Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NASA. Show all posts

08 May 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08MAY2024

Florida man nearly hit by possible space junk that tore through roof of his home - MSN
“It almost hit my son. He was two rooms over and heard it all,” Otero told Wink News. “I thought a meteorite.

Scientists claim they've found a perfectly preserved dinosaur fossil killed when the mass ...
Yahoo Lifestyle Canada
fragments from the impact of the meteorite can be seen encased in dirt.

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 December 2020

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11DEC2020

'Loud boom' late Saturday likely a meteor
Hendersonville Standard
It's rare to find a meteorite – a meteor that hits the earth - Wellington added because they are so small and are often indistinguishable from regular rocks.

Scientists look to meteorites for inspiration to achieve critical element-free permanent magnet
... developed a low-cost, high performance permanent magnet by drawing inspiration from an out-of-this-world source: iron-nickel alloys in meteorites.

U of A's very own NASA scientist: Chris Herd
The Gateway Online
My father… he just has this excitement with anything to do with space and rocks and meteorites, and we feed off each other when we talk about it.”.

Some of the earliest organic materials ever found have been uncovered in meteorites
The Natural History Museum
It is a carbonaceous chondrite meteorite, which means it is as old as the solar system itself. These types of meteorites are made up of a complex mixture ...

4-Billion-Year-Old Organic Material Found in Martian Meteorite
The meteorite, found to have nitrogen-containing organic molecules, was ejected from Mars' surface about 15 million years ago and may reveal the ...

Метеорит упал в сад пенсионеров и подарил им приятные сны
Meteorite crashes into pensioner's garden in Thailand. Newsflare · Упавший с неба метеорит в одночасье сделал мужчину миллионером.

Multistatic specular meteor radar network in Peru: System description and initial results
AGU Publications - Wiley
This study presents a recently deployed multi‐static specular meteor radar system, SIMONe Peru, which can be used to observe these scales.

2020 The SEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

05 November 2016

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise
NASA/JPL press release Nov. 5, 2016

What would we do if we discovered a large asteroid on course to impact
Earth? While highly unlikely, that was the high-consequence scenario
discussed by attendees at an Oct. 25 NASA-FEMA tabletop exercise in El
Segundo, California.

The third in a series of exercises hosted jointly by NASA and FEMA --
the Federal Emergency Management Agency -- the simulation was designed
to strengthen the collaboration between the two agencies, which have
Administration direction to lead the U.S. response. "It's not a matter
of if -- but when -- we will deal with such a situation," said Thomas
Zurbuchen, Associate Administrator for NASA's Science Mission
Directorate in Washington. "But unlike any other time in our history, we
now have the ability to respond to an impact threat through continued
observations, predictions, response planning and mitigation."

The exercise provided a forum for the planetary science community to
show how it would collect, analyze and share data about a hypothetical
asteroid predicted to impact Earth. Emergency managers discussed how
that data would be used to consider some of the unique challenges an
asteroid impact would present-for preparedness, response and public warning.

"It is critical to exercise these kinds of low-probability but
high-consequence disaster scenarios," FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate
said. "By working through our emergency response plans now, we will be
better prepared if and when we need to respond to such an event."

Exercise attendees included representatives from NASA, FEMA, NASA's Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, the Department of Energy's National Laboratories,
the U.S. Air Force, and the California Governor's Office of Emergency

The exercise simulated a possible impact four years from now -- a
fictitious asteroid imagined to have been discovered this fall with a 2
percent probability of impact with Earth on Sept. 20, 2020. The
simulated asteroid was initially estimated to be between 300 and 800
feet (100 and 250 meters) in size, with a possibility of making impact
anywhere along a long swath of Earth, including a narrow band of area
that crossed the entire United States.

In the fictitious scenario, observers continued to track the asteroid
for three months using ground-based telescope observations, and the
probability of impact climbed to 65 percent. Then the next observations
had to wait until four months later, due to the asteroid's position
relative to the sun. Once observations could resume in May of 2017, the
impact probability jumped to 100 percent. By November of 2017, it was
simulated that the predicted impact would occur somewhere in a narrow
band across Southern California or just off the coast in the Pacific Ocean.

While mounting a deflection mission to move the asteroid off its
collision course had been simulated in previous tabletop exercises, this
particular exercise was designed so that the time to impact was too
short for a deflection mission to be feasible -- to pose a great future
challenge to emergency managers faced with a mass evacuation of the
metropolitan Los Angeles area.

Scientists from JPL, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Sandia
National Laboratories, and The Aerospace Corporation presented predicted
impact footprint models, population displacement estimates, information
on infrastructure that would be affected, as well as other data that
could realistically be known at various points throughout the exercise

"The high degree of initial uncertainty coupled with the relatively long
impact warning time made this scenario unique and especially challenging
for emergency managers," said FEMA National Response Coordination Branch
Chief Leviticus A. Lewis. "It's quite different from preparing for an
event with a much shorter timeline, such as a hurricane."

Attendees considered ways to provide accurate, timely and useful
information to the public, while also addressing how to refute rumors
and false information that could emerge in the years leading up to the
hypothetical impact.

"These exercises are invaluable for those of us in the asteroid science
community responsible for engaging with FEMA on this natural hazard,"
said NASA Planetary Defense Officer Lindley Johnson. "We receive
valuable feedback from emergency managers at these exercises about what
information is critical for their decision making, and we take that into
account when we exercise how we would provide information to FEMA about
a predicted impact."

NASA provides expert input to FEMA about the asteroid impact hazard
through the Planetary Defense Coordination Office
<>. NASA and FEMA will continue to
conduct asteroid impact exercises and intend to expand participation in
future exercises to include additional representatives from local and
state emergency management agencies and the private sector.

JPL News

NASA JPL latest news release

NASA, FEMA Hold Asteroid Emergency Planning Exercise

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

30 June 2016

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania

NASA reports 1.2kt bolide over Mauritania

NASA fireballs page has been updated with a bolide meteor with 1.2kt of Calculated Total Impact Energy. The bolide's position was given as 15.8N,11.9W.
The bolide was detected on Monday 27 June at 10:02UTC, possessed a velocity(x) of -29.1 km/s or 18.2 miles/sec (65,475 mph) and was reported at an altitude of 33km (20 miles).

