Showing posts with label Meteor Fireball Baltimore MD York PA 12NOV2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meteor Fireball Baltimore MD York PA 12NOV2010. Show all posts

12 November 2010

Breaking News- Fireball in Baltimore MD & York PA - Nov 12, 2010 Meteor/Meteorite News 13NOV2010

Breaking News- Fireball in Baltimore MD & York PA - Nov 12, 2010 8:30 PM
 posted by Mike Hankey  See: Astro Mike  for more.
I just got a report from a neighbor in Freeland, Maryland who witnessed what he called a massive fireball. It started in the south from his position, went over head and ended in the north. He said it left behind a brilliant white streak of light in the sky that remained for a few seconds after the fireball had past. See: Astro Mike  for more.  If you saw this event please fill out the AMS Meteor Sighting Report Form (here).

Other Sightings:

Milford DE  no time given 11/12/2010 
Guest14 (guest)I saw the meteor reported above on the night of 11/12/2010 from Milford DE on the DE shore. It was the largest and most brilliant I have ever seen, with a long sparkly tail and lasting in my view for a good 7 seconds.

Washington D.C,at 8:30 PM local time 12NOV2010
Tom from Lanham,MD (Guest157):Last night just east of Washington D.C,at 8:30 PM local time a fireball was visible to the north that proceeded slowly across the sky on a northward heading. It lasted about four or five seconds and apparently disappeared while still at a high altitude.I may have been a larger object that skipped into and out of the atmospere. It did not appear to explode or fragment apart.... (no contact info)

Fennville Michigan USA  ~11:15 and 11:30. EST 12NOV2010
Dustin Rea writes, (Guest954):In Fennville Michigan USA Just saw orange/red fireball shooting southwest going down like it was setting. very cool... Looking Southwest ... So were in Fennville Michigan, my wife just went out for a smoke and she said "looking southwest She see's just above the horizon a bright pinkish/orange light with a reflection off the end of it that sat in space and fizzeled away from her sight like it was moving down.  She asked me if the moon sets like the sun because thats what it look like. lol ...
Cool site by the way we've seen some interesting, things?, in the sky and wondered if anyone else had seen it? (contact info)

Other News:
Robert Szep of  Guelph, Ontario, Canada has passed away;  he was a meteorite and impact breccia hunter and researcher.  He will be missed. RIP Robert!