Showing posts with label Telkwa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Telkwa. Show all posts

08 November 2011

Telkwa, B.C. Canada, Meteor 7NOV2011

Telkwa, B.C. Canada, Meteor 5:15 P.M. PST 7NOV2011
My sighting, which was 7-8 seconds, was one of panic, unbelieveable and awe struck. We are directly below the landing approach for two airlines, which service our area with only evening arrivals at approximately 7:30 P.M. and 8:00 P.M. It was becoming dusk. As I had come into my bedroom (2nd level) I had checked the clock and was about to close the curtains when I noticed to the south what appeared to be the landing light of our local airline. As I hesitated and thought that can't be, I looked out again with horror. Now there was no white light but what I thought to be an airplane engulfed in fiery, eerie green flames ready to ditch into the hay field across from the highway. It was lower than the trees on the far hillside behind it. It was flying in a straight line to the north and my window faces east. As it kept coming I could see how enormous it's size was. It blocked out the hillside. At that distance it was larger than two pick-up trucks end-to-end with one on the top. As it became directly in straight eye contact I could see no wings nor tail. It was so close and so low that it illuminated the power lines on my side of the highway. The highway being approx. 300ft. from my house. It looked to be one-half inch above the lines but I knew it was above the hay field. Realizing it was a meteor I tried to absorb everything about it. It was not tumbling and had somewhat the shape of a cockpit. The front appeared pointed with intense yellow and orange flames just under the nose. About two-thirds of the body was engulfed in the eerie green flames and above that I could make out the outline of the top of the rock which was of oval shape. At the back and bottom of the rock, about one-third in length and height, was a deep royal blue flame. No flames appeared to be leaving the rock. It was in direct line for the small hillside behind the neighbors house. At this point I saw sparks arise straight up into the air. The sparks were like campfire sparks. It flew straight over the side-edge of the poplar trees, and appeared to clip the tree tops as again there was a large plume of sparks approx. 35ft. up into the air. This was so bright that I saw the tail of the rock which appeared concave and the colour was grey-black like charcoal. Behind it were no trailing flames only a jet stream of about 50-75ft. There was no smoke and no sound. As it was now behind the hillside, I expected an impact but felt no tremor. I contacted the local radio station and no sightings had been reported. I called a few neighbors and only one confirmed what I saw. From their angle it appeared to fly above, barely hitting the hay barn. Then they could not see where it went.-Lorraine  Thank you Lorraine!

Terrace, BC Canada 17:29 PST 7NOV2011
We were driving north on highway 37 near Lakelse Lake. Sighted a very big =
Meteor hit the atmosphere looking NE 45 degrees near 54,30N - 128,18W
There was a very long blue tail which then turned into a bright orange =
ball of flames surrounding the visible Meteor
Lasting 5 to 6 seconds
This was the largest, brightest and best show we've ever seen!
Something had to have made it through
Dean & Joanna -Thank you Dean and Joanna!

More Reports?
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you! 2011 The Year of Meteors!