Background Situation

New asteroid discoveries are currently in somewhat of a lull, with only 10 new discoveries in the <0.5AU range within the last 2 weeks (Period "M"). The numbers of new <0.5AU discoveries have been in decline since period "G" (Apr1-Apr15), with a similar trend for <5LD asteroids since period "E" (Mar1-Mar15).

2016 MA was the only <5LD asteroid discovered during period "M" and made its close-approach on June 19 at a distance of 2.6LD. New period "N" begins tomorrow (July 1).
So far, in 2016, there have been 29,849 new <0.5AU discoveries and 211 <10LD discoveries.
(Source for all stats:

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 March 2016

New asteroid discovery 2016 EF195: 15,000 miles from Earth's surface

reported by  meteordetective

Things seem to be picking-up rapidly!

NASA NEOP has just posted details of asteroid 2016 EF195 which made its close-approach at just 15,558 miles from Earth's surface on 11-Mar-2016 at 03Z52.

2016 EF195 is estimated to be 20m - 50m in diameter (based on magnitude) and travelling at 10km/s  or 6.25 mi/s.  It's close-approach brought it beneath geo-stationary satellite altitude of ~22,236 miles.  It was not detected until 4 days after its close-approach.

It is the 4,881st asteroid (within 0.5 AU) to be discovered in the first two weeks of March 2016 (NASA period "E") and the 34th asteroid discovery of 2016 period "E" to approach within 10LD or less.

2016 EF195 is the 2nd asteroid within a month (the other was 2016 DY30) to make its close-approach below geo-stationary satellite altitude.

Keep your cameras ready and your eyes on the skies (when it's safe to do so).

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 February 2016

Asteroid news: NASA's update on 2013 TX68

Asteroid news: NASA's update on 2013 TX68
reported by  meteordetective
Link to article which was updated on Thu 25-Feb-2016 at 14:40 Pacific Time (22:40Z) and was originally posted on Tue 02-Feb-2016.

NASA have refined their "earlier flyby and distance predictions, reconfirming that the asteroid poses no threat to Earth."

But, the 'plot' thickens, as NASA has additionally "..identified an extremely remote chance that this small asteroid could impact on Sep. 28, 2017, with odds of no more than 1-in-250-million. Flybys in 2046 and 2097 have an even lower probability of impact."

I thought I'd investigate further and used Telnet to 'talk' to JPL's "Horizons" system.  However, as you can see (from the copy/paste below), there is no close-approach listed for 2017.  To be clear and specific, I instructed Horizons to show me all the known approaches from 01-Jan-2000 to 01-Jan-2200.

        Date (TDB)      Body   CA Dist  MinDist  MaxDist   Vrel  TCA3Sg  Nsigs  P_i/p
----------------------  -----  -------  -------  -------  ------ ------ ------ -------
A.D. 2001 Feb 12.30797  Venus  .075550  .029997  .430225  10.352 95321. 27737. .000000
A.D. 2013 Oct 13.34047  Earth  .013900  .013840  .013959  14.066   0.34 505.63 .000000
A.D. 2016 Mar 08.00436  Earth  .033383  .000207  .115301  15.324 8719.4 463.31 .000000
A.D. 2024 May 21.93046  Mars   .051950  .039661  .181328  15.950 8218.6 83319. .000000
A.D. 2028 Oct 22.29797  Earth  .092654  .010847  .254975  11.643 36290. 37681. .000000

If you access the asteroid's entry in JPL's SBDB, you'll see the following Close-Approach dates & times listed, which barely correspond to the Telnet session results (above).

2016-Mar-08 00:06, 2056-Sep-18 13:29, 2071-Sep-30 14:02, 2074-Feb-17 05:44, 2084-Oct-20 19:33, 2086-Oct-16 07:11, 2089-Feb-07 09:03, 2089-Mar-14 21:35.

Is something out of sync?

I'd initially intended to comment on the wide variance of 2013 TX68's potential close-approach distances (all relative to Earth's surface), which are remarkable and summarised below:

Nominal (the expected or 'should be' distance): 13.06 LD = 3,099,296.455 miles
Minimum: 0.08LD = 15,282.762 miles
Maxium: 45.09LD = 10,714,428.346 miles

(For reference, 1 LD --aka 1 Lunar Distance-- is equivalent to 382,500 kilometers / 239,062.5 miles (NASA)).

The difference between minimum and maximum values is 7,615,132 miles or 8.19% of the distance from Earth to the Sun...or also equivalent to 3,185.42% the distance from Earth to the Moon....which is a rather large value.

To add a further variable in to this situation, MPC have assigned 2013 TX68 a condition code of 8 for  its orbit uncertainty (10=highly uncertain and 0 = "good"), which is due to the fact that 2013 TX68 was only tracked for 3 days when it was initially discovered/observed - before it was 'lost' again.

Let me make myself perfectly clear:  I'm not suggesting 2013 TX68 will hit Earth, inferring it or stirring-up 'fear-porn'.  I'm just a little perplexed by the apparent of confusion --regarding when it will make its close-approaches to Earth-- and mentioning that there's a very wide margin of 'error' between the distances NASA are reporting for its 08-March-2016 close-approach.

Stay tuned!

Write to:
meteordetective AT gmail DOT com.

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

13 November 2015

Object WT1190F Re-entry Video 13NOV2015

Breaking News- Object WT1190F Re-entry Video 13NOV2015

Screen Shot of
WT1190F Reentry November 13, 2015
Posted to YouTube by Astronomy Center 

WT1190F Reentry November 13, 2015
Posted to YouTube by Astronomy Center 146 views

The first imagery is in of the re-entry of artificial ovbject WT1190F south of
Sri Lanka at 6:18 UT today, coming from a trans-Lunar orbit.
Imagery is from a research aircraft organized by UAE Space Agency, IAC, NASA, ESA:

-Dr Marco Langbroek
Station (b)log:

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 September 2015


NASA to Announce Mars Mystery Solved

Jet Propulsion Laboratory
September 24, 2015

**Nature Geoscience has Embargoed Details until 8 a.m. PDT/11 a.m. EDT
Sept. 28)**

NASA will detail a major science finding from the agency's ongoing exploration
of Mars during a news briefing at 8:30 a.m. PDT (11:30 a.m. EDT) on Monday,
Sept. 28. The event will be broadcast live on NASA Television and the
agency's website.

