Showing posts with label Shreveport. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shreveport. Show all posts

17 October 2014

Louisiana Loud Boom - Mystery NOT solved / Meteor After All?

Update- 18OCT2014 0515 JST
X-37B Returns Safely / Louisiana X-37B Loud Boom - Mystery NOT Solved / Meteor Again?

From: 30th Space Wing Public Affairs,

The X-37B Orbital Test Vehicle mission 3 (OTV-3), the Air Force's unmanned, reusable space plane, landed at Vandenberg Air Force Base at 9:24 a.m. Oct. 17 . "The 30th Space Wing and our mission partners, Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, Boeing, and our base support contractors, have put countless hours of hard work into preparing for this landing and today we were able to see the culmination of that dedication," said Col Keith Balts, 30th Space Wing commander. "I'm extremely proud of our team for coming together to execute this third safe and successful landing. Everyone from our on console space operators to our airfield managers and civil engineers take pride in this unique mission and exemplify excellence during its execution." The OTV-3 conducted on-orbit experiments for 674 days during its mission, extending the total number of days spent on-orbit for the OTV program to 1367 days. "The landing of OTV-3 marks a hallmark event for the program" said the X-37B program manager. "The mission is our longest to date and we're pleased with the incremental progress we've seen in our testing of the reusable space plane. The dedication and hard work by the entire team has made us extremely proud." The X-37B is the newest and most advanced re-entry spacecraft. Managed by the Air Force Rapid Capabilities Office, the X-37B program performs risk 
reduction, experimentation and concept of operations development for reusable space vehicle technologies. The Air Force is preparing to launch the fourth X-37B mission from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in 2015.
Louisiana X-37B Loud Boom - Mystery Solved NOT Solved -Scrap this hypothesis
SECRET X-37B Re-entry Path Over Shreveport, LA. 13OCT2014 -- Controlled Deceleration of the Craft Caused the Loud Boom!
Convenient cloudy overcast provided cover.
written 2340 JST,  16OCT2014 Tokyo
by Dirk Ross...LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

SECRET Boeing X-37B / NASA
Since the mystery Loud Boom in the Shreveport, Louisiana area on Monday, October 13 at approximately 4:27 pm CDT, the event was felt and heard by thousands of residents in and around the city.and even over the state line into Texas some 35 miles away.

   At the time of the event I started getting an unusual pattern of traffic indicating an event and then queries starting coming in.  I immediately set off to post about the event in hopes of capturing reports from witnesses and to break the news story ahead of the media..  Minutes later I had the event confirmed via my network.

  Since Shreveport has had past loud booms, one on October 15, 2012 being the most recent, it was first guessed that it might have been a munitions bunker again, but it wasn't.  The Calumet plant was the next suspect because they had a prior loud boom; Calumet - negative!  Pipelines, other possible factories, and the military bases no cause was found.

 The next likely culprit, and my favorite at the time was a bolide, a large meteor, entering and fragmenting and this hypothesis lasted about two days for me.

 After contacting Marc Fries, a meteor radar expert, asked him to search for possible radar debris evidence;  Marc reported, "Nothing!". Meanwhile the National Weather Service, found a debris plume to the southeast of Shreveport.  NWS called the artifact a debris cloud. Marc found the same artifact on the same radar 15 minutes PRIOR to the event, discounting radar debris field evidence.

  This started me thinking about other possibilities. Was it a re-entry craft or vehicle, and what kind?

   The Google Search bar quickly found the SECRET X-37B, "Space Drone", was scheduled to be back at any time soon and of course secret, but open sources gave the location as Vandenberg AFB in California, but I also found that there was talk of landing one "in the future" at KFC as a trial run.

  Ok, I had my possible cause, looking more deeply into the bowels of Google and an IDEA hit me; check the Columbia return path!  Well I didn't just then, but I found that the Columbia had first entered over land at San Francisco, California and was to land at Kennedy Flight Center.  On Google Earth, I drew a line between the two locations, the line went right over Shreveport!  I found the Columbia's path on an official map, the map showed the flight path right over the Shreveport, LA area.

  This set me off on a search chase to find out more about the X-37B ......which I will write about later.  ........More about the story to come................ to be continued after I have some sleep

  The previous original post reports and prior updates can be read here -

About me The Lunar Meteorite Hunter-
 This website, The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News, 24/7. Utilizing the monitoring system, MBIQ "Meteor Bot Internet Query" bot. - Dirk Ross...Tokyo

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 October 2014

Shreveport, Louisiana LOUD BOOM Possible Meteor 13OCT2014

BREAKING -- Latest UPDATE-- 1235 JST  16OCT2014 LMH , Tokyo
Approximate flight path defined and deceleration location approximated.
According to meteor radar expert, Marc Fries, this was not the debris,  The so-called "debris" were on the radar in the same location 15 minutes prior to the event, according to Fries. -LMH
:click on image to enlarge
Approximate Flight Path of Re-entry.
Sound barrier deceleration occurred just South of Greenwod, LA at High Altitude
c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth.

DEBRIS FIELD Located! strikeout @  1235 JST  16OCT2014 LMH , Tokyo
Still mystery event! - latest information
Shreveport, Louisiana LOUD BOOM  POSSIBLE Meteor Event 1627 CDT 13OCT2014
Meteor??? Maybe? ---- 35 Miles away heard in Texas!  IF it was a large meteoroid fragmentation a LOUD BOOM would result.  IF media witness reports are correct, and IF this event was meteor related, the detonation occurred near Greenwood, LA and Waskom, LA areas at 18-25 miles above the Earth. 
  According to media reports military, refinery, and pipelines are not responsible for the Boom.
-LunarMeteoriteHunter  updated 0158 JST 15OCT2014, Tokyo, Japan
"click on image to enlarge"
Shreveport, Louisiana LOUD BOOM Possible Meteor 1627 CDT 13OCT2014
Map showing boom reports.
and DEBRIS FIELD reported by NWS
v6 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

All Rights Reserved - Use with written permission.
"click on image to enlarge"
Debris Field Found on Radar
NWS Radar Image via KSLA TV
Please report the SOUND / sighting or what you experienced with city/town location!  Try and describe the sound and duration the best you can. We are trying to build a map; thank you!
Report HERE link

Still mystery event!  I have just been informed that the Calumet report by was from a prior event.

  "On the local 10:00 PM News, still no Official Word today on the Sonic Boom from the Sky.
  My guess, a large Meteor entering the atmosphere at a shallow angle. At the time of the Sonic Boom , about 4:30 PM, the local relative direction of the Earth was away the Sky, toward the Ground, whereas opposite motion of the Earth at 4:30 AM is somewhat from the Ground toward the Sky. When the Sun is low in the Western Sky or in the early evening, the Earth is moving away from the direction overhead, this is why many of these Sonic Boom-generating Meteors come in at a shallow angle, late in the afternoon or early evening. The Asteroid fragment last year in Russia, happened in the morning, locally the Earth was moving toward the sky amplifying the meteor’s velocity. It is just a matter if time; a large object will slam into the atmosphere over a populated area. The object over Chelyabinsk Russia, February 15, 2013, weighed over 12,000 metric tons, traveling over 40,000 mph, equaled the destructive force of 500,000 tons of TNT. Fortunately that object in Russia burst high in the Sky with a relatively shallow horizontal motion. If it had come in at a steeper angle, the shock wave would have slammed perpendicularly against the ground focusing the local energy of the shock wave, smashing entire cities, like that of the event in Russia 100 years ago.

  In a few days a Comet, the size of a mountain will fly by Mars at a relative 33 Miles per second, passing a few thousand miles from its surface. Luckily the Solar System has been swept clear of most of these large objects perhaps hundreds of millions of years ago, or else our planet would not be as friendly a place to live as it is now, however, since there are so many of us on the surface of the Earth, some are an easy target for much smaller and more numerous objects."
Jay Salsburg, Shreveport, Louisiana

 " When folks across the ArkLaTex were startled by a loud boom late Monday afternoon, most assumed it was just another clap of thunder on a rainy day. But what they heard was an explosion that rocked Shreveport’s Calumet Refinery, a blast that caused two employees to be hospitalized.
  SFD says the fire was contained to a small, gasoline making section of the refinery and that there was no threat to the surrounding area. The two injured workers were taken to a nearby hospital with injuries that were considered minor.
  The cause of the explosion will now be investigated by a team of Calumet safety specialists. The refinery is located just south of I-20 across from the state fairgrounds." 
Jay Salsburg, Shreveport, Louisiana
I have JUST been informed that the Calumet report by was from a prior event.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
"How did you hear about this report? I was deep asleep, but it woke me. I remember hearing a very loud pop, then a series of reverberant booms travelling across the sky. When I went to sleep, we were having thunderstorms so I just thought it was a close lightning strike, but now that there is so much mystery, I do remember it did not sound like Thunder but a sonic boom, I remember them from the 1960s. For it to have waked me from sleep it would have to have been very loud, I sleep like a rock. Unfortunately the sky was overcast. Maybe an airline pilot saw something, but you know how they are about Unidentified Flying Objects. If this was heard over such a wide area, it had to have been at high altitude."
Jay Salsburg, Shreveport, Louisiana

13OCT2014 Stephen Foster Shreveport, LA 4:30ish pop/boom 2-3 sec until pressure waves shook windows Indoors at my home.Sound came from the backyard area and shook the back windows of the house the most. That would have put the direction west to southwest of my location. n/a n/a n/a Indoors when me and my kids heard it. Sounded similar to thunder, but was a sharper more distinct pop. Then the windows in my home rattled seconds later. My daughter asked what was that? I though initially it was thunder since we had been having storms in the area that day.

13OCT2014 Misty Roberts Shreveport, La 16:26 CDT 5 SEC above and everywhere extremely LOUD BOOM(S) no lights none seen VERY loud boom, then 2 smaller ones (like echoes maybe) that was felt AND heard. SCARY!!!!

13OCT2014 Jay Salsburg Shreveport, Louisiana, USA 16:26 CDT 15 seconds seemed that the sound was coming from the West and above extremely LOUD BOOM(S) N/A N/A Pop Sound followed by Sonic Booms
13OCT2014 Sarah Keithville ,la. 1630 PM central time 2 sec East We heard a very loud. BOOM sound and it shook my house Didn't see anything Didn't see anything This shook my home and rattled windows sounding like in my yard going off , It was so loud it made me jump out of laying down and dead sleep , run to check on my kids outside and thought it was a military detonation of some type . Sounded like a military grade BOOM of middle or cannon .

13OCT2014 Emily Sanchez Stonewall, LA 1625 central, PM It was quick, almost a minute maybe. No sight Immediate big boom, I thought a tree had fallen close by, but I did not see anything when I walked outside after it happened. N/A N/A The bad storm just passed away an ended and after is when the boom sounded, I felt vibrations, it shook my house like rattled it, every dog on our property were barking. Our outside dogs barked greatly. There were no signs of anything, no trees down, no smoke. Winds did pick up, it was very gusty and the cold front did seem to already start, it got somewhat cool.

13OCT2014 RJ Bossier city, LA 16:27:00 1 United States Boom no no no

13OCT2014 Brian WC Shreveport, LA, US 16:26 PM CDT 5 seconds unknown no LOUD BOOM unknown loud boom heard over NW Louisiana and far east Texas. It has been erroneously reported as a refinery explosion in another report. However, people have been mistakenly looking at a news story from a similar explosion two years ago. The refinery in question was not at the epicenter of the noise this time.

Media News Reports-

Debris field spotted on radar at time of boom heard around the ArkLaTex
Posted: Oct 15, 2014 3:20 AM TSTUpdated: Oct 15, 2014 9:35 AM TST
By Carolyn Roy
SHREVEPORT, LA (KSLA) -The National Weather Service in Shreveport says they picked up a debris field on radar Monday afternoon at the same time many people around the ArkLaTex reported hearing a loud boom.
Source of boom heard around ArkLaTex not identified
Posted: Oct 13, 2014 5:52 PM CDT Updated: Oct 13, 2014 6:47 PM CDT
The source of a loud boom heard at points across the ArkLaTex from Marshall to Keithville to Haughton remains a mystery at this hour....

Loud Boom Rocks Shreveport - - Shreveport, LA ...
People in Shreveport say they heard what they believed to be a massive explosion at Calumet. It wasn't an explosion but it was very loud....  I have been informed that the Calumet report by was from a prior event.

Explosion Shakes Shreveport-Bossier
6 hours ago - We're hearing about a possible explosion at Calumet Lubricants, but the ...Shreveport/Bossier News...

Two years ago!! A different BOOM in LA!
MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012

MBIQ Data Set-
Shreveport, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012" by searching for loud boom in shreveport la.
09:40:36 -- 1 minute ago

Shreveport, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012" by searching for big boom in northwest louisiana october 2012 and 2014 related?.
09:29:52 -- 9 minutes ago

Shreveport, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012" by searching for loud boom shreveport.
09:01:27 -- 8 minutes ago

United States arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012" by searching for befores its news big boom shreveport la oct 13 2014.
08:37:23 -- 32 minutes ago

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

16 October 2012

Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor 15OCT2012

IF you are looking for the 13OCT2014 LOUD BOOM this is the link-

JUST IN! Determined to be munitions bunker explosion at Camp Minden

Webster SO confirms bunker explosion at Camp Minden
KLTV‎ - 16 minutes ago
WEBSTER PARISH, LA (KSLA) -The Webster Parish Sheriff's Office confirms an underground bunker exploded late last night at Camp Minden.

Loud boom in Webster was bunker at Camp Minden
KTBS‎ - 34 minutes ago

Debris plume over Camp Minden as shown on NOAA radar from Shreveport, LA.
  "The Louisiana bunker explosion shows up quite well on the Shreveport
  Attached are two images -- one showing just a National Geographic topo
map of the area of the explosion, and the second showing the same map
(mostly obscured) with radar data overlaid."
  "Impressively, the plume from the explosion also shows up in a
single scan from the Lake Charles, LA, radar at a range of
145 nautical miles (almost 270 km!) "
--Dr. Rob Matson, Aerospace Engineer
*click on image to enlarge*
Debris plume from bunker explosion over Camp Minden, LA as shown on NOAA radar from Shreveport, LA.
*click on image to enlarge*
National Geographic topo map of the area of the explosion. 
Breaking News - MBIQ Detects Louisiana Boom - NOT Meteor ~23:20 CDT 15OCT2012
Meteor Bot Internet Query (MBIQ) Bot has just detect a loud boom and what witnesses described as a meteor event seen over Webster Parish, Louisiana 15OCT2012.
(click on image to enlarge)
Concentration of meteor sighting queries are coming from  Shreveport and Brossier City, LA area. Sonics were heard and house shook at Princeton, LA and Shreveport, LA..
v.6 (c) LunarMeteorite*Hunter / Google Earth 
OVER 18,000 persons have read this post; thank you all!

Please check security cameras in the area for capture of this event.
If you witnessed this event please file a sighting report on this site; thank you!
Click here to report a meteor / fireball 

Initial Sighting reports:
15OCT2012 Lisa Shreveport, Louisiana, US 2330 1 sec unsure loud boom like an explosion and shaking. unsure unsure i live about 40 miles away from supposed site. woke me up with a loud boom and shaking.

15OCT2012 AMY PRINCETON, LA, USA 11:30 PM CENTRAL . . Extremely loud boom like an explosion, caused house to shake for several seconds . . Sleeping and awakened by the shaking and sound

15OCT2012 AJ Shreveport, Louisiana approx. 11:20 pm 5 to 6 seconds Traveling East white,yellow. My husband saw green. moon no low and moving at a fast pace

15OCT2012 Emily Burford Minden, Louisiana 22:00:00 10-15 sec facing north, moved left to right green and white moon no It was very low, I almost believed it was a plane

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

Related News Reports:
Possible Meteor Explosion Rattles Northwest Louisiana

Published on 16 Oct 2012 by N0LINKNEWS 162 views
WEBSTER PARISH, LA (KSLA) - Webster Parish Sheriff Gary Sexton tells us they "definitely had something happen" in Webster Parish Monday night. ...

Loud Explosion in Webster Parish
Residents in Bossier and Webster are reporting a loud explosion. Webster Parish Officials say they currently believe it was a meteor north of Minden shortly before 11:30 PM Monday. According to people near Doyline and Minden their houses shook knocking ... (more)

Authorities investigate loud boom - WAFB 9 News Baton Rouge ... minutes ago – ... a loud boom that shook homes across Northwest Louisiana Monday night. ... Updated: Monday, October 15 2012 12:09 PM EDT2012-10-15 ...

MBIQ Data:
Shreveport, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite northwest louisiana.
14:42:49 -- 8 minutes ago

Jonesboro, Arkansas arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Louisiana enormous "boom" 9MAR2010" by searching for nasa boom in louisiana.
14:44:32 -- 7 minutes ago

Baton Rouge, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for i just saw an asteroid.
14:46:53 -- 5 minutes ago

Shreveport, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor strike louisiana.
14:48:31 -- 3 minutes ago

Ruston, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Louisiana enormous "boom" 9MAR2010" by searching for meteorite and shreveport.
14:50:32 -- 2 minutes ago

West Monroe, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Louisiana enormous "boom" 9MAR2010" by searching for meteorite shreveport.
14:51:29 -- 1 minute ago

Keithville, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteorite north louisiana.
14:58:10 -- 2 minutes ago

Minden, Louisiana arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for northwest louisiana meteorite.
14:59:14 -- 1 minute ago

Huntsville, Alabama arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects Louisiana Meteor 15OCT2012" by searching for meteor hits over northwest la.
15:00:53 -- 1 minute ago

2012 THE Year of Meteors!