Showing posts with label Dirk Ross. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dirk Ross. Show all posts

12 October 2021

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture #2 by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 TW Local

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 07OCT2021
鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 台灣當地時間
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

The fireball meteor was determined to be from the ongoing Delta Aurigid meteor shower and was traveling with a decent of approximately 70 degrees at approximately 34 to 42 kilometers per second or approximately 21-26 miles per second, personal communication Thomas Dorman, USA. If any material actually made it to earth, which is unlikely due to the meteoroid size and velocity, it landed in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan.
我個人與在美國的Thomas Dorman溝通後,認定火球是來自目前發生中的御夫座δ流星雨 Delta Aurigid,合理估算以70度角和大約每秒34到42公里(21-26英里/秒)的速度行進。假設還有任何殘留物質抵達地面,落點應該在台灣外面的太平洋上,不過以流星的速度和大小來看不太可能有殘留物。

                                                               "Click on image to enlarge." 
Lulin Astronomical Observatory, Taiwan photo of video capture of the same Delta Aurigid fireball meteor capture in Tamsui, Taiwan by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple 07OCT2021 05"00"56 corrected time 台灣當地時間. 
鹿林天文台©2021 Thank you to Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in providing this video for use.
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

鹿林天文臺 鹿林天文台©2021 2021/10/07流星出現在05"00"56 台灣當地時間,鹿林天文台正東方。 Approximate location- 23°28'10.6"N 120°52'24.2"E 23.469603, 120.873393 
Posted on Youtube Oct 12, 2021 29 views 
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07, 05"00"56 台灣當地時間. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

Thank you to 鹿林天文台,  Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in locating and providing this video for use.

original video location-

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

11 October 2021

TAIWAN Fireball Meteor Capture #1 07OCT2021 05"00"56 TW Local

Space Rock Streaks through the Northern Taiwan Sky Captured by CCD Camera-corrected time 05"00"56 TW Local
by Dirk Ross, Tokyo 11OCT2021

                                               (Click on image to enlarge)
Meteor Falls over The Holy Thousand-Hand Guanyin PUSA Sculpture, "GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS ™-The Largest Steel Sculpture, Taiwan’s New Landmark", Tamsui, Taiwan
-- Video capture by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple  Photo Credits- video capture by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple, photo manipulation and analysis by Thomas Dorman, USA and Chih-An Liu, Taiwan  ©2021

Space Rock Streaks through the Northern Taiwan Sky Captured by CCD Camera
by Dirk Ross, Tokyo 11OCT2021
  An auspicious synchronicity occurred as a fireball meteor entered over Taiwan as the Forshang Patriarch monk, at Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple, was chanting sunrise blessings at 05"00"56 TW Local time, Thursday, October 7th... Just as OM was being uttered the meteor vanished, as if the message was being carried as it hit the Earth by the light of the meteor... and it was all captured on video! “ “

The fireball meteor was determined to be from the ongoing Delta Aurigid meteor shower and was traveling at approximately 34 to 42 kilometers per second or approximately 21-26 miles per second, personal communication Thomas Dorman, USA. If any material actually made it to earth, which is unlikely due to the meteoroid size and velocity, it landed in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan.

Fireball meteor capture over Taiwan is extremely rare due to the lack of cameras trained towards the night sky over Taiwan. This was an extremely rare event to have been captured. The only known dedicated allsky camera for meteor detection in Taiwan is the TAIMON Spalding/Sandia Sentinel in Pingtung City, Taiwan and operated by teacher/astronomer Shih,Shih-Jhih at Jian Guo Elementary School.

Ross, a long proponent of implementing a Taiwan nationwide allsky meteor detection camera network, hopes that Taiwan people become more aware of checking video systems and reporting events. Ross would like to thank those involved for bringing this meteor event to his attention for study. 

Anyone wishing to report a meteor event or meteorite find may contact Ross at "" 

Video of Capture #1 in Tamsui, Taiwan.