News conference participants will be:

-- Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA Headquarters

-- Michael Meyer, lead scientist for the Mars Exploration Program at NASA

-- Lujendra Ojha of the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta

-- Mary Beth Wilhelm of NASA's Ames Research Center in Moffett Field,
California and the Georgia Institute of Technology

-- Alfred McEwen, principal investigator for the High Resolution Imaging
Science Experiment (HiRISE) at the University of Arizona in Tucson

Members of the public can ask questions during the briefing using #AskNASA.

For NASA TV information, schedules and to view the news briefing, visit:

The event will also be carried live on:

For more information about NASA's journey to Mars:

Media Contact
Guy Webster
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Dwayne Brown / Laurie Cantillo
NASA Headquarters, Washington
202-358-1726 / 202-358-1077 /


2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 August 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21AUG2015

NASA: There is No Asteroid Threatening Earth
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- August 19, 2015
"There is no scientific basis -- not one shred of evidence -- that an
asteroid or any other celestial object will impact Earth on those dates,"
said Paul Chodas ...

Breaking News - Puerto Rico Bolide Meteor 2128 Local 20AUG2015 w/ Video
A bright meteor was seen from Puerto Rico on the night of August 20, according to Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC)....

Norway Bolide Meteor 12AUG2015 w/ Video
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News - Blogger
The activity of meteor swarm Perseids is at its greatest in those days and several in Eastern Norway were up in the night to see meteors, got a great ...

NASA: No, an asteroid is not about to destroy the world
CBS News
Meteor Gonna Asteroid that "could end human life" is heading for Earth. Well, NASA says you can relax, the end of the world isn't coming next month ...

Meteor Blast
On 8/12/2015, while I was taking photos of the Perseid meteor shower over Mauna Kea, one bright meteor left a puffy trail of "smoke" after the fireball…

Out of this world! Family discover 'meteorites' behind their back garden
Hull Daily Mail
Joanne Mallinson, 34, said she was watching the meteor shower last week with her sons, Josh, 16, and Jake, 11, when they heard something fall. ... Highly UNLIKELY; story lacks adequate information such as quality photographs! - LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 August 2015

Send Your Name to Mars! - Mars NASA InSight Mission

Mars NASA InSight - Send Your Name to Mars!

  Be one of the first to send your name to Mars on the InSight Mars lander scheduled for launch March 2016! . Deadline for joining is 08SEP2015.
-LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

Send Your Name to Mars on NASA InSight Lander Mission-

Mars enthusiasts around the world can participate in NASA's journey to Mars by adding their names to a silicon microchip headed to the Red Planet aboard NASA's InSight Mars lander, scheduled to launch next year.

"Our next step in the journey to Mars is another fantastic mission to the surface," said Jim Green, director of planetary science at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "By participating in this opportunity to send your name aboard InSight to the Red Planet, you're showing that you're part of that journey and the future of space exploration."

Submissions will be accepted until Sept. 8. To send your name to Mars aboard InSight, go to:

The fly-your-name opportunity comes with "frequent-flier" points to reflect an individual's personal participation in NASA's journey to Mars, which will span multiple missions and multiple decades. The InSight mission offers the second such opportunity for space exploration fans to collect points by flying their names aboard a NASA mission, with more opportunities to follow.

Last December, the names of 1.38 million people flew on a chip aboard the first flight of NASA's Orion spacecraft, which will carry astronauts to deep space destinations including Mars and an asteroid. After InSight, the next opportunity to earn frequent flier points will be NASA's Exploration Mission-1, the first planned test flight bringing together the Space Launch System rocket and Orion capsule in preparation for human missions to Mars and beyond.

InSight will launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, in March 2016 and land on Mars Sept. 28, 2016. The mission is the first dedicated to the investigation of the deep interior of the planet. It will place the first seismometer directly on the surface of Mars to measure Martian quakes and use seismic waves to learn about the planet's interior. It also will deploy a self-hammering heat probe that will burrow deeper into the ground than any previous device on the Red Planet. These and other InSight investigations will improve our understanding about the formation and evolution of all rocky planets, including Earth.

For additional information about the InSight mission, visit:

You can follow the mission on Facebook and Twitter at:


Press Release by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory | 4800 Oak Grove Dr | Pasadena, CA 91109 - 18AUG2015

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

29 June 2015

Breaking News - GA AL TN FL NC SC KY WV Major Space Debris Event 29JUN2015

Breaking News Story - GA AL TN FL NC SC KY WV Major Space Trash Debris Event Apprx. 0130 EDT / 0030 Central / 05:29:30 UTC 29JUN2015
--NOT Related to SpaceX --
 7 Videos; and photos not all posted -check back
Seen for a total flight of approximately 600 miles! 8 STATES
Click Image to Enlarge
GA AL TN FL NC SC KY WV Major Space Trash Event 29JUN2015
Red Line Indicates Refined Estimated Trajectory
v.6 c2014 Dirk Ross / Google Earth
Click Image
Source- NASA, Dr. Bill Cooke / Dirk Ross / LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo
"... Very slow mover (~6.5 km/s) at around 05:29:30 UTC; multiple fragments. Looks like a reentry to me."
Bill Cooke, NASA
Video 1
Video provide by NASA, Dr. Bill Cooke to Dirk Ross / LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

Click Image to Enlargeite Gr
Graphic of  06939 Debris Decay Data, Trajectory and Image.
c2015 Jango F. / LunarMeteoriteHunter, Japan
Soviet spent rocket Object 06939 SL-6 R/B(2) International designator 1973-084D is marked for decay with a T.I.P. (Trajectory Impact Prediction) for a decay epoch of 2015-06-29 04:12 UTC. However the rocket may have traveled an extra loop of our planet and decayed over the USA.
Launched in 1972 it put Kosmos 606 in orbit. Simulation of trajectory with last available element set;
1 06939U 73084D 15180.17652177 .99999999 98094-5 18386-1 0 9994
2 06939 060.9340 254.9819 0366870 074.5130 017.2099 15.64920780310575
coincidentally puts it over the US during the "meteor" event witnessed.
- J.F.
Click Image to Enlarge
"pic took it while driving with high beams on also it crossed in front of me I'm facing south coming from Hot Springs toward Marshall, NC on 25/70 Hwy"
c2015 Colton / LunarMeteoriteHunter

Click Image to Enlarge
"At around 1:30am on june 29th there was a fireball that appeared in the sky. It lasted about 20secs, breaking apart and leaving orange and white streaks in the sky as it went."
c2015 S. Dunn / LunarMeteoriteHunter
Video 2

"Coming from Dothan Al
I was facing the parking lot area noticed it at 12:30 and it traveled quite fast behind the building going towards Ga" -Video by Ashley G.

