07 March 2012

North Georgia Fireball Meteor - 07MAR2012 22:19:10 EST

North Georgia fireball meteor- 07MAR2012 22:19:10 EST (08MAR2012 03:19:10 UT)
Yellow diamonds = NASA All Sky Fireball Network stations
Circles = observations reported to the AMS (pink), Dirk Ross (red), or Bill Cooke (orange)
Yellow line = automatic meteor trajectory solution. Direction of travel is roughly E to W.
Orange line = manual (refined) meteor trajectory solution. Direction of travel is roughly E to W.
We have just finished refining the trajectory for this event (initial track determined by the automated ASGARD software) which was reported by eyewitnesses through the Internet and by personal email. Captured on 3 out of 4 NASA cameras (unfortunately, the Chickamauga camera, closest to the track, was overcast at the time), I have the following particulars for the fireball:

Start Location: 85.009 W, 34.831 N at an initial altitude of 84.8 km
End location: 85.259 W, 34.804 N at an altitude of 23.2 km
Peak absolute magnitude: -11.8
Initial meteor speed: 18.6 +/- 1.3 km/s
Final meteor speed: ~4 km/s (determined through deceleration)

This fireball meets two of the criteria for producing meteorites - 1) Penetration below 40 km altitude, and 2) deceleration to under 10 km/s. We are working on determining the mass of the meteor, from both the light curve and the deceleration profile. These should be available sometime tomorrow; if the results are favorable, we will initiate dark flight calculations and compute a potential fall zone.

Close up map of the trajectory: 

Bill Cooke
NASA Meteoroid Environment Office
Sighting Reports:

07MAR2012 Michelle Murphy,NC USA 10:14 pm Eastern 10 sec North - South facing South west Blue/orange moon no beautiful

07MAR2012 Dena Curtis Murfreesboro, TN 09:45 p.m In my sight - 5-6 seconds I was facing east and I saw the object to my right. If straight above my head was 12 noon; and 3 o’clock was the actual horizon; it was streaking across the sky to my right at about 2 o’clock.; it was traveling across the sky (from left to right) and maybe at a downward angle. VERY large; bigger than any shooting start I have ever seen; and seemed to be close but it probably wasn’t. Several colors to include bright white, blue and orange to yellow; it definitely had a 'tail/trail' that included the same colors but was mostly white. It seemed to be 'shooting' across the sky; as well as falling; but it may be an illusion as we watched it till it went past the horizon. I don't remember a sound. There was a very bright full moon at the same time and this object was definitely AS bright or brighter than the moon. Not a 'glow' just a brighter white. I am pretty sure there were particles or something(s) coming from the tail/trail. I was with my daughter-in-law. We both saw it and could not take our eyes off of it. 5-6 seconds is a long time when all you are doing is staring at something you don't understand. I just knew it was too big to be a shootin star or that it was the biggest brightest longest shooting star I have ever seen.

07MAR2012 Allison Newnan, Georgia,USA 10:20 pm EST 5sec headed straight down, in the WNW sky bright white bright white like the moon no a single ball of light,the brightest I have seen

07MAR2012 ALLISON MILLER CARROLLTON ,GA 10:11 pm EST happened less than 5 sec north west defined ball, large, off white very bright glow and VERY fast glow similar to moon color but much much brighter not that I could tell - it fell or appeared to have dropped at an angle NO

07MAR2012 Dianne Lindsey McClung Madisonville, TN, USA 2230 Eastern 5 sec or a bit more or less maybe S-W I was facing a bit southwest, I think White, no color, seemed to hear a high pitched sound as with a fast projectile but not certain of source of noise. Bright white .. don't know exactly what to compare to, but white-hot appearance It just looked like a ball of white fire with small trail behind No photo. Happened to be looking toward french doors as it seemed to speed from the sky - appeared as if it went to ground but perceptions of altitude and distance aren't necessarily same as the reality and it could have been miles away though it seemed as if it might have hit ground on the farm next door at the time - probably not?

07MAR2012 Lou Ann Johns jasper, ga 22:12 EST not more than 5 seconds I was traveling west and it was in the southwestern sky traveling west very bright white ball that was going extremely fast.  As it came closer to earth, it looked like a stone that was on fire on one end. Brighter than the moon, enough to draw my attention.  Probably as bright as Venus at its brightest It was jagged at the firey end So wish I had time to photograph.

07MAR2012 Gary Harrison Royston, GA @ 22:18 5-6 sec Almost straight down, in W-NW part of sky. Bright white interior, with greenish outer flames. As bright as the moon in intensity. The trail split once. It was the widest/largest meteor I had ever seen, and was visible below the tree line. I don't see how it could not have made it to the ground.

