Showing posts with label asteroid impact. Show all posts
Showing posts with label asteroid impact. Show all posts

14 August 2014

UN to Take on Asteroids?

UN to Take on Asteroids? - UN / International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN)
ALICE Through the Looking Glass
White Rabbit couldn't tell time.... always TOO LATE!
c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter
How Will Earth's Leaders Respond to a Real Asteroid Threat?
Secondly, a Space Mission Planning Advisory Group (SMPAG) has been meeting to plan for the possibility of a future asteroid impact. The group includes representatives ...

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 March 2014

Earth Hammered by Prehistoric Double Space Impact

Earth Hammered by Prehistoric Double Space Impact

Ancient Earth hammered by double space impact
By Paul Rincon, BBC News, March 18, 2014

What's worse than one asteroid hitting Earth?
Scientists identify double impact crater by James
Vincent, The Independent, March18, 2104


Paul H.

For all of the E-Pistles of Paul see-

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 January 2012

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 28JAN2012

Mystery Moon Flashes Caused by Meteorite Impacts
Universe Today Fri, 27 Jan 2012 10:36 AM PST
For hundreds of years, people have seen tiny flashes of light on the surface of the Moon. Very brief, but bright enough to be seen from Earth, these odd flashes still had not been adequately explained up until now. Also known as Transient Lunar Phenomena (TLPs), they have been observed on many occasions, but rarely photographed. On [...]

UFO reported by multiple witnesses in Halifax
Based on multiple eyewitness accounts of the UFO, it was most likely a meteor or bolide falling from the sky and burning up in the Earth's atmosphere. The dramatic appearance of meteors or bolides makes them commonly reported by witnesses as UFOs.

Reports of glowing ball likely a small meteorite, expert says
Strauss said the glowing ball that appeared to travel from west to east over the Halifax area was a small meteorite, which is often described as a fireball. Often people just don't look up that much and miss these celestial wonders, said Strauss in an ...

Shooting Star Flies Over Castle Ruins in Skywatcher Photo
12, 2011, just a day before the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower. The image was taken by astrophotographer Tamas Ladanyi of the The World At Night (TWAN). The ruins of the castle gleam against the backdrop of the Bakony mountain range in the ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ ...
By Lunar Meteorite * Hunter
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News. Fireballs, Meteors, Bolides, Meteorites, Comets, Asteroid Impact,Meteorite Quest, Recent Meteorite Falls & Related News. Make a meteor report.
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News

Rare Fireball Meteor caught on Camera by Ladd Observatory in Rhode ...
1/27/12 *** Bus-Size Asteroid to Give Earth Close Shave Today: just a hea...

28 August 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 28AUG2010

Science & Environment
BBC Radio 1 Fri, 27 Aug 2010 13:38 PM PDT
The dinosaurs were wiped out 65 million years ago by at least two meteorite impacts, rather than a single strike, a new study suggests. Previously, scientists had identified a huge impact crater in the Gulf of Mexico as the event that spelled doom for the dinosaurs.

One of a kind meteorite puts New Deal, Texas on galactic map
NEW DEAL, TX (KCBD) - After a mysterious rock is found in New Deal, a family makes the rare discovery that it is a meteorite. ... [story includes video]

El Universal (México) - ‎8 時間前‎
Pudiera ser que el enorme meteorito halla tenido qué ver con la ruptura del continente Gondwana, creando o acelarando la falla tectónica que entonces empujó ...

Weird Oblong Crater Deepens Mars Mystery
Wired News - Lisa Grossman - 17 hours ago
I learned this at the Meteor Crater in Arizona. They were originally looking for the meteor in the dead center of the crater since they figured that's how ...

Frightening Ride Along I-25 For Arizona Tourist - 12 hours ago
"When it first hit, I though a meteor dropped out of the sky." Steinle called the Colorado State Patrol as she assessed the damage and discovered a wrench ...

Bad Universe Preview: Will an Asteroid Hit Earth?

Discovery News - Ian O'Neill - 3 hours ago 

"The meteorite that created the Meteor Crater in Arizona was probably only about 50 yards across," he continued, "when you think about it, that wasn't all ...

Double strike 'killed dinosaurs'
BBC News Fri, 27 Aug 2010 10:07 AM PDT
The dinosaurs were wiped out by at least two meteorite impacts rather than a single strike, say scientists....

'Double whammy' may have done in dinosaurs 27 (UPI) -- A UK researcher says the theory of a meteor impact killing off dinosaurs needs to be tweaked at bit, suggesting there was not one but many ...

Dedham Police: Argument over meteor shower viewing ends with stabbing
Daily News Transcript
She said the man was supposed to go watch a meteor shower with her but didn't, they argued, she got nervous he was going to get physical, and defended ...

