Showing posts with label Taiwan Delta Aurigid fireball 07OCT2021. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Taiwan Delta Aurigid fireball 07OCT2021. Show all posts

12 October 2021

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture #2 by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 TW Local

Taiwan Fireball Meteor Video Capture by Lulin Astronomical Observatory 07OCT2021
鹿林天文台 07OCT2021 05"00"56 台灣當地時間
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

The fireball meteor was determined to be from the ongoing Delta Aurigid meteor shower and was traveling with a decent of approximately 70 degrees at approximately 34 to 42 kilometers per second or approximately 21-26 miles per second, personal communication Thomas Dorman, USA. If any material actually made it to earth, which is unlikely due to the meteoroid size and velocity, it landed in the Pacific Ocean off Taiwan.
我個人與在美國的Thomas Dorman溝通後,認定火球是來自目前發生中的御夫座δ流星雨 Delta Aurigid,合理估算以70度角和大約每秒34到42公里(21-26英里/秒)的速度行進。假設還有任何殘留物質抵達地面,落點應該在台灣外面的太平洋上,不過以流星的速度和大小來看不太可能有殘留物。

                                                               "Click on image to enlarge." 
Lulin Astronomical Observatory, Taiwan photo of video capture of the same Delta Aurigid fireball meteor capture in Tamsui, Taiwan by Yuan-Dao Guanyin Temple 07OCT2021 05"00"56 corrected time 台灣當地時間. 
鹿林天文台©2021 Thank you to Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in providing this video for use.
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07,05"00"56. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

鹿林天文臺 鹿林天文台©2021 2021/10/07流星出現在05"00"56 台灣當地時間,鹿林天文台正東方。 Approximate location- 23°28'10.6"N 120°52'24.2"E 23.469603, 120.873393 
Posted on Youtube Oct 12, 2021 29 views 
台灣-鹿林天文台與台灣淡水-緣道觀音廟影片捕獲同一顆來自御夫座δ流星雨的火球,當地時間2021/10/07, 05"00"56 台灣當地時間. 鹿林天文台©2021 謝謝劉老師與吳老師的協助提供此影片。

Thank you to 鹿林天文台,  Dr. Chih-An Liu and Dr. Wu for their kind assistance in locating and providing this video for use.

original video location-

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!