07MAR2012 Becky Bruckner Atlanta, GA  USA 11pm EST approx 10 Ended near 28th story window of highrise facing North Burning green on outside black center Bright burning green on outside black parts bruning off I live in a hgihrise in Atlanta, just happened to be watching tv tonight and saw it out the window.  Couldn't miss it.  2 people saw it.

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

Pune, India Meteor 7MAR2012

Pune, India Meteor ~22:40 7MAR2012
07MAR2012 Jayaraj Pune, Maharashtra, India 22:40:00 3 to 5 sec It was traveled North to South. I was facing West. Orange Quite bright None seen but it had bright tail I got shocked by seeing that. First I thought that must be Comet. But there was no news of that. So, I came to know that, this was an meteor.

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7MAR2012

Meaning of the word نيزك in English-Arabic Dictionary of terms Page 1
Meaning of نيزك, Definition of Word نيزك in Almaany Online Dictionary, searched domain is category, in the dictionary of English Arabic. A comprehensive ...

Sightings of meteor reported across the UK
The Independent
The Met Office tweeted: “Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was ameteorite.” The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a “huge fireball” travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm.

Soil in Central Mexico Supports Theory of Meteorite Impact
Latin American Herald Tribune
WASHINGTON – An international scientific team has identified in Lake Cuitzeo, in central Mexico, unusual materials in the sediment that support the theory of a meteorite impact some 12900 years ago, according to an article published in the Proceedings ...

Only in Print Exeter find puts meteorite spotlight on NH town
New Hampshire Union Leader Mon, 05 Mar 2012 21:14 PM PST
Meteorite hunters are descending on Exeter after a local man found rocks believed to have come from a meteorite that zipped across the night sky last week.

Man claims to find meteor pieces in NH
7 News Boston Mon, 05 Mar 2012 20:30 PM PST
EXETER, N.H. -- A man in Exeter, New Hampshire said he found a piece of a meteorite that apparently struck Earth last Tuesday.

Meteor Struck Mexico Almost 13000 Years Ago, Experts Say
Fox News
AP An international scientific team has identified in Lake Cuitzeo, in central Mexico, unusual materials in the sediment that support the theory of a meteorite impact some 12900 years ago, according to an article published in the Proceedings of the ...

'We saw fireball' say residents
Champion Newspapers
by David Raven A BRIGHT fireball lit up the sky for around 20 seconds on Saturday as many people saw their first ever glimpse of a shooting star. Southport grandmother Diane Gillon, 69, was looking out the window when she saw what appeared to be a huge ...

Victorian witnesses thought meteor was crashing aircraft
The meteor — seen at Anglesea, Frankston, Berwick, Cairnlea, Tullamarine and Dandenong about 10.45pm — prompted calls to Tullamarine Airport with locals concerned a plane had crashed, the Herald Sun reports. It was also spotted in the UK where ...

New evidence that asteroid hit Earth 13000 years ago
Meteor Crater: Experience an Ancient Impact The 7 Strangest Asteroids in the Solar System When Space Attacks: The 6 Craziest Meteor Impacts © 2012 Space.com. All rights reserved. More from Space.com.

Dog walker spots meteorite in Warrington sky
This Is Cheshire
IT was a sight that shocked sky watchers as a bright orange meteorite streaked across the sky. And a dog walker out in Lingley Mere spotted the object as it darted across the Warrington skyline. Barry Sinnott, aged 63, of Lathom Avenue, Orford, ...

What color is the Vesta asteroid?
TG Daily
The impact that formed Rheasilvia may have produced some of the meteorites found on Earth. To be sure, Dawn's Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer firmly confirms the link between Vesta and three classes of meteorite found on Earth - the HED ...
2012 THE Year of Meteors!

