10 June 2011

MBIQ Indicates Houston, Texas Meteor Fireball 9JUN2011

MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) Indicates 
Houston, Texas Meteor Fireball 9JUN2011
Houston, Texas arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for june 9 2011 fireball in the sky tonight.
12:35:56 -- 7 minutes ago

If you saw this meteor event we need your confirmation.
We need the Date and Time of these events 
Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor, 
Start and Stop location in sky, 
Direction of movement, 
Duration of Event (seconds), 
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) 
color, sounds? 
Photos? Videos? 
 Thank you! Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. 

 2011 Year of Meteors!


Anonymous said...

I am in the Netherlands Europe, in Zwolle, and saw a bright white firebal, with a tail of darker lights, last night 9-6-2011 at around 24.00 west Europian time...it was for about 3-4 seconds,very quick, towards north-east...it looked like it lost its power, and it vanished....


Anonymous said...

I saw a fireblass last night at my home. I live in the Champions area of Houston, Texas. It was probably close to 1 a.m., so that made it June 10, 2011. It started above and to the east of Casseopeia (sp?). It just appeared then had a small tail. The fireball decended towards the east at a slight angle until it went below the treeline. This was very bright and much larger than any star in the sky. I am deaf so I heard no sound. It was also fairly slow moving in reference to normal "shooting stars". I waited for almost a half hour to see if there would be another, but sad to say there wasn't.

zach said...

we saw a fire ball in the sky in alabaster, Alabama at 8:58 PM it was about the size of the moon and was traveling about the speed of an airplane. as it was traveling it was also getting smaller and eventually completely faded away. the time span of all of this was approx. 60 seconds. it was a orangish color and it was about as bright as a distant campfire.