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

相機捕獲太空岩石在北台灣天空飛馳而過的痕跡 Video Capture #1 07OCT2021 05:00:56

                                                                         ( 點擊圖片可放大)
流星劃過千手千眼聖觀音上空墜落,這是金氏世界紀錄認證的世界最大鋼製雕塑-坐落於台灣淡水的新地標。*- Delta Aurigid, corrected time 05:00:56 TW Local
照片發布:緣道觀音廟影片擷取--照片調整與分析: Thomas Dorman(美國), 劉志安(台灣) ©2021

撰文:Dirk Ross/吳遜慈,東京 2021/10/10
10/7星期四早上5點,伴隨著日出前的祈福吟誦聲,一個吉祥的徵兆出現,火流星劃過了緣道觀音廟( )上空--一座位於台灣北部的佛乘宗祖師廟。火流星隨著祈福的「哞」聲飛逝而過,帶著火尾的光芒撞擊地球,彷若交付了來自遙遠宇宙深處的訊息...而這一切都被影片捕獲! Delta Aurigid 流星雨
這顆火流星經過美國天文專家Thomas Dorman確認是來自目前正在發生的 ,飛行 速度大約是每秒鐘34~42公里(21~26英里/秒),根據其大小和飛行速度研判,應該不太可能有燃燒剩餘的隕石留下,如果有,落點應該在台灣東邊的太平洋海上!
火流星的捕獲在台灣是非常罕見的事件,由於台灣很少有一直對準夜空的攝影機,因此這次捕獲火流星相當難得! 目前台灣唯一已知的專門監控天空的攝影機,是一套位在屏東的全天空攝像系統(TAIMON Spalding/Sandia Sentinel ) ,該系統目前由天文愛好者建國國小施世治校長操作!
ROSS長期致力於支持台灣全天空流星偵測攝影系統網路的設置,希望台灣民眾可以更常注意攝影系統並回報各種天空事件! ROSS希望可以藉由這些流星事件回報的參與來進行進一步研究。
任何人若要回報隕石目擊或找到隕石可以聯絡ROSS 他能夠以中文溝通。

播放視頻需要點擊開始按鈕 2 次。

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

24 August 2015

OT- Taiwan Education Outreach - Bunan Taiwan Native Peoples Video

OT- Taiwan Education Outreach - Bunan Tribe Taiwan Native Peoples Video
  This is  tribute post to the Bunan Tribe; I was spared death as a Bunan tribesman guide kept me from dying during a climb in Taiwans Yu Shan National Park, Jia Ming Hu.  I was investigating a reported impact crater there on Dec. 23-24 some 20 years ago from funding from the Chi-Mei Foundation. - May you find this video a blessing. 
馬校長 thank you!-LunarMeteoriteHunter, Dirk Ross, Tokyo
OT-台灣教育外展 - 布南部落台灣原住民視頻
  這是致敬郵寄到布南部落;我是倖免一死為布南部落引導使我從台灣玉山國家公園,佳明胡爬升過程中死亡。我在大約20年前的12月23日至二十四號調查報告的撞擊坑出現。 - 你會發現這個視頻祝福。

Click Image
Please Support their efforts by sharing their links-
台灣原聲教育協會 Vox Nativa Taiwan

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

28 June 2015

Linkou, Taiwan Meteorite Outreach w/ FamilyStar

Linkou, Taiwan Meteorite Outreach w/ FamilyStar
6/11與隕石大師 Dirk Ross 的見面會 -with Cnnman Wang and 8 others in Linkou County.

Click Image
FamilyStar Taiwan
With Ching-Yun Chen, 許嘉尚, Cnnman Wang, Ingrid Hou, Dirk Ross, 阮驛琇, Peter Lin, 陳昭安 and顏易程 in Linkou County.

Click Image
FamilyStar Lecture and Meeting Photographs
2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

12 September 2014

Meteorite Discovered in Photograph of Nicaragua Crater

Nicaragua needs to start a PRESERVE THE CRATER CAMPAIGN before it is too late!!! Get the word out FAST!  A chance that this could be designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site!