06 March 2012

Breaking News - MBIQ Bot Detects Meteor Fireball Over NY NJ PA MD DC 5MAR2012

Breaking News - MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Query) 
Bot Detects Meteor Fireball Over NY NJ PA MD DC ~7:55 pm (~19:55) EST 5MAR2012
MBIQ Bot has just, seconds ago, detected an event over New York, New Jersey D.C., Penn, and Maryland.
Meteor Rendering ~7:55 pm 5MAR2012
(c) 2012 Michael Reinhart 
Over 200 Reports! Thank you ALL!
For meteor sighting reports see:

Please check your security camera videos for a capture; anyone with a photo or art work of the event please email me; drtanuki@gmail.com

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

MBIQ sample:
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MO IL TN IN AR Meteor(s) 5MAR2012" by searching for shooting star march 5, 2012.
10:20:30 -- 4 minutes ago

Hightstown, New Jersey arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star march 5, 2012 eastern us.
10:22:02 -- 3 minutes ago

Nashua, New Hampshire arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MO IL TN IN AR Meteor(s) 5MAR2012" by searching for falling object 03/05/2012.
10:23:51 -- 2 minutes ago

Long Beach, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star chester new york march 5 2012.
10:25:45 -- 1 minute ago

Brooklyn, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite bronx 2012 march 5.

Chambersburg, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor pa 3 5 2012.
10:26:28 -- 54 seconds ago

Brooklyn, New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for shooting star news today march 5 ny.
10:18:40 -- 1 minute ago

New York arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News -MBIQ Indicates NY NJ MD PA VA Meteor Fireball 28JAN2012" by searching for fireball over new york city.
10:18:35 -- 1 minute ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

MO IL TN IN AR Meteor(s) 5MAR2012

MO IL TN IN AR Meteor(s) 5MAR2012
Please check your security camera videos for a capture; anyone with a photo or art work of the event please email me; drtanuki@gmail.com

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

Shane richard St. louis,missouri 6:34:00 10 sec Top to bottom in eastern sky Green About as bright as the moon Yes, it broke into 2 parts

Heather Ringgold Murfreesboro, TN, USA 05:34 CST 5 sec I ws traveling North, The meteor was heading East Large white ball with long white trailing tail Bright as the moon, even though the sky was fairly bright No

Billy hobbs cumberland furnace,tn 545am 15 seconds W-e green and orange fireball same as the sun yes

05MAR2012 Shane richard St. louis,missouri 6:34:00 10 sec Top to bottom in eastern sky Green About as bright as the moon Yes, it broke into 2 parts Ive never seen one fall this close to the earth. They usually burn out but this one was bright all the way to the ground

March 5th,2012 Barb Bloomington, Indiana, USA approx. 6:25 AM As I mentioned before, the object was there when I looked up, and from there it seemed to last 4 or 5 seconds. I was facing south. The "fireball" was traveling from the northwest towards the southeast. It seemed to be travelling almost horizantally with a slight downward angle. I do not know what this was, however... I saw a bright white "ball" with a short tail. The tail was not much longer than the head, and slightly widerer near the front. It had an edging of light blue-green followed by gold - this coloring was up close to the head (or ball shape), and along the top edge of the tail. There were a few "sparks" that appeared to stay up close around the tail , and a few flew out and then faded. It looked kind of like a "dud" firework, in that it "sparkled" and seemed close to the earth/groud. I heard no sound from it, I just happened to look up, and there it was - although just after it went out of sight I heard a far-off "crack". Its brightness was more like venus (??) It sparkled - particularly the tail, with a few fly-aways. As I said, I have no idea what this was - it seemed like it was only a half-mile away from where I stood, but it was hard to tell in the pre-dawn light.I watched until it seemed to disappear from view into the tree tops.


5MARCH2012 AIMEE MARION, ILLINOIS, USA 5:51 CST About five seconds Moved from west/northwest to east/southeast until it went behind dark blue clouds.  Was facing East in a vehicle. It appeared to be a green meteor with a slight tail.  It seemed to break off into two pieces, the frontmost being white when it separated and the piece behind it remaining green.  Each piece continued in a linear fashion. Very bright, almost flourescent.  Was similar to a firework, but was clearly not a firework. Yes.  As described, it broke into two parts. The sun was just beginning to rise and the sky was a bright blue color with dark navy clouds.

05MAR2012 Greg Bertschinger Swansea, IL 0535 cst 5 sec. due east-lost sightof it in the horizon- I was traveling in same direction, passed overhead. white center with bluish green edges. moon yes, split in two. none

5MAR2012 John Russell Bloomington, IN, USA 06:40 HR EST 2 sec. - Limited because view out half round window was restricted. N to S - Apprx. 30 degrees above horizon Bright red-orange head w/ trailing tail A little less intense than sun. No. Awoke to a beautiful sunrise reflecting off light, overnight snow fall clinging to plants and roof tops. I was looking out half round bedroom window at fading bright star high in the west sky (about 60 degrees above horizon) when meteor flashed across the sky. I called the Indiana University Astronomy Department to report my sighting and to inquire if someone else had reported seeing the meteor. I was the first to report the event.