05 March 2010

6MAR2010 meteor/meteorite news

100-kilový meteorit pod Tatrami - ‎19 分前‎
Kým po meteorite, ktorý preletel pred pár dňami naším územím, niet ani stopy ao jeho dopade sa háda Slovensko s Maďarskom, Friedrich Neuhaus (66) má ...

Fireball across Ireland as meteorite crashes to Earth 3FEB2010
posted on YouTube by NOLINKNEWS March 05, 2010
Space rock plunges through atmosphere and crashes in Ireland
A meteorite traveling with the force of a small nuclear weapon blazed across the sky in Ireland Wednesday and crashed inland.
Astronomy Ireland says the fireball, which was traveling at 100,000 miles per hour, was spotted at about 6 p.m.
The meteorite - which eyewitnesses said was the same size as a small desk - was seen by people up and down the country.

Ein Meteorit rottete die Dinos aus
Nürnberger Zeitung - ‎17 分前‎
Es ist ein Szenario, das man lieber verdrängt: Ein Meteorit von zehn Kilometern Durchmesser rast auf die Erde zu – mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 72.000 ...

Investigating the fireball frenzy in Duluth
Park Rapids Enterprise - by Bob King ‎15 分前‎
The most likely explanation is a brilliant meteor called a fireball. In a lifetime you might see a half-dozen of these spectacular sights, but they occur ...

Het is nu zeker: dino's stierven uit door meteoriet
De Standaard - ‎3 時間前‎
De theorie over de meteoriet zou nu onweerlegbaar zijn. Uit de gegevens blijkt dat de kracht van de inslag te vergelijken was met die van 5 miljard ...

Spelunking the lunar landscape
Discover Magazine (blog) - ‎13 分前‎
The hole may be a collapsed section, or it may have been punched by a larger meteorite. Given the size of the hole, the impactor couldn't have been bigger ...

Confirmado: El asesino fue el meteorito
NeoTeo - ‎16 分前‎
Un nutrido grupo de científicos ha corroborado la teoría de que el culpable de matar a millones de reptiles prehistóricos fue un enorme meteorito que ...

Definitivní verdikt vědců: Dinosaury vyhubil meteorit
Aktuálně.cz - ‎9 分前‎
O tom, zda způsobil zkázu druhohorních plazů skutečně meteorit, se vedly spory. Podle panelu 41 vědců, který zkoumal práce paleontologů, sedimentologů, ...

New study blames dinosaur deaths on big meteor strike Signs of the ...

Nuremberg, Germany - A new German-led study has marshalled even more powerful evidence that a single meteor strike 65 million years ago led to the sudden ...

Clues to Antarctica space blast

BBC News
The study's authors think these spherules could be material eroded from a stony meteorite as it was heated up on its way through our atmosphere. ...

恐竜絶滅 やはり巨大隕石が原因…東北大など国際研究チームが結論
読売新聞 - ‎10 時間前‎
約6550万年前の白亜紀末に恐竜などが大量絶滅したのは、メキシコ・ユカタン半島に巨大な 隕石 ( いんせき ) が衝突したことが原因と結論づける報告を、東北大など12か国の研究機関による研究チームがまとめ、5日の科学誌サイエンスに発表した。これまでも隕石衝突 ...

Vatican astronomer makes God connection

Warren Tribune Chronicle
His research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids and the evolution of small solar system bodies, observing Kuiper Belt comets with the ...

06 December 2009

When Worlds Collide (1951) movie - 6DEC09

First published in 1932, Philip Wylie and Edwin Balmer's speculative novel When Worlds Collide was immediately purchased by Paramount as a possible project ... [click link above to watch the movie]

17 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Gene Shoemaker: Impacting Theory Video 17NOV09

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (1 of 6)

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (2 of 6)

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (3 of 6)

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (4 of 6)

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (5 of 6)

Asteroid: Deadly Impact (6 of 6)

posted on YouTube by
Documentary about Gene Shoemaker

Keywords タグ:
Universe Solar System Astronomy Geology Impact Craters Asteroids Comets Meteoroids Meteorites Shoemaker Levy Gene Shoemaker

20 June 2009

Meteorite News- Meteorite-related Videos 20JUN09

Huge Crater on Earth!
02:03 -
Meteor Crater is perhaps the best-known example of a small impact crater on the Earth.
Space scientist Rob Matson shows Neil deGrasse Tyson his favorite meteorite hunting ground. This video podcast was produced by Julia Cort and Susan K. Lewis and edited by ...

03:00 - Ruben Garcia made this video about meteorites and meteorite hunting for the sole purpose of entering it into a video contest.

21 May 2009



A NASA-funded study indicates that an intense asteroid bombardment nearly 4 billion years ago may not have sterilized the early Earth as completely as previously thought. The asteroids, some the size of Kansas, possibly even provided a boost for early life. The study focused on a particularly cataclysmic occurrence known as the Late Heavy Bombardment, or LHB.