Meteorite Discovered  in Photograph of Nicaragua Crater
text by Dirk Ross...Tokyo // photo manipulation and graphic by Carlos Bella...Brasil
published 12SEP2014 1323JST  edited 2225JST 12SEP2014
  I was searching for the past several hours for high resolution images of the recent, "Nicaragua Crater" "meteor" event 07SEP2014,  Nicaraguan crater and archiving them.
  Once they were all archived I started searching them for evidence of the source of the crater.  I was looking for metal shrapnel stuck in the trees. I have been of the opinion and have previously posted that the crater was created by a munition.
  While searching one image I found what appears to be a stony meteorite type called an Ordinary Chondrite.  The rock in question has geometry, rounded edges and a black surface which are consistent with that of a meteorite.  If it is an Ordinary Chondrite it may NOT have enough Fe/Ni metal in it to be found with a metal detector which explains why the Nicaraguan military have not yet found anything with their machines.
  One thing that is likely, the rock in question seems to be missing in all of the of the other photographs that I have examined.  I estimate that the rock/meteorite weighs 800g-1kg.  The main mass is over 500 pounds and likely up to 1 ton and remains buried below the ground.
  Upon finding this information I asked for help from Carlos Bella of Brasil to help enhance the image and to also take a look and see if I was seeing something that was not there.  Bella agrees with caution that the rock in question is not inconsistent with being a meteorite, noting the rounded edges and black surface with one small broken? area that shows the interior as being a white or light colored material. Nicaragua HAS a NEW METEORITE in their crater!?

:"click on image to enlarge"
Meteorite Discovered  in Photograph of Nicaragua Crater
c2014 Dirk Ross, Carlos Bella // Nicaraguan Military

Meanwhile back in Nicaragua......
---- Related topic, but NOT the same rock----
This is NOT a meteorite in the video! I do not need any laboratory results to make this determination!  Sorry. -LunarMeteoriteHunter, Tokyo

Nicaragua: This is the meteorite that hit Managua
Posted to YouTube by RuptlyTV 203 views
Published on Sep 11, 2014 --Video ID: 20140912-005

Witness Report-
07SEP2014 Dario Ruiz Managua, Nicaragua 23:30:00 seconds NSW Loud Boom none none Managua News


2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

19 August 2014

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 19AUG2014

"click on image to enlarge"
Wish Upon a Falling Star
Photo by Dirk Ross
c2014 All Rights Reserved

NZ Sky 'explosion' likely a meteor
Wanganui Chronicle
Mark Lee of the Wanganui Astronomical Society said the light was a bolide, the name for a large, brilliant meteor, especially one that explodes. ...

Astronaut Captures Spectacular Fireball as Resupply Ship Re-Enters Earth's Atmosphere
Slate Magazine (blog)
On Aug. 17, 2014, the uncrewed Cygnus resupply ship Janice Voss burned up in Earth's atmosphere, as planned. An astronaut on the International ...

Meteor shower makes for great star-gazing
The Daily Star
Meteor showers are created when the Earth pulls debris from space into the atmosphere. High above ground, the fragments of rock and ice hurtle ...

Meteor Artesia NM 8/18/2014
YouTube ⋅ 00:04
Meteor Artesia NM 8/18/2014. Jim Horn ... Watch Later Meteor lights up New Mexico night sky by KRQE 867 views · 3:23. Watch Later

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

14 May 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil 2012

5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics Brasil April 19-21, 2012 - TV Video Reports

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu  2012/04/22 22views
Report about the 5th International Meeting of Astronomy and Astronautics produced by InterTV - Reportagem da InterTv sobre o 5o Encontro Internacional de Astronomia e Astronáutica

Especialistas divergem sobre objeto visto em céu do ES

Posted on YouTube UmPasseiopeloCeu 2012/04/22 52 views
Report produced by TV Gazeta. Reportagem produzida pela TV Gazeta.

Flagrante: Pedaço de nave espacial lançada há 27 
anos cruza céu de Campos (RJ)

Posted on YouTube on 23 Apr 2012 by CAMFWAYNE5 112 views
Um cinegrafista amador registrou o momento em que uma bola de fogo atravessou o céu de Campos, no norte do Estado. Trata-se de lixo espacial. O fenômeno é raro e fascinou as testemunhas. O objeto caiu no oceano entre a América do Sul e a África e fazia parte de uma nave americana lançada ao espaço há 27 anos.

More videos of the conference to be posted as they are made available.
-LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo

More Photos and Story about the Brasil Conference:

GAM 2012 - again meeting an NC from another country, and much more ..........