3/5/2012 Kim Slater Crown Point, Indiana, USA 5:40 cst 7 seconds Traveling almost staight down. Slightly W-E. Left to right. I was facing south. Bright white light with blue towards the end and orange sparks and pieces coming off behind it. Slightly less bightness as the moon yes My daughter thought a plane was on fire and falling from the sky.

05MAR2012 Dallis Miller West Helena, Arkansas 05:37 CST. 10sec West to East. North Bright green like roman candle. VENUS Yes, it broke into two pieces Was low in the sky and very large and bright,came in at about shallow angle,about 20 to 25 degrees

For all meteor sighting reports see: 
 2012 THE Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 6MAR2012

Meteor 'fireball' spotted in night sky across UK ...
Police inundated with calls as 'orange glow' is sighted by people from northern Scotland to ...

Mysterious Meteor over UK - March 3, 2012
A massive and unusually slow moving meteor was sighted by thousands over the UK on March 3, 2012.

Meteor challenge
News & Star
By Phil Coleman ANYONE who finds a chunk of the meteor which streaked over Cumbria could be in line for £20000 – but their chances are pie in the sky. A self-confessed full-time meteorite hunter, Rob Elliott, from Fife, is offering the cash for anyone ...

What I spotted was a meteor
This is Leicestershire
I already knew it was a meteor, having seen several space stations over many years – and these take minutes to pass over, not just three seconds. This meteor was of outstanding size and beauty, hence my reason for asking if anyone else had seen it, ...

Rare meteorite fireball seen
This is Leicestershire
The object, seen by people from northern Scotland to Berkshire on Saturday night, is believed to have developed a burning tail as it entered Earth's atmosphere. The meteorite over Leicestershire on Saturday night. Picture: Max Werner It was so bright ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MO IL TN IN AR Meteor(s) 5MAR2012" by searching for shooting star march 5, 2012. 10:20:30 -- 4 minutes ago. Hightstown, New Jersey ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Man claims to find meteor pieces in NH
The American Meteor Society's website says that last Tuesday, dozens of people in New England and Canada, reported seeing a fireball in the night sky. A photo from Portsmouthwebcam.com shows the bright stream of light over the Memorial Bridge as a ...

Joanne Pain finds a meteorite in Redcar
The Sun
Starry, starry night ... snap of meteor and, inset, Joanne Pain with what she believes is the rock By ALASTAIR TAYLOR FLORIST Joanne Pain reckons she may have found the meteorite which buzzed Britain — in REDCAR. Joanne, 43, discovered the rock just ...

Wearside meteor lights up sky
Sunderland Echo
The stunning "fireball" meteor that streaked across the UK skies last night, captured in this image at 9.40pm passing a 'Global Rainbow' laser display in Whitley Bay, North Tyneside, taken by amateur photographer Mike Ridley.

By Daily Express Reporter A COUPLE have found what they believe is the meteorite that lit up the skies last weekend. Florist Joanne Pain, 43, and her partner Lee Garbutt, 39 say they discovered the rock near their home in Redcar, Cleveland.

A rare glimpse of planets in the sky above Cumbria this week - although too cloudy to see meteorite
West Moreland Gazette Mon, 05 Mar 2012 07:40 AM PST
Venus and Jupiter have been clearly spotted above the Cumbrian night sky this week.

A rare glimpse of planets in the sky above Cumbria this week - although too ...
The Westmorland Gazette
Meanwhile, South Lakeland missed out on viewing a meteor that streaked across Britain on Sunday. Thousands of people across the country saw the spectacular show, but there was too much cloud in the Kendal sky to see anything according to Mr Atkinson.

Massive fireball witnessed over the UK by countless observers
A large meteor seen in the sky over the UK, near a rainbow light display. Credit: Mike Ridley. mikeridleyphotography.com On the evening of March 3rd 2012 at approximately 21:40 GMT, an incredibly bright fireball/bollide was seen over the United kingdom ...

Sky fireball sparks plane fear
Tasmania Mercury
In Hobart locals feared a plane had crashed after they saw the "fireball" about 11pm. Mr George said it was highly unlikely a meteor could travel half way around the world and be seen on Saturday night in London and Sunday night in Hobart.

Meteor Activity Outlook for March 3-9, 2012 | American Meteor Society
This weekend the waxing gibbous moon will set during the early morning hours, allowing a few hours of meteor viewing under dark conditions. The estimated ...

Amazingly SLOW Fireball... Meteor? UFO Over the UK - March 3 ...
http://sheilaaliens.net/?p=372 This one, is a big deal. The gentleman being interview by BBC is ...

Meteor Mystery: Hunt For Space Rock Remains - Yahoo!
Read 'Meteor Mystery: Hunt For Space Rock Remains' on Yahoo!. A hunt is under way for the remains of a suspected meteor that was seen shooting across ...

Meteor Portsmouth webcam Memorial Bridge New Hampshire Maine
Meteor Portsmouth webcam Memorial Bridge New Hampshire Maine.

Smashwords — Meteor Impact — A book by Nicole Stuart
An amateur astronomer detects a clump of asteroids heading from deep space, on a collision course with Earth! Saving humanity from extinction requires ...

Meteor crosses UK skies - UK - ITN.co.uk
Police forces across the UK have received numerous calls after a large fireball, thought to be a ...

UK Meteor (Fireball) Sat Mar 03 2012 21-40-53 - Pastebin.com
Large fireball captured with my meteor cam 3rd March 2012 9.40, camera is south east facing. Location is the North East of England. Visit: http://bit.ly/xVtvNe ...

Space FIREBALL over Blighty sparks hunt for rich meteorite
The Register Mon, 05 Mar 2012 05:16 AM PST
Boffins wowed by rock worth weight in gold Astronomers are searching for a highly expensive fist-sized meteorite that lit up the skies over Blighty on Saturday night. The fireball plunged to the ground somewhere in Devon, Normandy or in the Bay of Biscay - sparking fears of a downed aeroplane or missile attack.â¦

No title
North-West Evening Mail Mon, 05 Mar 2012 05:13 AM PST
WE ASKED our Facebook followers if they saw the meteorite on Saturday night. ISAW that meteor pass across my roof top, it had a long tail behind it and it passed so close over my rooftop, so spectacular.

Redcar woman may have found Teesside meteorite
Gazette Live - Teeside Mon, 05 Mar 2012 03:37 AM PST
A REDCAR woman believes she may have found a meteorite after fire lit up the skies of Teesside on Saturday night.

Meteorite spotted in North-east sky
Evening Express Mon, 05 Mar 2012 02:14 AM PST
A METEORITE was spotted flying over a North-east town at the weekend.

Fireball over UK a meteorite, says Met Office
The Irish Times Sun, 04 Mar 2012 17:55 PM PST
LONDON â Police forces across Britain have received numerous calls after a meteor was spotted in the sky.

BBC News Meteor witnessed across Britain
Police forces say they have received a number of calls reporting what is believed to have been ameteor.

UFO/Meteor Streaking Over The UK
Source OpenHatNews Brilliant footage of a UFO/Meteor captured off what seems to be a CCTV camera.

Is this the meteorite that terrified Britain? Florist claims she found space ...
Daily Mail
Thousands of stargazers witnessed a spectacular meteor shower last night, as a large fireball streaked across the night sky for more than 30 seconds. The brilliant display entranced watchers at several locations across England, including Manchester, ...

Victorian witnesses thought meteor was aircraft
Witnesses across Victoria thought a fireball that streaked across the sky last night was a burning plane.

LiveLeak.com - Raw Footage of Meteor Over Britain (UK) w/ 4 Angles
Raw Footage of Meteor Over Britain (UK) w/ 4 Angles. (March 3rd, 2012)Meteor makes a pass ...

Meteor seen across UK skies – video | Science ...
29 sec
Thousands of people from the north of Scotland to the south of England witnessed a meteor ...

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

05 March 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 5MAR2012

Meteor spotted in Cumbrian sky
News & Star
She thought it was a shooting star but my mum said it was a meteor. We were in the car and pulled over and got out to watch it.” The meteor passing over Whitley Bay. Article continues below... Themeteor broke up after streaking across the sky for more ...

Did you see the meteor over Shropshire skies?
shropshirestar.com (blog)
You'll see I've used the terms meteor, meteoroid and meteorite in the paragraphs above. So whats's the difference between a meteor, a meteoroid and a meteorite? The words describe the same thing – a bit of space debris – but the word that's used...

METEOR UPDATE: Did it burn up over Louth?
Louth Leader
A LOUTH lady who saw the meteor on Saturday night believes it could have burnt up over Louth. Jacqueline Farrow was at her friend Elaine Law's house in Virginia Drive when they saw the amazing 'bright flame' in the sky at about 9.30pm.

Meteorfireball spotted in night sky across UK | Science | The Guardian
Police inundated with calls as 'orange glow' is sighted by people from northern Scotland to southern England.

Space FIREBALL over Blighty sparks hunt for rich meteorite
The fireball plunged to the ground somewhere in Devon, Normandy or in the Bay of Biscay - sparking fears of a downed aeroplane or missile attack. The lump of space metals would be worth its weight in gold, Dr Marek Kukula, public astronomer at the ...

'Unusual' fireball that dazzled Victorians may be a meteor shower
Daily News & Analysis
When a fireball streaked through the sky on Sunday night, many Victorians thought a plane had crashed. Now, a scientist has revealed that it was probably the lead up to a meteor shower that was about to happen. The meteor was seen across Victoria at ...

Is this the meteorite that terrified Britain? Florist claims she found space ...
Daily Mail
By Tara Brady, Rebecca Seales and Tom Gardner A dog walker today claimed to have stumbled across the meteorite which streaked across the UK's skies on the weekend. Florist Joanne Pain, 43, found the melon-sized black rock in fields near her home in ...

Meteorite Hunter Scours The Ground For Bits Of Sky
One of Ruben Garcia's favorite spots to go meteorite hunting is an enormous dry lake bed in southern Arizona. (Courtesy Jana Becker) Every so often, pieces of heaven crash into Earth. They can come from our own solar system, or millions of light years ...

Meteor Mystery: Hunt For Space Rock Remains
KL.FM 96.7
A hunt is under way for the remains of a suspected meteor that was seen shooting across British skies. Astronomers desperately want to track down any remnants of the space rock in the hope it could yield secrets about the birth of the Earth and solar ...

Meteor over Britain: Falling object lights up sky on Saturday March 3
Police receive several reports of a bright light in the sky as a meteor falls over Britain on March 3. Report by Sam Datta-Paulin. Like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/itn and follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/itn.

Meteor spotted in night sky
Wakefield Express
The MetOffice tweeted shortly afterwards, identifying it as a meteor. Simon Firth, of Horbury Road, Wakefield, said the sighting left him with “goose bumps”. He said: “I initially thought it was a rocket firework, but the flame at the back was far too ...

Meteor spotted over Louth area
Louth Leader
SEVERAL shocked locals saw the meteir on Saturday night that burnt up in the earth's atmosphere over Britain. Ray Woodcock said: “At about 9.4 pm on Saturday evening my wife and were walking along Charles Street towards the town when we saw a large, ...

Redcar woman may have found Teesside meteorite
Gazette Live
Hundreds of people across the country flooded police phone lines raising fears an aircraft was in trouble - or aliens were about to land - after witnessing a meteor burning up in the night sky. Joanne Pain, 43, of Derwent Road, found what she believes ...

Meteorite spotted over Stone
Kidderminster Shuttle
Joyce Cox, 83 and her son David Cox, 51, of Vicarage Road, said they saw what was believed to have been a meteorite from their home at about 9.40pm. The fireball hit headlines as police forces across the country received calls from concerned residents.

Police called as large meteor appears over UK Telegraph
Police called as large meteor appears over UK. A mysterious slowmoving bright light appeared in the night sky above northern Britain on Saturday trailing ...

Meteor spotted in North East skies causes concern
Journal Live
by Rachel Wearmouth, The Journal ONLOOKERS thought a spectacular meteor seen shooting across the North East skies was a plane crashing to earth. Police and Coastguard officials were bombarded with calls at around 9.40pm with people reporting a “bright ...

Fireball in night sky 'was a meteor'
The Bolton News
Police and weather experts have now revealed it was a meteor, after dealing with dozens of reports from callers across the country on Saturday from 9.40pm onwards. Riz Umar, aged 25, of Deane, said: “I was at home and as I walked past the window I ...

Meteor seen above Merseyside
Wirral News
Eyewitnesses around the UK reported seeing a large fireball travelling from Scotland to southern England at around 9.40pm on Saturday. Jenny Harnock, of Walton, said: “It was great. But we didn't know what it was.” Her partner, George Simonds, ...

Meteor blazes trail through night sky
The Northern Echo
However, the bright light blazing a trail across the North-East sky turned out to be a meteor. Police were flooded with calls from across the North- East on Saturday night, but the Met Office quickly responded saying they believed the light, ...

Mystery fireball lights up sky
Sky News Australia
Mystery fireball lights up sky Updated: 17:05, Monday March 5, 2012 A fiery meteor has lit up the sky over Victoria and Tasmania. The object, described as a glowing red fireball moving horizontally across the sky about 10.45pm (AEDT) on Sunday, ...

'Fireball in sky' caught on film
Aberdeen Press and Journal
By Frank Cassidy An Aberdeenshire resident spotted a “fireball type object” on Saturday evening above the skies of Inverurie. Meteorologist Graeme Whipps was carrying out some routine tests shots with his camera near his Chapel of Garioch home when he ...

Meteor creates a burst of excitement as it streaks across the UK
A FIREBALL meteor streaking across the sky caused this spectacular image as it passed a “Global Rainbow” laser display on Tyneside at the weekend. The meteorprovoked a frenzy of excitement, with some astronomers saying they would never forget the ...

Mystery fireball lights up sky in Vic, Tas
Observers say the meteor was visible for about 20 seconds. Professor Reneke says he and his colleagues are at a loss to explain the timing and exact nature of the meteor. It may have been a slow-moving piece of rock that ignited or a piece of space ...

Mystery fireball lights up sky in Victoria and Tasmania
The Australian
The object, described as a glowing red fireball moving horizontally across the sky about 10.45pm (AEDT) on Sunday, was an unusual sight for this time of year, according to astronomer David Reneke. Observers say the meteor was visible for about 20 ...

Meteor or UFO sighting UK 4/3/2012 Today
Police throughout the UK say they have been flooded with calls after a large meteor was spotted in the sky. Reports of a "bright light" were made to police forces across Scotland and the north of England. Laura Yusuf, of Surrey, said she saw the meteor ...

Hunt is on for meteor 'treasure'
The Independent
The sight of this meteor shooting across the night sky sparked fears that a passenger jet was about to crash – then triggered a treasure hunt. Astronomers are desperate to track down the remnants of the meteor, which was witnessed from the North of ...

Meteor spotted in Cumbrian sky
News & Star
The meteor passing over Whitley Bay. Article continues below... Reports came in from Wigton down the coast to Morecambe Bay, and from motorists on the M6. Dumfries and Galloway Police said it had received reports of a "large ball of fire in the sky".

Sky fireball sparks plane fear
Tasmania Mercury
The meteor was seen around the world, with sightings also reported in the UK, Canada, The USA and Norway. Pontville residents Eric and Rhonda Rennie said it was spectacular. "It was an orange light with a tail, going at some ungodly speed then there ...

Meteorite Hunter Scours The Ground For Bits Of Sky
WNYC New York Public Radio Sun, 04 Mar 2012 16:06 PM PST
Every so often, pieces of heaven crash into Earth. They can come from our own solar system, or millions of light years away. Few of us are lucky enough to get our hands on one of these space rocks. But formeteorite hunters and dealers such as Ruben Garcia, touching a piece of outer space is a daily routine. The Best Hunting Grounds One of Garcia's favorite spots to go meteorite hunting is an ...

'Meteorite' spotted over the UK
ic Lanarkshire Sat, 03 Mar 2012 18:19 PM PST
Police forces across the UK have been inundated with calls after what is believed to be a meteorite was spotted in the sky. Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm on Saturday.

Hundreds report meteorite sighting
Independent Sat, 03 Mar 2012 17:29 PM PST
Police were inundated with reports of a glowing ball of orange light in the sky as a suspected meteorite passed over the north of England and Scotland last night.

UK & World News: 'Meteorite' spotted over the UK
icNewcastle - Sunday Sun Sat, 03 Mar 2012 17:15 PM PST
Police forces across the UK have been inundated with calls after what is believed to be a meteorite was spotted in the sky.

Meteor seen across UK skies – video
The Guardian
Thousands of people from the north of Scotland to the south of England witnessed a meteor streak across the sky on Saturday night. Meteors are particles from space that burn up as they enter Earth's atmosphere. Judging from the brightness of the flare ...

Plane crash fears as light streaks across night sky
Sydney Morning Herald
A meteor that burned up over Victoria last night prompted a number of calls to police from concerned residents who believed the bright light streaking across the sky may have been a plane on fire. Witnesses said the incredibly bright light flared about ...

Meteor sighting across UK sky | The Sun |Video|News
AS POLICE receive reports, Met Office tweet: 'we believe it was a meteorite'

Video: Large Meteor “Huge Fireball” Spotted Over Northern England ...
Youtube Video: A Huge Fireball spotted over northern England and Scotland in the UK on Saturday March the 3rd caused many calls to the police. It is believed.

Meteorite Hunter Scours The Ground For Bits Of Sky
7:00 pm ET One of Ruben Garcia's favorite spots to go meteorite hunting is an enormous dry lake bed in southern Arizona. One of Ruben Garcia's favorite spots to go meteorite hunting is an enormous dry lake bed in southern Arizona.

Meteor shower dazzles Victorian sky
Herald Sun
The meteor was seen across Victoria at about 10.45pm, including at Anglesea, Frankston, Berwick, Cairnlea, Tullamarine, Dandenong. The fireball even caused a sensation in the UK with police inundated with emergency phone calls. Did you see the meteor ...

Lyrid Meteor Shower Party
Explore LI > Events Sat21 Lyrid Meteor Shower Party Southold, NY 631-765-2626 Event overview More events at this venue Be the first to rate: 0 Click to rate When: Sat. 4/21 7 pm-Midnight. Where: Custer Institute and Observatory 1115 Main Bayview Rd., ...

Meteor Seen In Sky Over North Mistaken For Aeroplane Or Fireball
Tyne and Wear
A man has been shot dead in Cheshire by police involved in an undercover investigation into armed robbery gangs in the North West. Chelsea manager Andre Villas-Boas has "parted company" with the Premier League club after less than a season in charge, ...

Thousands Witness Spectacular Fireball Streak Over UK (VIDEO ...
Police forces and astronomy websites have been inundated with sightings after a suspected meteor shot across darkened British skies. Reports of a "bright light" ...

Fist-sized meteor blazes across night sky
Morning Star Online
by Tony Patey It could have been a set scene from a disaster movie: a group gathered at an observatory suddenly see a massive fireball in the sky and they fear ... the end of life on Earth. But it really happened at this weekend at Kielder Observatory ...

Meteor spotted over East Lancashire
Lancashire Telegraph
Police forces across the country said they received numerous calls about the suspected meteorfrom around 9.40pm on Saturday. Joanne Rudge and her mum Eileen Anchors were in Roman Road, Darwen, at the Punch Bowl pub junction when the saw it.

Large, bright meteor seen by many over UK on March 3, 2012
Many of the commenters at EarthSky.org tonight are reporting a “giant meteor” visible in the skies over the UK. The comments are appearing mostly on our post about the planet Mars, which is at its best and brightest tonight. If you saw the meteor, ...

'Huge fireball' appears over Britain
Police forces across Britain have been inundated with calls after what is believed to be a meteor was spotted in the sky around 10 pm on Saturday, The Telegraph reported. Thousands of people spotted the chunk - or possibly chunks - of fist-sized space ...

Sky fireball sparks plane fear
THE state's emergency services were swamped with phone calls from Tasmanians who saw what was believed to be a meteor last night. Many feared that a plane had crashed, after they saw the fireball about 11pm. Senior Sergeant Tony Grincais said police ...

Meteor seen across UK skies – video | Science | guardian.co.uk
Thousands of people from the north of Scotland to the south of England witnessed a meteor streak across the sky on Saturday night.

Large meteor spotted over UK - News - YouTube
45 sec
Large meteor spotted over UK. Just seen this on sky news. http://www.telegraph. co.uk/science ...

Video: Large meteor filmed burning across UK sky ...
Whilst many people worried about a UFO and alien invasion, some amateur stargazers managed ...

Large meteor spotted over UK - Telegraph
A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from ...

Meteor crosses UK skies - UK - ITN.co.uk
Police forces across the UK have received numerous calls after a large fireball, thought to be a ...

Asteroid 2012 DA14 - A Close Shave Ahead in 2013

Blast it or paint it: Asteroid to threaten Earth in 2013
To avert a possible catastrophe – this time set for February 2013 – scientists suggest confronting asteroid 2012 DA14 with either paint or big guns. The stickler is that time has long run out to build a spaceship to carry out the operation.  NASA's data shows the 60-meter asteroid, spotted by Spanish stargazers in February, will whistle by Earth in 11 months. Its trajectory will bring it within a hair’s breadth of our planet, raising fears of a possible collision....

04 March 2012

Australia / Tasmania Bolide Meteor? or Space Trash Re-Entry? Event 4MAR2012

Australia / Tasmania Bolide Meteor? or Space Trash Re-Entry? Event ~22:45 4MAR2012
  A very long duration event was widely seen over Australia and Tasmania ~22:45 4MAR2012.  The event has been reported by several to have lasted over 20 seconds which indicates that this may have been space debris re-entry.  Updates to follow when information becomes available.
Report may be viewed here:

Please check your security camera videos for a capture; anyone with a photo or art work of the event please email me; drtanuki@gmail.com

We need your sighting reports to confirm this event; please submit a sighting report.  Thank you!
Report your meteor sighting
Meteor/Fireball Report Form

(click here to report a meteor / fireball)

2012 THE Year of Meteors!