05 June 2011

Madrid, Spain Meteor 5JUN2011

Madrid, Spain Meteor ~3:30 am 5JUN2011
3:30am Madrid local time.Location: Madrid.Just saw a meteor travel fast, turn very bright and then gradually disappear. -Luv (guest)

We need the Date and Time of these events

Location name (town,city) where you saw the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Duration of Event (seconds),
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun)
color, sounds?
Photos? Videos?
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Bettendorf, Iowa Meteor 3JUN2011

Bettendorf, Iowa Meteor 12:35 am CDT 3JUN2011
We witnessed meteor at about 12:35 am today, travelling south to north. -JULIE FEE
We need the Date and Time of these events

Location name (town,city) where you saw the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Duration of Event (seconds),
Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun)
color, sounds?
Photos? Videos?
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Cancun, Mexico Bright Meteor Fireball 29MAY2011

Cancun, Mexico Bright Meteor Fireball ~9:30 pm 29MAY2011
I was vacationing in Cancun Mexico this Memorial day weekend. On Sunday May 29th around 9:30pm we saw a large red/yellow meteor with a long white trail.
Date/Time: Sunday May 29th around 9:30pm
Location: Cancun Mexico
Direction: Viewed off the beach SSE
Start location: Approx 45 degrees up from horizon.
End Location: Disappeared south on the horizon
Duration: 3-4 seconds
Brightness: No moon or sun, did not know where to find Venus
Color: red/yellow meteor with a long white trail
Sound: Sounded like a Jet aircraft engine
No Video
Other: Meteor appeared 10x larger than brightest star. Approx. 10-15 degrees above horizon, the meteor split into two pieces (large in front and smaller trailing) -John  
Excellent Report!; Thank you!!!

We need the Date and Time of these events
your Location name (town,city),
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Duration of Event,
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
color, sounds?
Photos? Videos?
LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Homestead, Fl Bright Meteor Event 3JUN2011

Homestead, Florida Bright Meteor Event ~10:30 EST 3JUN2011
Just saw a bright meteor heading from east to west in Homestead, Fl at about 10:30 Eastern time. Lasted about 2-3 seconds, and was whitish green in color. I've seen these in the past before I discovered your site, and it has been over a year that I have observed a meteor of this size and intensity. I go out to the Everglades to get away from the city lights during meteor shower peak times and don't see what I just saw. - Michelle  Thank you Michelle!

Related events???  I am not a mind reader so DATE, TIME, LOCATION (see below); thank you!  Guest 626 and Kellen please DO confirm by email.  Thank you!

Guest626 (guest):Just saw a meteor at aprox 11:25pm in Punta Gorda FL.Large orange globe with orange trailing on both sides. Long tail. Dropping towards the SE

Kellen Schwan:Just saw a fireball looking meteor at around 11:30 while I was looking South East in Naples,Florida. Seemed pretty close and probably was not south enough to be past the keys. Small rock since it burned up fast.

We need YOUR reports!  If you came here looking for a meteor you saw leave a report because others may be looking for the SAME thing; thank you!

Date and Time of these events

your Location name (town,city,country) where you witnessed the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
Duration of event (seconds)
color, sounds?
email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

Kirksville, MO Bright Meteor Sighting 3JUN2011

Kirksville, MO ~11 p.m. CDT June 3, 2011
I can get everything but the exact time. I was so excited I never looked! LOL But roughly, this would have been around 11 p.m.
Location: North of Kirksville, MO, near Sublette, MO (between Kirksville and Greentop)
I was looking into the southern sky almost due south towards Kirksville.
It started a little higher than mid high in the horizon, and moved from SSE to SSW, ending a little lower than mid high in the horizon.
It was incredibly bright; brighter than planets, close to the brightness of the moon, lasting about 5 seconds.
What I remember about the color is it was more yellowish than starlight, planet light, or moonlight--almost a light golden color. It had a very fat tail and ended with a big round burst of light, looking almost like how one would draw a comet, but with a longer "tail." I didn't hear any sounds (but right now we have so many cicadas out, I would not have heard it if there were any!)
--Maria L. Evans

Lebanon, MO Bright Flash Meteor ~11:00 pm
Around 11pm, Fri June 3rd, Lebanon, MO in the eastern sky.There was a bright flash then a long tail that streaked accross the sky. The tail lasted for a good 30 seconds before it faded away. -Andrea Sarto Rhoades

Rural Maries County, Missouri
6/3/11 Rural Maries County Missouri sky lit up w a bright orange glow, followed by a very long bright tail. Streaked across the sky for about 30 seconds! Spectacular sight -Anon

We need YOUR reports!  If you came here looking for a meteor you saw leave a report because others may be looking for the SAME thing; thank you!

Date and Time of these events

your Location name (town,city,country) where you witnessed the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
Duration of event (seconds)
color, sounds?

Please email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!  --LunarMeteorite*Hunter  Tokyo, Japan

04 June 2011

Indonesia Bright Meteor 2JUN2011

Indonesia Bright Meteor 6:30 pm 2JUN2011
djatnika (guest): 2 june 2011 I saw a bright meteor for about 2 second at 6.30 pm on the sky (Indonesia).thats look like fireball with blue colour. Am sure it was in our atmosphere, it was close,and huge!   Given the Time of day that you mention are you sure it was not a distant aircraft?
Thank you! Indonesia is a BIG country please email location and other details mentioned below:

We need YOUR reports!  If you came here looking for a meteor you saw leave a report because others may be looking for the SAME thing; thank you!

Date and Time of these events
your Location name (town,city,country) where you witnessed the meteor
Start and Stop location in sky
Direction of movement
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
Duration of event (seconds)
color, sounds?
email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

Houston, Scotland large bright green white meteor 4JUN2011

Houston, Scotland large bright green white meteor 0010 GMT 4th June 2011
Guest325 (guest): AJL Very Bright large greenish white object falling vertically out of a clear sky. 0010 GMT 4th June 2011.Houston Scotland. Looking East towards Glasgow when a very large bright green white meteorite fell vertically towards the ground. It was still bright as it fell out of view bwhind trees. No noise so it could have been miles away over the city or even the east coast of Scotland.

We need YOUR reports!  If you came here looking for a meteor you saw leave a report because others may be looking for the SAME thing; thank you!

Date and Time of these events
your Location name (town,city,country) where you witnessed the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
Duration of event (seconds)
color, sounds?
email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

Kent, UK Meteor 1JUN2011

Kent, UK Meteor 1JUN2011
Guest908 (guest): wednesday 1st june 2011. time around 10 pm.
fast moving bright white light, teardrop shape,travelling from south to north. looked like the object was falling to earth, speed was very fast. ps,i live on the coast in kent. my wife first noticed it about ten minutes before i did. she said that she had noticed flashing in the sky, but not lightning. i went out on the balcony and sat down to have a smoke. did not notice any lightning but did see the white object travelling in the direction i said.

We need YOUR reports!  If you came here looking for a meteor you saw leave a report because others may be looking for the SAME thing; thank you!

Date and Time of these events
your Location name (town,city,country) where you witnessed the meteor,
Start and Stop location in sky,
Direction of movement, 
Brightness (Venus, Moon, Sun)
Duration of event (seconds)
color, sounds?
email: LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank You!

03 June 2011

Italy Another Fireball Meteor, Again! 2JUN2011

Italy Another Fireball Meteor, Again! 2JUN2011
(c) 2011 Diego Valeri Italian Meteor and TLE Network All Rights Reserved

Fireball 2011.06.02_23.51.0 ± 1 UT
Full track (J2000)
RA (degrees): 291,880
Decl i (°): 11,768
AR f (°): 271,558
Decl f (°): -10,262
Transit duration (s): 1,560
Wake duration (s): 1,400
Number of fragmentation: 1
Flares Number: 1
Apparent magnitude max: -8.4 ± 0.3
Zenithal magnitude max: -9.4 ± 0.2
Meteor shower: SPOR
Notes: bolide head with blue-white plasma, fragmentation and wake.
Spectrum to first order: NO
Color camera: Yes

Observer: Diego Valeri


Ferruccio Zanotti
Italian Meteor and TLE Network