Showing posts with label Chicxulub crater. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chicxulub crater. Show all posts

19 May 2016

Scientists drill into crater off Mexico's east coast extracting the remains of the asteroid widely blamed for the demise of the dinosaurs.

Sailors and workers load supplies for the the L/B MYRTLE Offshore Support Vessel -a scientific platform in the Gulf of Mexico
The L/B MYRTLE Offshore Support Vessel, a scientific platform in the Gulf of Mexico
For now, they know that the asteroid's impact was so powerful caused material to fly into orbit and fall back into Earth like fireballs. Later, ash covered the skies, turning the planet into a dark and cold place.

"This created a chain of extinction. Months later, the dust fell on the continents and oceans, changing the chemistry of the oceans," said expedition chief Jaime Urrutia, president of the Mexican Science Academy.

While there are still debates about whether the asteroid is solely to blame for the disappearance of dinosaurs, scientists agree that it caused great destruction and had a role in how life evolved after its crash.

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07 February 2013

Binary Asteroid May Have Wiped out Dinosaurs

Binary Asteroid May Have Wiped out Dinosaurs

Double asteroid trouble may have wiped out dinosaurs
(The asteroid theory of dinosaur extinction gets a new
twist as scientists look into what may have been a
twin asteroid impact) by Amanda Kooser Feb. 4, 2013

Dinosaur-killing asteroid was a twin terror by Colin Barras,
New Scientist, February 2013

Research group suggests Chicxulub crater may have
been caused by binary asteroids,, Feb. 2013

The paper is:

Miljkovic, K., G. S. Collins, S. Mannick, P. A. Bland, 2013,
Morphology and population of binary asteroid impact
craters. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. vol. 363,
pp. 121–132.

A related paper is:

Bottke, H. J., and H. J. Melosh, 1996, Binary Asteroids
and the Formation of Doublet Craters. Icaerus.
vol. 124, pp. 372–391. PDF file at:


Paul H.

For this writing and All of The E-Pistles of Paul by Paul Heinrich see:

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 March 2010

6MAR2010 meteor/meteorite news

100-kilový meteorit pod Tatrami - ‎19 分前‎
Kým po meteorite, ktorý preletel pred pár dňami naším územím, niet ani stopy ao jeho dopade sa háda Slovensko s Maďarskom, Friedrich Neuhaus (66) má ...

Fireball across Ireland as meteorite crashes to Earth 3FEB2010
posted on YouTube by NOLINKNEWS March 05, 2010
Space rock plunges through atmosphere and crashes in Ireland
A meteorite traveling with the force of a small nuclear weapon blazed across the sky in Ireland Wednesday and crashed inland.
Astronomy Ireland says the fireball, which was traveling at 100,000 miles per hour, was spotted at about 6 p.m.
The meteorite - which eyewitnesses said was the same size as a small desk - was seen by people up and down the country.

Ein Meteorit rottete die Dinos aus
Nürnberger Zeitung - ‎17 分前‎
Es ist ein Szenario, das man lieber verdrängt: Ein Meteorit von zehn Kilometern Durchmesser rast auf die Erde zu – mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 72.000 ...

Investigating the fireball frenzy in Duluth
Park Rapids Enterprise - by Bob King ‎15 分前‎
The most likely explanation is a brilliant meteor called a fireball. In a lifetime you might see a half-dozen of these spectacular sights, but they occur ...

Het is nu zeker: dino's stierven uit door meteoriet
De Standaard - ‎3 時間前‎
De theorie over de meteoriet zou nu onweerlegbaar zijn. Uit de gegevens blijkt dat de kracht van de inslag te vergelijken was met die van 5 miljard ...

Spelunking the lunar landscape
Discover Magazine (blog) - ‎13 分前‎
The hole may be a collapsed section, or it may have been punched by a larger meteorite. Given the size of the hole, the impactor couldn't have been bigger ...

Confirmado: El asesino fue el meteorito
NeoTeo - ‎16 分前‎
Un nutrido grupo de científicos ha corroborado la teoría de que el culpable de matar a millones de reptiles prehistóricos fue un enorme meteorito que ...

Definitivní verdikt vědců: Dinosaury vyhubil meteorit
Aktuálně.cz - ‎9 分前‎
O tom, zda způsobil zkázu druhohorních plazů skutečně meteorit, se vedly spory. Podle panelu 41 vědců, který zkoumal práce paleontologů, sedimentologů, ...

New study blames dinosaur deaths on big meteor strike Signs of the ...

Nuremberg, Germany - A new German-led study has marshalled even more powerful evidence that a single meteor strike 65 million years ago led to the sudden ...

Clues to Antarctica space blast

BBC News
The study's authors think these spherules could be material eroded from a stony meteorite as it was heated up on its way through our atmosphere. ...

恐竜絶滅 やはり巨大隕石が原因…東北大など国際研究チームが結論
読売新聞 - ‎10 時間前‎
約6550万年前の白亜紀末に恐竜などが大量絶滅したのは、メキシコ・ユカタン半島に巨大な 隕石 ( いんせき ) が衝突したことが原因と結論づける報告を、東北大など12か国の研究機関による研究チームがまとめ、5日の科学誌サイエンスに発表した。これまでも隕石衝突 ...

Vatican astronomer makes God connection

Warren Tribune Chronicle
His research explores connections between meteorites, asteroids and the evolution of small solar system bodies, observing Kuiper Belt comets with the ...

28 April 2009

Dinosaurs Wiped Out by Asteroid? Maybe Not 28APR09

New Blow for Dinosaur-Killing Asteroid Theory
This artist's rendering shows the Chicxulub crater at the time of the meteorite's impact. Credit: NASA ( -- The enduringly popular theory that ...

Were the Dinosaurs Really Wiped Out by an Asteroid? Possibly Not (Update)
Universe Today - Apr 27
In 1979, the huge Chicxulub crater, measuring about 180 km (112 miles) in diameter, was discovered on the northern Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. Scientists made the obvious conclusion that something rather large had hit the Earth in this location, probably causing all kinds of global devastation 65 million years ago. At around the same time, 65% ...