites.
In opinion of the researcher, this fact proves existence extraterrestrial
Есть ли жизнь на Титане
RBC Daily - 5 時間前
Тогда как на Титане молекулы «водного происхождения», характерные для метеоритов, просто не выживут. А значит, жизнь, если она есть, возникла непосредственно на спутнике. Теоретические выкладки можно будет проверить в начале следующего десятилетия. В 2015 году на луну Сатурна отправится миссия ...
Whether there is a life on Titan
RBC Daily -
Whereas on the Titan of a molecule of " a water origin », characteristic for meteorites, simply will not survive. So, the life if it is, has arisen directly on the satellite. Theoretical calculations can be checked up in the beginning of next decade. Per 2015 on the moon of Saturn mission will go...
Whether there is a life on Titan
RBC Daily -
Whereas on the Titan of a molecule of " a water origin », characteristic for meteorites, simply will not survive. So, the life if it is, has arisen directly on the satellite. Theoretical calculations can be checked up in the beginning of next decade. Per 2015 on the moon of Saturn mission will go...
Земле угрожает богиня возмездия
Комсомольская правда - 4 時間前
Считается, что гравитационные поля «карлика» направляют в нашу сторону поток метеоритов, комет и астероидов. - Еще в начале 1980-х годов мы с моим коллегой Джоном Сепковски нашли странную периодичность событий глобального вымирания видов, - говорит палеонтолог из Университета Чикаго Дэвид Роп. ...
The Earth is threatened with the goddess of punishment
Комсомольская правда
It is considered, that gravitational fields of "dwarf" direct
In our party a meteor shower, comets and asteroids. - still in
The beginning of 1980th years we with my colleague John Sepkovski have found strange
Periodicity of events of global extinction of kinds, - the paleontologist speaks
From University of Chicago David Rop....
今年一号目击陨石遭 损留遗憾 The Earth is threatened with the goddess of punishment
Комсомольская правда
It is considered, that gravitational fields of "dwarf" direct
In our party a meteor shower, comets and asteroids. - still in
The beginning of 1980th years we with my colleague John Sepkovski have found strange
Periodicity of events of global extinction of kinds, - the paleontologist speaks
From University of Chicago David Rop....
В МТИ нарисовали новую карту поверхности Венеры
Открытые системы - 29 分前
Однако снимки показали, что распределение кратеров от ударов метеоритов на Венере таково, что объяснить его можно только, если предположить, что нынешняя поверхность планеты образовалась около 500 млн лет назад, тогда как возраст самой Венеры оценивается примерно в 4,6 млрд лет. ...
IN МТИ have drawn a new card of a surface of Venus
Impacts of meteorites on Venus it is those what to explain it it is possible
Only, if to assume, that the present surface of a planet was formed
Nearby 500 million years ago, whereas the age of the Venus is estimated
Approximately in 4,6 billion years....
IN МТИ have drawn a new card of a surface of Venus
Открытые системы - 29 分前
However have shown pictures, that distribution of craters fromImpacts of meteorites on Venus it is those what to explain it it is possible
Only, if to assume, that the present surface of a planet was formed
Nearby 500 million years ago, whereas the age of the Venus is estimated
Approximately in 4,6 billion years....
新浪网 - 1 時間前
本报讯(记者蔡文清)今天上午,刚刚从福州考察今年一号目击陨石归 来的北京天文馆专家张宝林焦急地对记者说:“陨石已有部 分破损,将给后继的科学研究造成不可 弥补的损失 ...
On 20FEB2010 a Chinese peasant farmer witnessed a 3.2kg meteorite fall in Fuzhou, Fujian Prov., China. ...
English translation link:
On 20FEB2010 a Chinese peasant farmer witnessed a 3.2kg meteorite fall in Fuzhou, Fujian Prov., China. ...
English translation link: