08 November 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 8NOV2011

By 生抽
英国时间周二,一颗航母大小的太空陨石比月球更靠近我们,但专家说无需惊慌。 这颗名为2005YU55的陨石宽约1300英尺宽,将....

News & Notes: U. scientists pinpoint meteorite destruction
The Daily Princetonian
y Daily Princetonian Staff University researchers have discovered new ways to pinpoint the amount of destruction that might be brought by a giant meteorite slamming into the Earth. “We have developed the first model to account for how Earth's surface ...

Space News: Close encounter with an asteroid; 520-day solitude experiment ends ...
The Philippine Online Chronicles
n the Philippines, stargazers will be able to watch a meteor shower between late November 17 and dawn of November 18. “One of the most prolific meteor showers is the Leonids. Its radiant is in the constellation Leo and meteors from this shower can be ...

Asteroid 2005 YU55: Harbinger of future catastrophe?
It is now widely accepted that the planet-wide extinction of dinosaurs about 65 million years ago was the result of a meteor impact with global catastrophic consequences. A few astronomers have argued that objects of greatest risk to us in the short ... 

Fireballs, Sunspots, and a Space Station in the Night Sky
NBC Washington
This weekend, a viewer in Sterling noticed a bright orange fireball streaming across the sky. News4's Tom Kierein says that fireball was part of the Taurid meteor shower, which takes place when the Earth passes through a debris field left by a passing ...

The end of the world might not be that bad, as new model predicts fallout from ...
Daily Mail
By Ted Thornhill It's well known that a large meteorite hitting the Earth would not be good news, as it would cause earthquakes, tsunamis and firestorms. However, scientists have created a new model for predicting the impact of such collisions that ...

Rockville Centre, NY Meteor 7NOV2011

Rockville Centre, NY Meteor 9:59 EST 7NOV2011
I wasn't even looking towards the sky intentionally tonight... I was just walking my dog at about 9:59 PM EST here in Rockville Centre, NY on Long Island. There was a very bright meteor that just popped out at me.... It went so low that it descended beneath the tree line... it was still glowing.. I kept telling myself it had to have been a firework... but I know what meteors look like from my limited 6 credits of astronomy in college.  WOW. I couldn't believe it - so I found your website. It was moving from NW to SE if that helps verify or debunk what I saw. Thanks!!-Jim O'Brien

Other Sighting Reports?; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 8NOV2011 - NASA Captures New Photo of 2005 YU55

Radar image of Asteroid 2005 YU55 as it passes near Earth 7NOV2011
credit: NASA/JPL/CalTech

PASADENA -- NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in Goldstone, Calif. has 
captured new radar images of Asteroid 2005 YU55 passing close to Earth. The asteroid safely will fly past our planet slightly closer than the moon's orbit on Nov. 8. The last time a space rock this large came as close to Earth was in 1976, although astronomers did not know about the flyby at the time. The next known approach of an asteroid this size will be in 2028. 
The image was taken on Nov. 7 at 11:45 a.m. PST, when the asteroid was approximately 860,000 miles (1.38 million kilometers) away from Earth. Tracking of the aircraft carrier-sized asteroid began at Goldstone at 9:30 a.m. PDT on Nov. 4 with the 230-foot-wide (70-meter) ntenna and lasted about two hours, with an additional four hours of tracking planned each day from Nov. 6 - 10. Radar observations from the Arecibo Planetary Radar Facility in Puerto 
Rico will begin Nov. 8, the same day the asteroid will make its closest approach to Earth at 3:28 p.m. PST. The trajectory of asteroid 2005 YU55 is well understood. At the point 
of closest approach, it will be no closer than 201,700 miles (324,600 kilometers) as measured from the center of Earth, or about 0.85 times the distance from the moon to Earth. The gravitational influence of the asteroid will have no detectable effect on Earth, including tides and tectonic plates. Although the asteroid is in an orbit that regularly brings it to the vicinity of Earth, Venus and Mars, the 2011 encounter with Earth is the closest it has come for at least the last 200 years. NASA detects, tracks and characterizes asteroids and comets passing close to Earth using both ground- and space-based telescopes. The 
Near-Earth Object Observations Program at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., commonly called "Spaceguard," discovers these objects, characterizes some of them, and plots their orbits to determine if any could be potentially hazardous to our planet. JPL manages the Near-Earth Object Program Office for NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington. The new radar images are online at: 
For more information about asteroids and near-Earth objects, visit: 
More information about asteroid radar research is available online at: 
For more information about NASA's Deep Space Network, visit: 
NASA press release RELEASE: 11-375 7NOV2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 8NOV2011 - Close Encounter of the Rocky Kind (Asteroid 2005 YU55)

