Showing posts with label Colorado fireball/meteor 6JUN2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colorado fireball/meteor 6JUN2010. Show all posts

07 June 2010

Colorado fireball/meteor 6JUN2010

Henry Mendoza wrote:

----- Original Message ----- From: "hxmendoza"
Sent: Sunday, June 06, 2010 1:19 AM
Subject: [meteorite-list] Colorado fireball/meteor 6/6/10

Hi folks!

Was driving home with the family after watching Ironman 2 for my birthday tonite, when I saw a bright fireball/meteor come down. I was heading east. The meteor appeared at the top left corner of my driver side of the windshield and shot down at a sharp 65 to 70 degree angle east to southeast. It was approximately 12:20 AM MST. What I saw of it from inside the car lasted only a second to a second and a half. It was bright but it did not flash or detonate. I was so caught off guard by it that all I could yell out to my wife and kids was "Whoa, whoa, whoa!!" and point. But they all thought I was freaking out about something on the road ahead of the car and therefore no one else got to see it. I had been hoping on seeing a fireball, so I guess I got overly excited that I actually got to see one. I haven't seen a bright fireball since I was a kid in New Jersey about thirty plus years ago.

Shame that it just burned up and diminished. Would have been even more exciting if it had detonated and flashed. Oh well.
Have a nice morning!
Henry Mendoza

Chris Peterson replied:

Hi Henry-

Here is an image and video of the fireball from about 120 km south of you. Should have the data off the roof camera at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science tomorrow, and the position can be nailed down.


Chris L Peterson
Cloudbait Observatory