Video 3
Meteor fireball spotted in the skies over Atlanta
Posted to YouTube by NewsChannel 29 views

Video 4
Streaks of light across Atlanta sky 1:30 AM 6/29/15
Posted to YouTube by Kristin Allmer 313 views

Video 5
Meteor sighting over north Georgia (6/29 1:29 am)
Posted to YouTube by B Reed 335 views

Video 6
Brilliant Object Seen in Southeast US - Not a Meteor | Video
Posted to YouTube by CoconutScienceLab 161 views

There is a very strong possibility that this was a space trash re-entry...
Advise DO NOT TOUCH DEBRIS or Approach - Potential Hazard! Materials DID likely survive re-entry! Found Space Trash Debris?- Emergency Response Tele - Patrick Air Force Base at 321-494-7001 or contact your nearest local law enforcement official.

Report your meteor sightings please
Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!

Initial Sighting Reports-
29JUN2015 Tom M. ELLIJAY, GEORGIA, US 01:45/EDT 20 Seconds SW to NE. Moved from my right to left as I faced SE. Bright white Bright as Jupiter. Very white in color. Yes. Head appeared fragmented, and several smaller objects closely followed the main part. I was facing SE and the object moved across my field of view from right to left. Seemed to be descending. No noise.

29JUN2015 ashley crestview Florida United states 12:40am est like 30-40 seconds right to left looked really long white with blue and purple like white looked sparkling never seen this before

29JUN2015 The hauns Andalusia Alabama usa 12:35 25 sec South to. North Yellow with orange tail Like a meteor shower No Long streaking beautiful

29JUN2015 Telynn and Mark Stewart Salem, Alabama 01:35 am 20 sec S-N Bright Orange large tail looked like it was on fire Sun Yes No

29JUN2015 Kim Laforge Strawberry Plains TN 1:34 16 seconds SE to NW right to left and I was facing east Bright amber gold with good tail behind. I didn't hear anything. Moon 6 pieces one larger started the front then smaller pieces around it I did not have time to go into my house to get phone for video

29JUN2015 Josphe quinn Sc- greenwood lake 1:33 am 60sec SW to NE Orange,purple, blue, fire Moon Yes On fire

29JUN2015 Andy Dolan orange beach AL. USA 12:32 central am 8-10 sec Eastern /northeast/ two fireballs with debris tracking in same path yellowish in color yes slow moving amazing one of the best I've ever seen

29JUN2015 Michael Sawyer taylorsville, north Carolina 1:31am 20 to 25 seconds north west whitish with long trail of sparks behind it venus yes from NW to SE

29JUN2015 BILL FREEMAN Bristol, TN 13:30 edt At least 20 seconds Southwest to Northeast Intense white light that cast shadows followed by breakup into at least a dozen multicolored pieces. Continued across sky lasting over 20 seconds Brighter than venus Definitely a bolide I was night fishing on South Holston lake in east Tennessee - brightest bolide I have ever seen

29JUN2015 Monique Between Ridge Spring, SC and Aiken, South Carolina 1:30am 30-40 traveling across sky West on 1-20. It was going somewhat north Didn't hear sound. Bright color pretty bright as star with smoke trailing It was large then became fragmented as traveled Pretty.

29JUN2015 AMANDA TAYLORSVILLE NC, USA 1:30, EASTERN, AM 12 SEC SW/NE--N LEFT to RIGHT ORANGE IN COLOR Venus small fragmentation There were at least 2 objects, and they had long tails.

29JUN2015 Jennifer Bladorn Fort Walton Beach, Florida, United States of America 12:30 pm 15 seconds and then went into clouds on the horizon and came back out for about 2 or 3 seconds Facing south... Traveling southwest to northeast 3 fireballs with a huge tail in color and slight noise like a small plane. Bright like a fire in the sky. Not as much as sun or moon ... And going very fast. Looked like a airplane on fire Sparks were flying but it stayed together. Looked like a pic of a comet ...4 witnessed with us

29JUN2015 Emily Bay County Florida 12:30 Central 8 seconds Straight Down Facing NW On fire Moon No I did not get to take a picture, but it was falling straight down at a rapid speed

29JUN2015 Nicholas Cammarata Buford, GA 01:25 AM 15-20 sec 111*E^-5*1973 / 34*05'42N 83*5829"W Saw a steam of a bright cluster of mass moving across the sky from right to left. Started out more blue white in color and one body mass. As it moved across the sky it broke up into maybe 5 or 6 separate masses with a blue white orange bright streaks. The colors grew more intense as it moved. UNBELIEVABLE!!!!!!! moon yes Ironically neither one of us cared to grab our phones. It wasn't something to take your eyes away. My friend watched it with me as we were walking to his car. The size of the mass was quite large compared to anything else I have seen. I am sure others saw it too.