Close Encounter of the Rocky Kind (Asteroid 2005 YU55)

Close Encounter of the Rocky Kind
University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ press release 7NOV2011
  Discovered by a University of Arizona astronomer six years ago, a city-block-sized space rock will race past the Earth closer than the moon in what will be the closest encounter of an object of this size in more than 60 years.  When an asteroid the size of a city block zips past the Earth about 29,000 miles per hour on Nov. 8, it will seem like an encounter with an old acquaintance to Univeristy of Arizona astronomer Robert McMillan. Six years ago, McMillan was taking images of the night sky with an 83-year-old telescope on Kitt Peak searching for asteroids, chunks of rock that weren't swept up into one of the nascent planets during the formation of our solar system and have traveled around the sun ever since. That is how he discovered 2005 YU55.  "2005 YU55 is one of the potentially hazardous asteroids that make close approaches from time to time because their orbits either approach or intersect the orbit of the Earth," said McMillan, who is an associate research scientist with the UA's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory with a joint appointment in the UA's Steward Observatory.  The asteroid ­ or more correctly, minor planet ­ will approach the Earth  within about 202,000 miles, closer than the distance to the moon. No object of comparable size has come this close since 1976, and none is going to until 2028, when another asteroid dubbed 2001 WN5 will pass about
halfway between the moon and the Earth.  Although 2005 YU55's orbit takes it into Earth's neighborhood every once in a while, there is no chance of it hitting our planet for at least
another 100 years. However, because asteroids' trajectories change over time, there is a slight chance it may do so at some point in the future. Enter SPACEWATCH and the Catalina Sky Survey, two research programs at the UA's Lunar and Planetary Laboratory dedicated to the study of small objects like asteroids and comets. Founded in 1980 by the late Tom Gehrels and McMillan, who is now its principal investigator, SPACEWATCH aims to find objects that might pose a hazard to Earth and gain a better understanding of how the solar system came to be. Begun by LPL senior staff scientist Steve Larson and now led by senior staff scientist Ed Beshore, the Catalina Sky Survey is a NASA-supported project to discover and catalog Earth-approaching and potentially hazardous asteroids. "We complement each other in what we focus on," McMillan said. "With SPACEWATCH, we spend a lot of our time doing follow-ups on objects that have already been discovered through other programs. Because we can go after fainter and dimmer objects, we can chase them longer after their time of discovery as they are hurtling out deeper into space."  SPACEWATCH was the first program dedicated to the discovery and tracking of asteroids that made use of charge-coupled devices, or CCDs, which are now found in many digital cameras, instead of photographic plates to scan the skies. The 0.9-meter telescope, built in 1921, was the first telescope the UA's Steward Observatory ordered. Originally housed on campus, it was moved to Kitt Peak in 1962, where it has been in operation ever since. The search for asteroids is challenging and tedious. "When you look through a telescope, asteroids don't look any different from stars," McMillan explained. "The only difference is that they're moving, and to detect that motion we have to take a series of images. Usually we take three images spaced 20 or 30 minutes apart." Next, the observers run specialized software to examine those images for any star-like images that are moving from one image to the next. The software compiles them into a list of candidates that is presented to the observer for their approval. "We have to double-check the images, because the software is not perfect and sometimes picks up things that aren't really asteroids," McMillan said. Objects that pass the review are then forwarded to the Minor Planet Center, or MPC, at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory in Cambridge, Mass.  In determining which ones could potentially slam into Earth, asteroid hunters look for those that are traveling faster than the more common Main Belt Asteroids, which orbit the sun between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter and do not pose a threat. Objects meeting those criteria are sent to the MPC separately with special designations as candidates for Near Earth Objects, or NEOs. The MPC reviews them and decides which ones should be designated as NEOs. That is how 2005 YU55 went from being a faint speck of light to a Potentially Hazardous Asteroid. "The MPC posted it on their confirmation page, which is monitored by everybody who follows up newly discovered Near Earth Objects," McMillan said. "So we followed it up on subsequent nights and over the following month. Over time, we refined its orbit to the point that NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory listed a large number of potential close encounters with the Earth." "Now, after 767 observations by ground-based observers, we have the orbit of that asteroid really nailed down, so we know it's not going to hit the Earth on Nov. 8." In addition to observation with optical telescopes, radar measurements revealed 2005 YU55's distance, velocity and size. The coal-black asteroid, which is almost spherical in shape and measures about 1,300 feet in
diameter, slowly spins as it travels through space, completing a rotation every 18 hours. According to McMillan, the gravity of other planets, as well as the pressure of sunlight affect the paths of asteroids. In addition, a phenomenon known as the Yarkovsky Effect ­ slight asymmetries in heat distribution that arise as the object soaks up sunlight and radiates it
back into space as it turns ­ plays a role. Those asymmetries exert forces that add up over time to cause the asteroid to veer off its orbit ever so slightly. "We now know that 2005 YU55 is a carbonaceous chondrite asteroid that is relatively dark and contains carbon," McMillan said, "But long-range trajectories  are very difficult to predict when you don't know the exact physical properties of the asteroid."To better understand the properties of Potentially Hazardous Asteroids, the Lunar and Planetary Laboratory is leading the OSIRIS-REx mission, an
$800 million NASA-funded mission to visit another carbonaceous chondrite, 1999 RQ36. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft will study the asteroid for a year, then scoop up a sample and bring it back to Earth in 2023. By that time, 2005 YU55 will have long passed our planet and continue on its lonely journey through the cold, black void of the outer fringes of the solar system.


UA Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and department of planetary sciences:

SPACEWATCH project: http://spacewatch.lpl.arizona.edu

Catalina Sky Survey: http://www.lpl.arizona.edu/css

OSIRIS-REx mission:



Robert S. McMillan (520-621-6968; bob@lpl.arizona.edu)

Daniel Stolte, University Communications (520-626-4402;

Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines Meteor 7NOV2011

Valencia City, Bukidnon, Philippines Meteor ~7:30 pm 7NOV2011
It shined as bright as Venus and it moved from North West to South East of
my position.. it lasted 4 seconds...
is it possible that the heavenly body that i saw was the asteroid 2005 YU55? [NO; too small and too far away to see with only eyes] -- Mharcus  Thank you Mharcus!

More Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Telkwa, B.C. Canada, Meteor 7NOV2011

Telkwa, B.C. Canada, Meteor 5:15 P.M. PST 7NOV2011
My sighting, which was 7-8 seconds, was one of panic, unbelieveable and awe struck. We are directly below the landing approach for two airlines, which service our area with only evening arrivals at approximately 7:30 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. It was becoming dusk. As I had come into my bedroom (2nd level) I had checked the clock and was about to close the curtains when I noticed to the south what appeared to be the landing light of our local airline. As I hesitated and thought that can't be, I looked out again with horror. Now there was no white light but what I thought to be an airplane engulfed in fiery, eerie green flames ready to ditch into the hay field across from the highway. It was lower than the trees on the far hillside behind it. It was flying in a straight line to the north and my window faces east. As it kept coming I could see how enormous it's size was. It blocked out the hillside. At that distance it was larger than two pick-up trucks end-to-end with one on the top. As it became directly in straight eye contact I could see no wings nor tail. It was so close and so low that it illuminated the power lines on my side of the highway. The highway being approx. 300ft. from my house. It looked to be one-half inch above the lines but I knew it was above the hay field. Realizing it was a meteor I tried to absorb everything about it. It was not tumbling and had somewhat the shape of a cockpit. The front appeared pointed with intense yellow and orange flames just under the nose. About two-thirds of the body was engulfed in the eerie green flames and above that I could make out the outline of the top of the rock which was of oval shape. At the back and bottom of the rock, about one-third in length and height, was a deep royal blue flame. No flames appeared to be leaving the rock. It was in direct line for the small hillside behind the neighbors house. At this point I saw sparks arise straight up into the air. The sparks were like campfire sparks. It flew straight over the side-edge of the poplar trees, and appeared to clip the tree tops as again there was a large plume of sparks approx. 35ft. up into the air. This was so bright that I saw the tail of the rock which appeared concave and the colour was grey-black like charcoal. Behind it were no trailing flames only a jet stream of about 50-75ft. There was no smoke and no sound. As it was now behind the hillside, I expected an impact but felt no tremor. I contacted the local radio station and no sightings had been reported. I called a few neighbors and only one confirmed what I saw. From their angle it appeared to fly above, barely hitting the hay barn. Then they could not see where it went.-Lorraine  Thank you Lorraine!

Terrace, BC Canada 17:29 PST 7NOV2011
We were driving north on highway 37 near Lakelse Lake. Sighted a very big =
Meteor hit the atmosphere looking NE 45 degrees near 54,30N - 128,18W
There was a very long blue tail which then turned into a bright orange =
ball of flames surrounding the visible Meteor
Lasting 5 to 6 seconds
This was the largest, brightest and best show we've ever seen!
Something had to have made it through
Dean & Joanna -Thank you Dean and Joanna!

More Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Baton Rouge, Louisiana Meteor 7NOV2011

Baton Rouge, LA Meteor 7:38 PM CST 7NOV2011
I was standing outside looking up at the sky near Baton Rouge, LA on (Nov. 7th 2011). It was 7:38pm Central time. I live in the country, so we see alot of shooting stars and the constellations are so easy to spot with and without the telescope. This however, was far different than our regular shooting stars. It was so large, so bright, and seemed so close it startled me. I thought it was a firework. Then realized it was definitly NOT a firework. It seemed to be "breaking apart" before the light dissappeared... meaning it when from one giant VERY white light, to a collection of white lights that seemed like one. I know very little about any of these types of things, but I do know.... It was very different from the usual shooting stars. My boyfriend thinks it was a satelite burning up. I'm guessing meteor. Any help would be great. I've been searching all day wondering if anyone saw the same thing?!?! Thanks!!- A.Mccarthy  Thank you A.!

More Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

07 November 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 7NOV2011

Paris hosts meteorite hunt
The Australian
"We usually have to go to the Saharan desert," said Alain Carion, a mineral scientist and meteorite dealer from Paris. "All we have to do now is take a commuter train." The meteorite fell on Draveil, south of the French capital, in the summer, ...

Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: Orange, Texas Meteor ...
Meteor sighted moving from NW to SE South of Orange, (SouthEast) Texas. (over Gulf of ...Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor...

Astronomical curiousity
The Union of Grass Valley
It is equipped with a state-of-the-art telescope and various computers, some of which are used for what Watson calls “meteor work.” It's all designed to not only look at the night sky, but to also produce photographs and videos of heavenly objects. ... (Wayne Watson, TX)

elp allsky: Nova Scotia, Canada Bright Meteor Fireball 06NOV2011
By elp allsky
Dave W.-Nova Scotia, Canada: hi at around 8 30 pm tonight, 6 nov 2011 i saw a very fast very bright, and either very close or very large object streak accross the sky over my house, in bear river nova scotia, it was travelling north east as a ...
elp allsky

New model to gauge destruction giant meteorite hitting Earth can cause
ANI via Yahoo! India News Sun, 06 Nov 2011 07:26 AM PST
Washington, Nov 6 (ANI): Researchers have come out with a new model to gain a deeper insight into the level of destruction a giant meteorite striking the Earth can cause.

Worldwide Meteor Alert 6NOV-17NOV2011

Worldwide Meteor Alert 6NOV-17NOV2011! Observers, Cameras be out and watching:
Worldwide - but especially -Australia, Canada, UK, and US should expect some large bolides, fireballs. and meteors for the next 7-10 days. Other regions of interest include Europe, the Middle East and South Africa.  India and Indonesia with several billions of eyes would certainly be helpful. China because it does not seem to have outside internet access  will not be of much use for reporting. If you sight a meteor please email a sighting report. LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!
LunarMeteorite*Hunter, Tokyo


Please get the word out to Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and your favorite forums so that we have many and good witness reports; thank you.  Include a link to this site so that others can follow any updates.   http://lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com/

We need YOUR meteor sighting report (please read prior to watching for meteors so that you are aware of things to observe; thank you in advance:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Post Falls, Idaho Meteor 6NOV2011

Coeur d'Alene/Post Falls, ID 83814 Meteor 9:25 PM Pacific Time 6NOV2011
I just happened to be looking in the right place.  My vehicle was just outside the entrance to the shop facing West Northwest.  The object was traveling North to South but the shop was in the way for the first part of the travel so I only saw it for about 3 seconds as it passed over the house and over the tree line 500 feet or more ?  Bright white like moon or Venus No sound. No tail.  Just a furry ball in shape.  Still had pretty good speed but arc was falling as it raced over the mtn ridgeline and trees  Hard to say how far it could go – but it is in the neighborhood so to speak.. -Bruce W. Thank you Bruce!
Sighting Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Breaking News - BC / Alberta, Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor 6NOV2011

Grovedale, Alberta, Canada Large GREEN Bolide Meteor 7:59 PM 6NOV2011
We have just witnessed a large, very bright (“sun=like”) green fireball travelling east to west across the sky over Grovedale, AB, Canada at 7:59 p.m. on Sunday, Nov. 6, 11. It appeared to have multiple colours coming off the short t0 medium length tail and was very low, much closer than we’ve usually seen before. We did not see an impact, however. -Pat Seymour
Thank you Pat!

Calgary, Alberta, Canada Meteor 6NOV2011
I saw a meteor tonight(Nov 6 2011) in Calgary at 7:50 p.m. Spectacular fire tail! Very long tail. North horizon. -Anon.  Thank you Anon!

Kamlops, British Columbia, Canada Meteor 18:53 6NOV2011
-Jill K. Thank you Jill!

Calgary, AB 
We saw it while we were driving on Crowchild Trail, Calgary, AB close to 33rd Ave SW at 7.54pm right before it fell on earth, less than a second. The green tail and fiery ball was moving really fast, about 35 - 45 degrees towards the ground. It appeared to moving from east to west.
Walina Ramli and Andy Austin, From downtown Calgary, Canada.  Thank you Walina and Andy!

Vernon, BC
So just wanted to inform you I witnessed a bright green meteor enter the atmosphere last night around 7 pm pacific time it traveled from what seemed east to west in the north horizon and burned with intensity of what could be described as a bright green Roman candle ball, I live in a small city called Vernon in British Columbia, Canada... have a great day! -Matthew  Thank you Matthew!

Calgary Alberta, 19:53, November 6th 2011
My girlfriend and I were pulling into her Grandmother's house and saw a bright object falling from the sky with a great long tail on it. Bright yellow tail and like I said very long. Seen falling to the North Northwest of the City of Calgary. Object looked to be rather square. -Steven Cox  Thank you Steven!

Strathmore, Alberta
I spotted a shooting star last night in Strathmore Alberta at approx. 7:50 pm. Looking towards the north, heading east to west. Very bright. Looked close.-Chuck Rogers  Thank you Chuck!

Devon, Alberta
I was looking north east into the sky last night Nov6th 2011,when I saw a comet moving east to west through the sky. At first I thought I was watching a falling star since it started as a small white moving object with a thin white trailing light. With in seconds it turned into a large white ball with a glowing white, green thick, sparkling trail of light. It looked like it was burning! Then it just stopped. From my location, north of Devon, Alberta it looked Like it was in the sky heading towards Spruce Grove. Most amazing thing I have ever seen! -Steve  Thank you Steve!

Lethbridge AB
I think I saw a meteor approx 7:30 am MST south east sky above southern Alberta. It was an odd shape, bright and moving east. -Lori  Thank you Lori!

Calgary, Alberta
On the 6th of November at approximately 7:45-7:55pm from S.E Calgary, Canada I witnessed a very large and very bright white object in the sky. It had a vary long tail and was visible in the Northern sky. ---Thanks Angela.  Thank you Angela!

Calgary, Alberta
Hello. Last night, I was driving towards the northwest in Calgary. I noticed the streak light up in the sky – I was travelling on Sarcee Trail and was approx 1 km north of the Bow Trail intersection. I noticed a streak of light appear in the night sky heading towards the hill - ~ a 60 degree angle from the sky. It was bright orange and then turned bright green and then suddenly disappeared. It was spectacular. This was the first time I’ve witnessed a falling fireball. -Richard  Thank you Richard!

Edmonton, AB on Yellowhead Trail (Trans-Canada Highway 16) approaching Elk Island National Park  Meteor ~8:00 PM  6NOV2011
Thank you very much for your web site and re-posts. Other than the northern lights, this was my first time to see anything “astronomically projected” and your site confirmed that I wasn’t crazy and didn’t imagine it. Below is my story – feel free to share - & thanks again for your sharing.
Approx. 8pm MST on Sunday, November 6 My sister and I were heading west towards Edmonton, AB on Yellowhead Trail (Trans-Canada Highway 16) approaching Elk Island National Park when we witnessed a bright green light appear in the northern night sky. It dropped vertically leaving a long green trail and disappeared in a flash of orange light. The entire event lasted about 3 seconds – WOW, what a very spectacular sight! Unfortunately, we did not see any evidence of impact or trail of smoke/steam.- Penny  Thank you Penny!

Kelowna, BC, Canada Meteor 6:50 PST 6NOV2011
Was looking N.E. across Okanagan Lake as I drove into Kelowna from West Kelowna when I saw a fireball that was the largest and brightest I have ever seen. It appeared to be heading downwards to the north and lasted about two or three seconds and then disappeared like an object that burned out as it did not appear to drop below the skyline. There were likely a couple of other vehicles near me that would have seen it as it was very bright. Color: best I can do is that it was moon bright (but did not light up the sky except the object itself) and looked like a ball of fire with edges and no tail, not a smooth outer edge in other words. At first I thought it might be an airplane on fire, but then it just went black too fast. Hard to judge how far away it was but at first it looked like it would plunge into the lake or close to it, then I realized it was likely much larger and farther away. Very fascinating to observe. Never been to your site before, but needed to do a Google Search to see if others saw what I did. Doug G.  Thank you Doug!

Calgary November 6th just before 8:00 p.m.
Fairly large, looked like it landed right near the river, Glenmore Trail & Graves Bridge, southeast Calgary. Went right past, north of me (Lynnwood) and was quite spectacular. -Donna  
Thank you Donna!

South of Cochrane, Alberta ~8:00 pm
Hello. I just wanted to report a meteor sighting last night (Sunday November 6th) at around 8 p.m near Calgary, Alberta. Me and a friend were driving just south of Cochrane and had just turned off Crowchild Trail when we both saw a blue fireball heading toward the ground. It looked like it was going to hit the ground but then just dissapeared. It only lasted a second or two and was a very bright blue fireball with a tail behind it. It was really cool. -Scott  Thank you Scott!

We need YOUR sighting reports if you saw a meteor event; thank you:
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

06 November 2011

Clarence, Nova Scotia, Canada Bolide Meteor 5NOV2011

Clarence, Nova Scotia, Canada Bolide Meteor 9:40PM ADT 5NOV2011
We saw a bright orange fireball in Nova Scotia this evening at 9:40pm ADT.
It was travelling from North to South, at a 45 degree downward angle, in the Lawrencetown, Annapolis Valley area. It was very bright and displayed medium length tail for three seconds. It appeared much closer than any meteor we've seen before.  The date was 05 November 2011, 9:40pm Atlantic Daylight Time. It was a bright orange colour, much like a flare. I would rate its brightness as "sun". -Lynn  Thank you Lynn!

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

Rustenburg, South Africa Bolide Meteor 5NOV2011

Rustenburg, South Africa Bolide Meteor 20:15 05 November 2011
Hi, I was standing on my balcony when I saw this bright ball falling very high from sky. It was not fire works as it was very high. It was a very big ball of fire, the brightness was *sun* I saw it clearly coming down about 2 km away from me and when it hit the ground there was no fire or explosion? Was very beautiful. -Chantelle Thank you Chantelle!

Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 6NOV2011

Worldwide Meteor Alert! Observers, Cameras be out and watching:
Worldwide but especially -Australia, Canada, and US should expect some large bolides, fireballs. and meteors for the next 7-10 days. Other regions of interest include Europe, The Middle East and South Africa If you sight one please email a sighting report. LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com  Thank you!

Meteor shower banners November treat for stargazers
While they may miss a partial solar eclipse this month, stargazers in November can expect a two-day treat in mid-November with the Leonids meteor shower. The Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration also (PAGASA) said ...

Meteor shower in Arizona skies this weekend
AP Entertainment News Video By Erin Jordan - bio | email The Taurid Meteor Shower will peak early Saturday morning, but will be visible in the night skies through early next week. The meteors originate from the Taurus constellation, which Space.com ...

Ronnie Pierce of Talladega looks for gold and meteorites with a metal detector.
Daily Home Online
PELL CITY – He hikes miles searching for rocks along creek beds, up hills, down in valleys and up high on mountain tops, but he's not looking for just any old stone – he's looking for space rocks, also known as meteorites. “There are meteorites ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for November 5-11, 2011 | American Meteor ...
This will be the worse time to try and view meteor activity this month as the brilliant moonlight will obscure all but the brightest meteors. This weekend the waxing ...

Syrians may watch Leonid Meteor Showers on November 16-17
Day Press News
DAMASCUS- Leonid meteor showers will be visible in various areas around the world including Syria on the evening of Wednesday November 16 and dawn of Thursday November 17. The Leonid meteor showers caused when the Earth moves through the meteoroid ...