This event occurred approximately 3.9 billion years ago and lasted 20 to 200 million years. In a letter published in the May 21 issue of Nature magazine titled "Microbial Habitability of the Hadean Earth during the Late Heavy Bombardment," Oleg Abramov and Stephen J. Mojzsis, astrobiologists at the University of Colorado's Department of Geological Sciences, report on the results of a computer modeling project designed to study the heating of Earth by the bombardment.

Results from their project show that while the Late Heavy Bombardment might have generated enough heat to sterilize Earth's surface, microbial life in subsurface and underwater environments almost certainly would have survived.

"Exactly when life originated on Earth is a hotly debated topic," said Michael H. New, the astrobiology discipline scientist and manager of the Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology Program at NASA Headquarters in Washington.

"These findings are significant because they indicate that if life had begun before the LHB or some time prior to 4 billion years ago, it could have survived in limited refuges and then expanded to fill our world."

"Our new results point to the possibility life could have emerged about the same time that evidence for our planet's oceans first appears," said Mojzsis, principal investigator of the project.

A growing scientific consensus is that during our solar system's formation, planetary bodies were pummeled by debris throughout the Late Heavy Bombardment. A visual record of the event is preserved in the form of the scarred face of our moon. On Earth, all traces of the bombardment appear to have been erased by rock recycling forces like weathering, volcanoes or other conditions that cause the crust to move or change. Surface habitats for microbial life on early Earth would have been destroyed repeatedly by the bombardment.

However, at the same time, impacts could have created subsurface habitats for life, such as extensive networks of cracks or even hydrothermal vents. Any existing microbial life on Earth could have found refuge in these habitats. If life had not yet emerged on Earth by the time of the bombardment, these new subsurface environments could have been the place where terrestrial life emerged.

"Even under the most extreme conditions we imposed on our model, the bombardment could not have sterilized Earth completely," said Abramov, lead author of the paper. "Our results are in line with the scientific consensus that hyperthermophilic, or 'heat-loving,' microbes could have been the earliest life forms on Earth, or survivors from an even more ancient biosphere.

The results also support the potential for the persistence of microbial biospheres on other planetary bodies whose surfaces were reworked by the bombardment, including Mars." NASA's Astrobiology Program's Exobiology and Evolutionary Biology Program and the NASA Astrobiology Institute at NASA's Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., through its support of NASA's Postdoctoral Program, provided funding for this research.

The Astrobiology Program supports research into the origin, evolution, distribution and future of life on Earth and the potential for life elsewhere.

For more information about NASA's astrobiology activities, visit:

May 20, 2009
Dwayne Brown Headquarters, Washington 202-358-1726
Jim Scott University of Colorado, Boulder 303-492-3114
RELEASE: 09-111

20 May 2009

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York' 20MAY09

Ancient tsunami 'hit New York'
By Molly Bentley, Science reporter
A huge wave crashed into the New York City region 2,300 years ago, dumping sediment and shells across Long Island and New Jersey and casting wood debris far up the Hudson River.
The scenario, proposed by scientists, is undergoing further examination to verify radiocarbon dates and to rule out other causes of the upheaval. ...

24 March 2009

Impact Geology Drilling Project in Siberia update 23MAR09

Seeking Earth`s Past by Drilling in Remote Arctic
Kansas City InfoZine Mon, 23
Mar 2009 03:01 AM PDT

In mid-March, drilling by paleoclimatologists to retrieve sediment and meteorite-impact rocks from remotest Siberia reached about 213 feet (65 m), about 1 million years into the past. They hope to retrieve the longest continuous climate data ever collected for the Arctic, over 3.6 million years.

17 March 2009

Asteroid to Fly By Earth Wednesday 17MAR09

Asteroid to Fly By Earth Wednesday
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
March 17, 2009
PASADENA, Calif. -

A small asteroid will fly past Earth early tomorrow morning (Wed., March 18). The asteroid, 2009 FH, is about 50 feet (15meters) wide. Its closest approach to Earth will occur at 5:17 a.m. PDT(8:17 a.m. EDT, 12:17 UTC) at an altitude of about 49,000 miles (79,000kilometers)."This asteroid flyby will be a good viewing opportunity for both professional and amateur astronomers," said Don Yeomans of the Near-Earth Object Office at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif. "The asteroid poses no risk of impact to Earth now or for the foreseeable future."NASA detects and tracks asteroids and comets passing close to Earth. The Near Earth Object Observation Program, commonly called "Spaceguard,"plots the orbits of these objects to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet.For more information, visit:

Media contact: DC Agle/JPL 818-393-9011


Space Weather News for March 17, 2009
ASTEROID BUZZES EARTH: Newly-discovered asteroid 2009 FH is flying past Earth tonight only 85,000 km (0.00057 AU) away. That's a little more than twice the height of a geosynchronous communications satellite. Experienced amateur astronomers in North America can photograph the 20-meter-wide space rock racing through the constellation Gemini after sunset on March 17th. It should be about as bright as a 14th magnitude star.