All 40Sighting Reports-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

02 April 2015

NASA Asteroid Capture

Wednesday, 1 April 2015
Breaking News- NASA Assteroid Capture

Asteroid Redirect Mission Concepts Development

NASA Announces Next Steps on Journey to Mars: Progress on Asteroid Initiative
NASA Wednesday announced more details in its plan for its Asteroid Redirect Mission (ARM), which in the mid-2020s will test a number of new capabilities needed for future human expeditions to deep space, including to Mars. NASA also announced it has increased the detection of near-Earth asteroids by 65 percent since launching its asteroid initiative three years ago.
For ARM, a robotic spacecraft will capture a boulder from the surface of a near-Earth asteroid and move it into a stable orbit around the moon for exploration by astronauts, all in support of advancing the nation’s journey to Mars.
"The Asteroid Redirect Mission will provide an initial demonstration of several spaceflight capabilities we will need to send astronauts deeper into space, and eventually, to Mars," said NASA Associate Administrator Robert Lightfoot. "The option to retrieve a boulder from an asteroid will have a direct impact on planning for future human missions to deep space and begin a new era of spaceflight."
The agency plans to announce the specific asteroid selected for the mission no earlier than 2019, approximately a year before launching the robotic spacecraft. Before an asteroid is considered a valid candidate for the mission, scientists must first determine its characteristics, in addition to size, such as rotation, shape and precise orbit. NASA has identified three valid candidates for the mission so far: Itokawa, Bennu and 2008 EV5. The agency expects to identify one or two additional candidates each year leading up to the mission.
Following its rendezvous with the target asteroid, the uncrewed ARM spacecraft will deploy robotic arms to capture a boulder from its surface. It then will begin a multi-year journey to redirect the boulder into orbit around the moon.
Throughout its mission, the ARM robotic spacecraft will test a number of capabilities needed for future human missions, including advanced Solar Electric Propulsion (SEP), a valuable capability that converts sunlight to electrical power through solar arrays and then uses the resulting power to propel charged atoms to move a spacecraft. This method of propulsion can move massive cargo very efficiently. While slower than conventional chemical rocket propulsion, SEP-powered spacecraft require significantly less propellant and fewer launches to support human exploration missions, which could reduce costs.
Future SEP-powered spacecraft could pre-position cargo or vehicles for future human missions into deep space, either awaiting crews at Mars or staged around the moon as a waypoint for expeditions to the Red Planet.
ARM's SEP-powered robotic spacecraft will test new trajectory and navigation techniques in deep space, working with the moon's gravity to place the asteroid in a stable lunar orbit called a distant retrograde orbit. This is a suitable staging point for astronauts to rendezvous with a deep space habitat that will carry them to Mars.
Before the piece of the asteroid is moved to lunar orbit, NASA will use the opportunity to test planetary defense techniques to help mitigate potential asteroid impact threats in the future. The experience and knowledge acquired through this operation will help NASA develop options to move an asteroid off an Earth-impacting course, if and when that becomes necessary.
In 2005, NASA's Deep Impact comet science mission tested technology that could assist in changing the course of a near-Earth object using a direct hit with a spacecraft. The ARM robotic spacecraft opens a new and second option for planetary defense using a technique called a gravity tractor. All mass exerts and experiences gravity and, in space, the gravitational attraction even between masses of modest size can significantly affect their motion. This means that by rendezvousing with the asteroid and holding a halo orbit in the appropriate direction, the ARM robotic spacecraft can slowly pull the asteroid without touching it. The effectiveness of this maneuver is increased, moreover, if mass is moved from the asteroid to the spacecraft by the capture of a boulder.
It will take approximately six years for the ARM robotic spacecraft to move the asteroid mass into lunar orbit. In the mid-2020s, NASA's Orion spacecraft will launch on the agency’s Space Launch System rocket, carrying astronauts on a mission to rendezvous with and explore the asteroid mass. The current concept for the crewed mission component of ARM is a two-astronaut, 24-25 day mission.
This crewed mission will further test many capabilities needed to advance human spaceflight for deep space missions to Mars and elsewhere, including new sensor technologies and a docking system that will connect Orion to the robotic spacecraft carrying the asteroid mass. Astronauts will conduct spacewalks outside Orion to study and collect samples of the asteroid boulder wearing new spacesuits designed for deep space missions.
Collecting these samples will help astronauts and mission managers determine how best to secure and safely return samples from future Mars missions. And, because asteroids are made of remnants from the formation of the solar system, the returned samples could provide valuable data for scientific research or commercial entities interested in asteroid mining as a future resources.
In 2012, the president's NASA budget included, and Congress authorized, $20.4 million for an expanded NASA Near-Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program, increasing the resources for this critical program from the $4 million per year it had received since the 1990s. The program was again expanded in fiscal year 2014, with a budget of $40.5 million. NASA is asking Congress for $50 million for this important work in the 2016 budget.
"Asteroids are a hot topic," said Jim Green, director of NASA Planetary Science. "Not just because they could pose a threat to Earth, but also for their scientific value and NASA's planned mission to one as a stepping stone to Mars."
NASA has identified more than 12,000 NEOs to date, including 96 percent of near-Earth asteroids larger than 0.6 miles (1 kilometer) in size. NASA has not detected any objects of this size that pose an impact hazard to Earth in the next 100 years. Smaller asteroids do pass near Earth, however, and some could pose an impact threat. In 2011, 893 near-Earth asteroids were found. In 2014, that number was increased to 1,472.
In addition to NASA's ongoing work detecting and cataloging asteroids, the agency has engaged the public in the hunt for these space rocks through the agency's Asteroid Grand Challenge activities, including prize competitions. During the recent South by Southwest Festival in Austin, Texas, the agency announced the release of a software application based on an algorithm created by a NASA challenge that has the potential to increase the number of new asteroid discoveries by amateur astronomers.
More information about the Asteroid Redirect Mission, visit:

The End - The Doors

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

18 November 2014

Leonid Meteor Shower Live/Feed 2014 - NASA MSFC

Leonid Meteor Shower Live Feed 2014 - NASA MSFC  
 Live From NASA-MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama, USA

Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Leonid Meteor Shower Live/Feed 2014
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama, USA

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

Geologic Maps of Vesta from NASA's Dawn Mission Published

Geologic Maps of Vesta from NASA's Dawn Mission Published
"click on image to enlarge"
This high-resolution geological map of Vesta is derived from Dawn spacecraft data.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/ASU
This high-resolution geological map of Vesta is derived from Dawn spacecraft data. Brown colors represent the oldest, most heavily cratered surface. Purple colors in the north and light blue represent terrains modified by the Veneneia and Rheasilvia impacts, respectively. Light purples and dark blue colors below the equator represent the interior of the Rheasilvia and Veneneia basins. Greens and yellows represent relatively young landslides or other downhill movement and crater impact materials, respectively. This map unifies 15 individual quadrangle maps published this week in a special issue of Icarus. Map is a Mollweide projection, centered on 180 degrees longitude using the Dawn Claudia coordinate system.

JPL manages the Dawn mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team.

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More information about Dawn is online at

"click on image to enlarge"
Vesta Topography Map
Vesta Topography Map
This color-coded topography map from NASA's Dawn mission shows the giant asteroid Vesta in an equirectangular projection at 32 pixels per degree, relative to an ellipsoid of 177 miles by 177 miles by 142 miles (285 kilometers by 285 kilometers by 229 kilometers). The color scale extends from 13.96 miles (22.47 kilometers) below the surface in purple to 12.11 miles (19.48 kilometers) above the surface in white. The topographic map was constructed from analyzing more than 17,000 images from Dawn's framing camera that were taken with varying sun and viewing angles.

The Dawn mission to Vesta and Ceres is managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, a division of the California Institute of Technology in Pasadena, for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, Washington. The University of California, Los Angeles, is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. The Dawn framing cameras were developed and built under the leadership of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, with significant contributions by DLR German Aerospace Center, Institute of Planetary Research, Berlin, and in coordination with the Institute of Computer and Communication Network Engineering, Braunschweig. The framing camera project is funded by the Max Planck Society, DLR and NASA.

More information on Dawn is available at: and .


NOVEMBER 17, 2014
Geologic Maps of Vesta from NASA's Dawn Mission Published

Images from NASA's Dawn Mission have been used to create a series of high-resolution geological maps of the large asteroid Vesta, revealing the variety of surface features in unprecedented detail. These maps are included with a series of 11 scientific papers published this week in a special issue of the journal Icarus.

Geological mapping is a technique used to derive the geologic history of a planetary object from detailed analysis of surface morphology, topography, color and brightness information. A team of 14 scientists mapped the surface of Vesta using Dawn spacecraft data, led by three NASA-funded participating scientists: David A. Williams of Arizona State University, Tempe; R. Aileen Yingst of the Planetary Science Institute, Tucson, Arizona; and W. Brent Garry of the NASA Goddard Spaceflight Center, Greenbelt, Maryland.

"The geologic mapping campaign at Vesta took about two-and-a-half years to complete, and the resulting maps enabled us to recognize a geologic timescale of Vesta for comparison to other planets," said Williams.

Scientists discovered through these maps that impacts from several large meteorites have shaped Vesta's history. Asteroids like Vesta are remnants of the formation of the solar system, giving scientists a peek at its history. Asteroids could also harbor molecules that are the building blocks of life and reveal clues about the origins of life on Earth.

The geologic mapping of Vesta is enabled by images obtained by the framing camera provided by the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research of the German Max Planck Society and the German Aerospace Center. This camera takes panchromatic images and seven bands of color-filtered images. Stereo photos are used to create topographic models of the surface that aid in the geologic interpretation.

Vesta's geologic timescale is determined by the sequence of large impact events, primarily by the Veneneia and Rheasilvia impacts in Vesta's early history and the Marcia impact in its late history. The oldest crust on Vesta pre-dates the Veneneia impact.The relative timescale is supplemented by model-based absolute ages from two different approaches that apply crater statistics to date the surface.

"This mapping was crucial for getting a better understanding of Vesta's geological history, as well as providing context for the compositional information that we received from other instruments on the spacecraft: the visible and infrared (VIR) mapping spectrometer and the gamma-ray and neutron detector (GRaND)," said Carol Raymond, Dawn's deputy principal investigator at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

The objective of NASA's Dawn mission is to characterize the two most massive objects in the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter - Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres. The spacecraft launched in 2007. Vesta, orbited by the Dawn spacecraft between July 2011 and September 2012, was thought to be the source of a unique set of basaltic meteorites (called HEDs, for howardite-eucrite-diogenite), and Dawn confirmed the Vesta-HED connection.

The Dawn spacecraft is currently on its way to Ceres, the largest object in the asteroid belt. Dawn will arrive at Ceres in March 2015.

Dawn uses ion propulsion in spiraling trajectories to travel from Earth to Vesta, orbit Vesta and then continue on to orbit the dwarf planet Ceres. Ion engines use very small amounts of onboard fuel, enabling a mission that would be unaffordable or impossible without them.

JPL manages the Dawn mission for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. Dawn is a project of the directorate's Discovery Program, managed by NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama. The University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) is responsible for overall Dawn mission science. Orbital Sciences Corp. in Dulles, Virginia, designed and built the spacecraft. The German Aerospace Center, the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research, the Italian Space Agency and the Italian National Astrophysical Institute are international partners on the mission team.

For more information about Dawn, visit:

Media Contact
Elizabeth Landau
NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.

Robert Burnham
Arizona State University, Tempe, Ariz.

Press Release 2014-399

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

15 November 2014

Newly Released Map Data Shows Frequency of Small Asteroid Impacts, Provides Clues on Larger Asteroid Population

Newly Released Map Data Shows Frequency of Small Asteroid Impacts, Provides Clues on Larger Asteroid Population
Linda Billings & NASA/JPL Near-Earth Object Program Office- November 14, 2014
Map showing the bolide events from 1994 to 2013
It happens all the time: small asteroids impact Earth's atmosphere

Small asteroids near Earth, with sizes of only about a meter, hit the atmosphere and disintegrate with surprising frequency - around every other week, new data show.

Data gathered by U.S. government sensors and released to NASA for use by the science community reveal that these small impact events are frequent and random. A map of these small impact events - known as fireballs or bolides - recently released by NASA shows the frequency and approximate
energy released by bolide events detected from 1994 through 2013. It dwarfs a data-base of small impacts based on infra-sound detections released last fall, but it does not contain all fireballs - objects less than a meter in size - that impacted the Earth during this period.

Over this 20-year interval, U.S. Government assets recorded at least 556 bolide events of various energies. On this world map illustration, the size of the orange dots (daytime events) and blue dots (nighttime events) are proportional to the optical radiated energy of the impact event measured
in billions of Joules (GJ) of energy. An approximate conversion between the measured optical radiant energy and the total impact energy can be made using an empirical relationship provided by Peter Brown and colleagues in 2002. For example the smallest dot on the map represents 1 billion
Joules (1 GJ) of optical radiant energy, or when expressed in terms of a total impact energy the equivalent of about 5 tons of TNT explosives. Likewise, the dots representing 100, 10,000 and 1,000,000 Giga Joules of optical radiant energies correspond to impact energies of about 300 tons, 18,000 tons and one million tons of TNT explosives respectively.

The largest impact energy recorded during this 20-year interval was the recent daytime Chelyabinsk event (440,000 - 500,000 tons of TNT) recorded over central Russia on February 15, 2013. This small asteroid that exploded in the atmosphere near Chelyabinsk, Russia was about 20 meters in size
before it hit the Earth. While that impact focused public attention on the potential hazards of NEO impacts with Earth, space scientists have long known that such events are just a part of Earth's geologic history.

NASA's Near Earth Object (NEO) Observations Program finds, tracks, and characterizes asteroids whose orbits bring them within approximately 50 million kilometers (31 million miles) of Earth's orbit about the sun.

"We now know that Earth's atmosphere does a great job of protecting Earth from small asteroids", said NASA NEO Observations Program Executive Lindley Johnson. The new data will be extrapolated to estimate more precisely the frequency of impacts by asteroids large enough to cause ground damage.
"How big is the population of larger asteroids we really need to worry about? We need to better understand that." Johnson said.

While the new data emphasize that small asteroid impacts with Earth are not unusual, the risk of future impacts is not to be taken lightly. "The aim is to find potentially hazardous asteroids before they find us," said Donald Yeomans, manager of NASA's NEO Program Office at the Jet Propulsion

NASA's Asteroid Initiative features a Grand Challenge to the community "to create a plan to find all asteroid threats to human populations and know what to do about them."

The NEO Observations Program already has identified more than 96 percent of the estimated population of nearly one thousand one-kilometer or larger
sized asteroids. The Program's current objective is to identify 90 percent or more of the far more numerous NEOs larger than 140-meters in diameter. It is estimated they may be as much as 25 times more numerous than 1 kilometer asteroids.

Every day, Earth is bombarded with more than 100 tons of dust and sand-sized particles from space. About once a year, an automobile-sized asteroid hits Earth's atmosphere, creating a spectacular fireball (bolide) event as the friction of the Earth's atmosphere causes them to disintegrate - sometimes explosively.

Studies of Earth's history indicate that about once every 5,000 years or so on average an object the size of a football field hits Earth and causes significant damage. Once every few million years on average an object large enough to cause regional or global disaster impacts Earth. Impact craters on Earth, the Moon and other planetary bodies are evidence of these occurrences.

Meteor Crater near Winslow, Arizona, is evidence of the impact with Earth's surface of a 50-meter asteroid about 50,000 years ago. Impact of the metal-rich object released energy equivalent to a 10 megaton explosion and formed a 1.2 kilometer-diameter crater. Scientists have identified several dozen
impact craters in North America alone, most masked by erosion and vegetation.

Scientific assessments of the risk of, as well as the hazards posed by, future asteroid impacts with Earth vary. In a 2013 paper published in Nature, Peter Brown and his colleagues reported that "telescopic surveys have only discovered about 500 near-Earth asteroids that are 10-20 meters
in diameter (comparable to the Chelyabinsk asteroid) of an estimated near-Earth asteroid population of around 2 x 10 7 [20 million], implying that a significant impactor population at these sizes could be present but not yet cataloged in the discovered near-Earth asteroid population."

"These newly released data will help NEO scientists construct a more complete picture of the frequency and scope of asteroid impacts with Earth," said Johnson.

In conducting its work, the NEO Observations Program collaborates with other U.S. government agencies, other national and international entities, and professional and amateur astronomers around the world. NASA works closely with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal
government departments and agencies on NEO impact warning, mitigation and response planning. The Program is responsible for facilitating communications between the astronomical community, the federal government and the public about NEO impact hazards and risks. The NEO Observations Program is a lead participant in a newly organized International Asteroid Warning Network.

For more information:

For a documented list of bolide events, see:

P.G. Brown et al., The flux of small near-Earth objects colliding with
the Earth. Nature, vol. 420, 21 Nov. 2002, pp. 294-296

P.G. Brown et al., A 500-kiloton airburst over Chelyabinsk and an enhanced
hazard from small impactors, Nature 503, 14 November 2013

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

17 October 2014

Louisiana Loud Boom - Mystery NOT solved / Meteor After All?

Update- 18OCT2014 0515 JST
X-37B Returns Safely / Louisiana X-37B Loud Boom - Mystery NOT Solved / Meteor Again?

From: 30th Space Wing Public Affairs,

The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle mission 3 (OTV-3), the Air Force's unmanned, reusable space plane, landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:24 a.m. Oct. 17 . "The 30th Space Wing and our mission partners, Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, Boeing, and our base support contractors, have put countless hours of hard work into preparing for this landing and today we were able to see the culmination of that dedication," said Col Keith Balts, 30th Space Wing commander. "I'm extremely proud of our team for coming together to execute this third safe and successful landing. Everyone from our on console space operators to our airfield managers and civil engineers take pride in this unique mission and exemplify excellence during its execution." The OTV-3 conducted on-orbit experiments for 674 days during its mission, extending the total number of days spent on-orbit for the OTV program to 1367 days. "The landing of OTV-3 marks a hallmark event for the program" said the X-37B program manager. "The mission is our longest to date and we're pleased with the incremental progress we've seen in our testing of the reusable space plane. The dedication and hard work by the entire team has made us extremely proud." The X-37B is the newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft. Managed by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, the X-37B program performs risk 
reduction, experimentation and concept of operations development for reusable space vehicle technologies. The Air Force is preparing to launch the fourth X-37B mission from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in 2015.
Louisiana X-37B Loud Boom - Mystery Solved NOT Solved -Scrap this hypothesis
SECRET X-37B Re-entry Path Over Shreveport, LA. 13OCT2014 -- Controlled Deceleration of the Craft Caused the Loud Boom!
Convenient cloudy overcast provided cover.
written 2340 JST,  16OCT2014 Tokyo
by Dirk Ross...LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

SECRET Boeing X-37B / NASA
Since the mystery Loud Boom in the Shreveport, Louisiana area on Monday, October 13 at approximately 4:27 pm CDT, the event was felt and heard by thousands of residents in and around the city.and even over the state line into Texas some 35 miles away.

   At the time of the event I started getting an unusual pattern of traffic indicating an event and then queries starting coming in.  I immediately set off to post about the event in hopes of capturing reports from witnesses and to break the news story ahead of the media..  Minutes later I had the event confirmed via my network.

  Since Shreveport has had past loud booms, one on October 15, 2012 being the most recent, it was first guessed that it might have been a munitions bunker again, but it wasn't.  The Calumet plant was the next suspect because they had a prior loud boom; Calumet - negative!  Pipelines, other possible factories, and the military bases no cause was found.

 The next likely culprit, and my favorite at the time was a bolide, a large meteor, entering and fragmenting and this hypothesis lasted about two days for me.

 After contacting Marc Fries, a meteor radar expert, asked him to search for possible radar debris evidence;  Marc reported, "Nothing!". Meanwhile the National Weather Service, found a debris plume to the southeast of Shreveport.  NWS called the artifact a debris cloud. Marc found the same artifact on the same radar 15 minutes PRIOR to the event, discounting radar debris field evidence.

  This started me thinking about other possibilities. Was it a re-entry craft or vehicle, and what kind?

   The Google Search bar quickly found the SECRET X-37B, "Space Drone", was scheduled to be back at any time soon and of course secret, but open sources gave the location as Vandenberg AFB in California, but I also found that there was talk of landing one "in the future" at KFC as a trial run.

  Ok, I had my possible cause, looking more deeply into the bowels of Google and an IDEA hit me; check the Columbia return path!  Well I didn't just then, but I found that the Columbia had first entered over land at San Francisco, California and was to land at Kennedy Flight Center.  On Google Earth, I drew a line between the two locations, the line went right over Shreveport!  I found the Columbia's path on an official map, the map showed the flight path right over the Shreveport, LA area.

  This set me off on a search chase to find out more about the X-37B ......which I will write about later.  ........More about the story to come................ to be continued after I have some sleep

  The previous original post reports and prior updates can be read here -

About me The Lunar Meteorite Hunter-
 This website, The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News, 24/7. Utilizing the monitoring system, MBIQ "Meteor Bot Internet Query" bot. - Dirk Ross...Tokyo

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 October 2014

Ceramic / Metal Tile "Meteorite" Falls in NJ -08OCT2014

Ceramic / Metal Tile "Meteorite" Falls in NJ -08OCT2014
Ceramic / Metal Tile
Photo Source - nbcnewyork
Man Believes Debris Fell From Sky Onto Secaucus, NJ Waste Water Treatment Plant
CBS NY October 9, 2014 4:15 PM

Falling Metal Object Mystifies New Jersey Plant Workers

30 May 2014

NASA "Flying Saucer" Test Flight - LDSD -- Final Hoped Destination MARS! -- TEST 02JUN2014

NASA "Flying Saucer" Test Flight - LDSD --  Final Hoped Destination .... MARS!

LDSD - NASA "Flying Saucer" Technology
Photo - NASA / JPL
NASA Sets Media Coverage for Saucer-Shaped Test Vehicle Flight in Hawaii
May 29, 2014
NASA's Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator (LDSD) project will fly a
rocket-powered, saucer-shaped test vehicle into near-space next week from the
U.S. Navy's Pacific Missile Range Facility in Kauai, Hawaii. Several events
are planned for reporters who would like to cover this unique space
technology engineering test flight.

On Monday, June 2, reporters who have previously received access clearance
from the U.S. Navy are invited to the Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF)
in Kauai to attend a news conference about the test. After the televised
briefing at 8 a.m. HST, reporters in attendance will be offered a
behind-the-scenes tour of the facility and LDSD operations. Reporters
planning to attend the Monday briefing must arrive at PMRF no later than 7
a.m. for escort onto the facility.

Journalists unable to attend can participate in the briefing via
teleconference and should contact David Steitz at
or 202-236-5829 for dial-in information.

Briefing panelists include:
-- U.S. Navy Capt. Bruce Hay, PMRF Commanding Officer
-- Mike Gazarik, Associate Administrator of the Space Technology Mission
Directorate at NASA Headquarters, Washington
--Mark Adler, LDSD Project Manager at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
in Pasadena, California
--Ian Clark, LDSD principal investigator at JPL

Gazarik will be available for live television interviews from midnight - 6
a.m. (6 a.m. - noon EDT) Monday. To reserve an interview time and get
satellite coordinates, media should contact David Steitz.

NASA has identified six potential dates for launch of the high-altitude
balloon carrying the LDSD experiment: June 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 13. Decisions
to attempt launch of the LDSD test will be made the day before each launch
opportunity date. NASA will issue launch advisories via the mission website,
media advisories and on Twitter at:

On launch attempt days, journalists are invited to PMRF to watch the liftoff
and flight of the balloon carrying the LDSD. The June 3 launch window extends
from 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. HST.

After the balloon launch, reporters will be able to watch flight events as
they unfold on monitors at the LDSD media center located in the PMRF hanger.
Reporters must arrive each balloon launch attempt day no later than 7 a.m.
for escort onto the base. Journalists should follow the LDSD mission website
for daily launch window dates and times.

NASA's LDSD carries several onboard cameras. It is expected that video of
selected portions of the test, including the rocket-powered ascent, will be
downlinked and streamed live to several NASA websites. Reporters not
attending can watch the balloon launch and subsequent test on NASA TV, or on
the web at:


Live commentary is expected to begin at 7:45 a.m. HST (1:45 p.m. EDT). For
NASA TV streaming video, downlink and updated scheduling information, visit:

After the balloon reaches an altitude of 120,000 feet, the rocket-powered
test vehicle will be dropped. Seconds later, its motor will fire, carrying it
to 180,000 feet and as fast as Mach 4. LDSD carries several onboard cameras.
It is expected that video of selected portions, including the rocket-powered
ascent, will be downlinked live and streamed live to NASA TV and online.

More information about the LDSD space technology demonstration mission is
online at:

NASA's Space Technology Mission Directorate funds the LDSD mission, a
cooperative effort led by JPL. NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Alabama, manages LDSD within the Technology Demonstration Mission
Program Office. NASA's Wallops Flight Facility in Wallops Island, Virginia,
is coordinating support with the Pacific Missile Range Facility and providing
the balloon systems for the LDSD test.

For more information about the Space Technology Mission Directorate, visit:

LDSD: We Brake for Mars (Part 1)
Posted on YouTube by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 191,532 views

LDSD: We Brake for Mars (Part 2)
Posted on YouTube by NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory 19,901 views

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 May 2014

Camelopardalids! Here come the Camelopardalids! !!! 23/24MAY2014

Camelopardalids Meteor Shower! 
Here come the Camelopardalids! !!!
Meteor Storm May 23 and 24 With Up To 1000 Shooting Stars An Hour??? Maybe!!! ...???
Stay up or get up EARLY and watch!  This will be the first time that history will record the event...

ScienceCasts: NASA on the Lookout for a New Meteor Shower
Posted to YouYube by ScienceAtNASA 36,344 views
Sky watchers in North America could witness a new meteor shower on May 24th when, for the first time, Earth passes through a cloud of dust from periodic comet 209P/LINEAR.

Meteor Storm May 23 and 24 With Up To 1000 Shooting Stars An Hour! - Ontario Stargazing ...
Sky watchers look up for potential meteor storm May 23 and 24. When and where to see it!

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 March 2014

LiveStream - Soyuz / Space Station Docking LIVE! Dock Complete Over Brasil!

LiveStream ISS Space Station Docking LIVE! - Dock to complete over southern Brasil!!!

Live streaming video by Ustream
2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!