Posted by: Joh.Stuebler in AWB Blog

2012 THE Year of Meteors!

22 September 2010

Major Bolide Meteor Fireball 23 Seconds Duration Texas, New Mexico, Colorado 21SEP2010

Major Asteroid Debris Passes? or Hits?
Bolide Meteor Fireball 23-Second Duration Texas, New Mexico, Colorado 21SEP2010

"EVENT 3"- 23 Seconds!!! Multple Bolide Event 9:03MDT 21SEP2010
(03:03 UTC 22SEP2010) Event 3 of 4 reported
written and reported by Jim Gamble (El Paso) and Dirk Ross (Tokyo)
All RightsReserved LunarMeteorite*Hunters 12:03p 22 SEP2010 Tokyo
Contact for publication:

Allsky cameras throughout New Mexico captured a major bolide(s)/meteor fireball(s) at approximately 9:03 pm MDT (03:03 UTC). The fireball was traveling SSE to NNW, one of which flew directly over Albuquerque, NM producing sonic booms as reported by Thomas Ashcraft of the Ashcraft All Sky Meteor Observatory in Santa Fe, NM.
The "Event 3" was visually observed from El Paso All Sky Camera in El Paso, Texas by Jim Gamble. Initial estimates place the magnitude of the event at a -11 (nearly as bright as the full moon).
"Event 3", captured by the Ashcraft Observatory had a duration of 23 seconds with no terminal detonation detected, even though sonic booms were reported.
Additional data/video from Sandia National Laboratories in Albuquerque, NM. and New Mexico State University in Las Cruces, NM. will be released later when available.
Reports on Events 1, 2, and 4 are posted, please see Jim Gamble`s Website @

Asteroid Debris Bolide Event #3 Video

Video Credit: Thomas Ashcraft (c) 2010 ALL Rights Reserved
TX, NM, CO "Event 3" Asteroid Bolide 21SEP2010

IF you find my website or this post interesting please post a visible link on your forum or lists Thank YOU!

Please IF you leave a comment as a witness to the event(s) include time, location and your name and contact information (email address) I will edit-out personal information prior to posting.

Be sure also to visit the AMS fireball website to report your sightings.

07 November 2009

Japan Meteor/Meteorite News- 日本ー北陸 大火球ー Large Green Fireball Over Sayama, Japan Area 6NOV09 7NOV09

Direction of termination point from Nerima point of observation. The fireball was seen traveling from WN to WNN (~310 degrees to ~335 degrees from magnetic North).
(c) 2009 Dirk Ross, Meteor/Meteorite News

UPDATE with several great videos and more information!
Thank you to Dr. Ohtsuka, Katsuhito and SonotaCo Network JAPAN !!!
The official name and time of the event:
2009年11月6日 20:28:59 北陸 大火球


Japanese Newspaper Report (Japanese to English edited machine translation follows):

Shooting stars brighter than in Toyama Prefecture "fireball"
Kita Nippon Shimbun- North Japan Newspaper- reported November 7, 2009 9:00
Several observed a meteor fireball while emitting a brighter than usual flash at around 8:30 pm on the 6th of November; it was observed throughout the province. According to the Observatory, Toyama, it was a "fireball", a rare phenomenon called that because of the large mass of the meteorite.
According to the Observatory, the fireball was observed in the direction of the north. Was shining from two to three seconds, falling to the bottom-right. Divided into several individual pieces of the meteorite exploded in the middle with a white or yellow, and red emission.
Usually a meteorite enters the Earth's atmosphere, because of the state of the atmosphere it burns up in the heat of friction and is called a "shooting star".
The Massive "fireball" caused a fervor in a wide area during the time it took to burn out; unlike a shooting star, it gave a strong longer glow.
A male worker (48), an apartment dweller at Apartment 4, Toyama-shi, 布瀬 Machi Minami, saw the fireball from his home city of Toyama was "surprised to see the first (fireball(?))" and warmly told others. The observatory said there were numerous queries.

Large Fireball Over Sayama, Saitama-Tokyo, Japan Area 6NOV09
by Dirk Ross...Tokyo

I first reported it as a large fireball over Tokyo, but later refined to the area of Sayama, Saitama-Ken, Japan. I witnessed a bright fireball officially at 20:28 on Friday, 6NOV09 from a tenth floor apartment balcony in Nukui, Nerima-ku, Tokyo, Japan.
The fireball was seen at approximately 15-20 degrees above the horizon and traveling from WN to WNN (~310 degrees to ~335 degrees from magnetic North). When first spotted the fireball changed color from blue to red to green and entered dark flight at approximately 10-15 degrees above the horizon in the direction of Sayama, Saitama-Ken.
The duration of visible flight was about two seconds with a possible maximum of three seconds. No sound report was heard. The brightness was about the same as the moon.

UPDATE video and official info have now been provided:

Thank you!