Showing posts with label Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013. Show all posts

27 November 2013

MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor 26NOV2013

MBIQ Detects Quebec, Canada Fireball Meteor apprx. 1950 EST 26NOV2013
IF this was NOT Thundersnow ,Winter Lightning/Thunder, METEORITES  VERY LIKELY PRODUCED by a WV VAN-sized object!

Posted on YouTube by ILLINOISFURY 265,553 views
Uploaded on Feb 28, 2009
Jim Cantore from TWC was caught off guard when lightning lit up the sky during an intense snowstorm.

METEOR??? Maybe not!? I am lacking eye-witness reports of anyone actually seeing anything, only hearsay; NO videos?. We need video of this event; email videos please
Was this Winter Lightning/Thunder only?; this is now my best guess. 
Check back as this story may develop further.
"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Red lines indicating distances from Report Posts 50km, 16km 6km
v1 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Additional Reports Include Quebec, Ontario and New York.
v2 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

"click on image to enlarge"
Quebec Event 26NOV2013
Quebec Main Cluster of Reports Map
v3 c2013 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
LOUD SONICS REPORTED! OVER 7000 9000 10,000 individual 22,354 people looking for info related to this event just on this site in a 1 2 3 hour period! 43,385 pageviews!  Thank you all for your interest and support.

English follows the French translation  below.

Signalez vos observations de météores s'il vous plaît -

Cela semble à ce time avoir été un très grand événement sur ​​la base du MBIQ Bot ensemble de données qui a été échantillonnée en minutes après l'événement . Je vais avoir les données disponibles posté bientôt une fois que j'ai le temps de faire les autres confirmations ; je vous remercie. - LunarMeteoriteHunter ... Tokyo

Tl Important obtenir cette information via Facebook , Twitter , YouTube et vos forums favoris .
S'il vous plaît vérifier vos caméras locales au Québec pour tous les captures ciel et des caméras de sécurité ainsi ; je vous remercie ! Si des photos ou des vidéos ont été capturés s'il vous plaît écrivez bien vouloir

Report your meteor sightings please-

This appears at this time to have been a very large event based upon the MBIQ Bot Data Set that was Sampled in minutes after the event.  I will have the data available posted soon once I have time to get the other confirmations;  thank you.  - LunarMeteoriteHunter...Tokyo

Important tl get this information out via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit and your favorite forums.
Please check your local cameras in Quebec for All Sky captures and security cameras as well; thank you! If photos or videos were captured please kindly email to

Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
26NOV2013 Carolynn Mille-Isles, Quebec 8:45:00 3-4 seconds North blue white; no sound full moon (bright as blowing hydro transformer) No/unseen I thought it was a hydro transformer blowing. We have had trouble with hydro and weather (wind, etc.) recently.

26NOV2013 Roy, JH Deux-Montagnes, Quebec, Canada 8PM EST approx 1 sec Did not see light or object Strong muffled explosion; trembling of roof none none exact location: 45,5371, -73,9118

26NOV2013 Pia Sainte Anne De Bellevue, Quebec, Canada 20:00:00 1 Didn't see Boom, like as if something very heavy fell about 100 meter away. Didn't see Didn't see The walls of my house shook once, as if someone had slammed the door really hard.
26NOV2013 Johanne Ile-Bizard, Quebec 19h50 rumble was 2 seconds long West side of the house- did not see it- was inside at the time Heard a rumble was inside the house - know air traffic controllers - pilots saw a bright light in the sky was inside the house - did not see where it hit sorry - just my dog that growled

MBIQ Sampled Data Set- not all posted yet sorry too many!
Montreal, Quebec arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor Alert! - Large Meteor Outburst Was Possible Now Near CERTAIN 20NOV2013-01DEC2013" by searching fornovember 26 meteor.
11:48:00 -- 24 seconds ago

Lasalle, Quebec arrived from on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Detects California Meteor 26NOV2013" by searching for meteorite nov.26 2013.
11:47:50 -- 34 seconds ago

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

Media reports since my post-

INTERVIEWS: A meteorite rips the sky Quebec Story and Audio Files
Posted by: Stephen Phoenix · 2013-11-27 11:55:00
It would be indeed a meteorite that many Quebecers have seen or heard last night around 20h.
The "boom" followed by a blue light were seen in the greater Montreal, Montérégie, Eastern Ontario and to Plattsburgh in upstate New York in the United States. ... Citing The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News!

Affiché par: Étienne Phénix · 2013-11-27 11:55:00
Ce serait bel et bien un météorite que plusieurs Québécois ont vu ou entendu hier soir vers 20h.
Le "boom" suivi d'une lumière bleue ont été perçus dans le grand Montréal, en Montérégie, dans l'Est Ontarien ainsi qu'à Plattsburgh dans l'État de New York aux États-Unis....

Mystery explosion may be a meteor: expert
CTV News
According to astronomy expert Andrew Fazekas, all signs point to the explosion and light being caused by a meteor entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Massive blast heard near Quebec, Ontario border likely a meteor ...
National Post
This has the hallmark of a meteor blast,” said Andrew Fazekas, a spokesman with the Montreal Centre of the Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. “It could be ...

Mysterious Bang, Explosion Heard Near Montreal Sparks Twitter ...
Huffington Post Canada
It's not clear yet, but the guesses on social media range from explosion tometeor to UFO. Andrew Fazekas, a member of the Royal Astronomical Society, told the ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!