Please visit for an ephemeris and updates.

This is the second time in March that an asteroid has flown so close to Earth. On March 2nd, 2009 DD45 passed by only 72,000 km away. Measuring some tens of meters in diameter, 2009 DD45 and 2009 FH are approximately Tunguska-class objects, meaning they pose no global threat but could cause local damage if they actually hit Earth. In years past, asteroids of this size often passed unnoticed, but recent improvements in asteroid surveys have resulted in growing numbers of space rocks caught in the act of near-Earth flybys.

14 March 2009

Renewed Interest in in Asteroid Defence 14MAR09

Near Miss Renews U.N. Interest in Asteroid Defence By Thalif Deen, Inter Press Service,

NEO News (03/12/09) UN Report on NEO Threat Mitigation

NEO News (03/07/09) Newsworthy NEAs: 2009DD45 & 2008TN166

Surprise Asteroid Buzzed Earth Monday, National Geographic, March 2, 2009,

EDITORIAL COMMENT Cosmic Near-miss, Times of India,MArch 11, 2009

Source: Paul Heinrich

27 February 2009

Another meteor impact coincides with large-scale volcanic eruptions -Planet Earth 27FEB09

Another meteor impact coincides with large-scale volcanic eruptions
---Planet Earth online 23 February 2009
Scientists have long debated the cause of the dinosaurs' extinction about 65 million years ago. The remnants of a large volcanic eruption in the Faroe Islands. These eruptions can go on for millions of years. Around this time a giant meteorite struck the Gulf of Mexico. But the extinction also seems to coincide with massive and long-lasting volcanic eruptions in India known as the Deccan Traps. So which event was responsible? And are these phenomena linked?
New research now shows that this combination of meteorite impact andlarge-scale volcanic activity - known as flood basalt eruptions - is not unique. An international team of researchers looked at a 30-million-year-old meteorite crater in Belarus called Logoisk. They found that this too coincided with volcanic eruptions further south which covered Yemen and Ethiopia with basalt rock. These events are similar to those that occurred 65 million years ago, but on a much smaller scale. The scientists suggest such coincidences may be more common than previously thought. Dr Sarah Sherlock from the Open University and lead author of the paper, says, 'If you have a flood basalt then people wonder if there's also an impact. ''There will be, almost certainly,' she added. According to the paper, a meteorite will strike the Earth and leave a crater the size of Logoisk on average once every 1.5 million years. Flood volcanic eruptions occur over several million years, so a Logoisk-sized crater is likely to occur during each of the 16 identified periods of flood volcanism on Earth in the last 360 million years. However, researchers do not think there is a causal link between flood volcanism and meteorite impact.'There is simply no geological evidence to link the two,' says Sherlock. To determine the precise age of the Logoisk crater the researchers used argon dating. 'Argon dating is very versatile.' said Sherlock. 'It's the only technique that can be used to date both [impacts and flood volcanism].' Samples of material from the crater were gradually heated using an infrared laser, causing the release of argon gas. The ratio of two isotopes of argon released in the gas gives an accurate indication ofthe age of the sample. Using this technique, the researchers showed that the two events occurred simultaneously.
One question raised by the results was why the meteorite impact and flood volcanism 65 million years ago wiped out much of life on Earth, including the dinosaurs, but the similar events 30 million years ago did not. According to Sherlock, it was down to the size of the events.'These coincidences in Earth's history are not as rare as people think,but in order to actually do significant damage to the environment they have to be really, really big.' Sherlock added. Together, the 65-million-year-old Chicxulub crater in the Gulf of Mexico and volcanic eruptions that produced the Deccan Traps eruption 65 million years ago released 8000 gigatonnes (Gt) of sulfur dioxide, causing global environmental damage. By comparison the Logoisk and Afro-Arabian events released only 30Gt - insufficient to cause change on a global scale.

The research is published in the Journal of the Geological Society, London.

25 February 2009

'Dinosaur-killing' impact did not start global wildfires 25FEB09

Published online 23 February 2009 Nature doi:10.1038/news.2009.112 Corrected online:
24 February 2009

'Dinosaur-killing' impact did not start global wildfires
by Philip Ball
Burnt oil and gas, not vegetation, may have caused the soot layer at the end of the Cretaceous period.
The impact of a huge asteroid or comet at the end of the Cretaceous period 65 million years ago is generally held responsible for the sudden demise of 60–80% of all species on Earth. But new results challenge the common idea that the extinctions were partly caused by global wildfires triggered by the violent impact.
... full story: