Showing posts with label Mediterranean sonic boom 19JUN2024. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mediterranean sonic boom 19JUN2024. Show all posts

23 June 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 23JUN2024

Meteor disintegrates over Dallas, seen in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas
The Watchers News
A bright meteor was observed over Dallas at 03:32 UTC on Friday, June 22, 2024, visible in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.

Mars rover discovers a strange Red Planet rock - MSN
Camel Donga is classified as a eucrite, a type of meteorite that is a piece of the asteroid 4 Vesta. The post Mars rover discovers a strange Red ...

Mystery as 'meteor' crashes into Earth as massive explosion heard in Italy - Daily Express
Daily Express
... meteorite entering the atmosphere seems most likely and matches the recorded data." According to NASA around 48.5 tons of meteoritic material ...

The Meteor Crater of Canyon Diablo, Arizona - TCU Digital Repository
TCU Digital Repository
Title, The Meteor Crater of Canyon Diablo, Arizona: Its History, Origin, and Associated Meteoric Irons. Author, Merrill, George P. (George ...

Ensisheim. Bourse aux météorites : retour gagnant à la Régence - L'Alsace
Le public du salon de la météorite, ce sont aussi bien de véritables professionnels que des amateurs en quête d'un cadeau original, ou prêts à ...

Une battue pour retrouver... une météorite ! - YouTube
Une drôle de battue a été lancée près d'Angers, à la recherche d'une météorite qui s'est écrasée la semaine dernière.

Une hypothèse déroutante : ce que l'on sait de la détonation entendue en Méditerranée
Le Soir
... météorite, ont déclaré jeudi des experts. La ville de Campo nell'Elba, sur l'île touristique italienne d'Elbe, a déclaré sur Facebook qu'une ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

22 June 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22JUN2024 - Early

Mystery sonic boom rattles Mediterranean resorts | New Straits Times
New Straits Times
... meteorite, experts said Thursday ... meteorite, experts said Thursday. The town of Campo nell'Elba, on the Italian tourist island of Elba, said ...

Mystery as 'meteor' crashes into Earth as massive explosion heard in Italy - Daily Express
Daily Express
A meteor crashes into the sea. Residents in the Mediterranean around the island of Elba huge a huge explosion (Image: Getty ). A mysterious seismic ...

Remember Corsica from Tamasha? Mysterious sonic boom has rattled French island - WION
The experts said that the sonic boom heard in Italy's Tuscany and the French island of Corsica may have been a meteorite. The sonic boom was ...

Glowing Blue-Green Object Seen Falling Above New York State - Hudson Valley Post
Hudson Valley Post
A fireball that turns blue may indicate a meteor rich in magnesium. AccuWeather says speed is another factor, as blue and other more brilliant ..

The Source of Hydrogen in Earth's Building Blocks - the Astrobiology Web
the Astrobiology Web
Due to their isotopic similarity to terrestrial rocks across a range of elements, enstatite chondrites (ECs) are thought to be the meteorites that ...

L'Agence Spatiale Européenne a trouvé un moyen de construire un abri sur la lune en LEGO
Pour ce faire, les scientifiques de l'ESA ont fait imprimer des briques en 3D à partir de la poussière d'une météorite vieille de 4,5 milliards d' ... Moon Lego-Tm Building Blocks

Lego bricks to help astronauts on the Moon - Toy World Magazine
Toy World Magazine
To test whether space materials could be used to create structures, the ESA team 3D printed bricks that are similar to Lego with meteorite dust to ...

Asteroids, Comets, Meteors, and Meteorites | NISE Network
NISE Network
What is the difference? · An asteroid is a rocky object that orbits the Sun. · Comets are small icy dirtballs that orbit the Sun; comets are made of ...

Automatic lithology identification in meteorite impact craters using machine learning algorithms
Identifying lithologies in meteorite impact craters is an important task to unlock processes that have shaped the evolution of planetary bodies.

Boato in Toscana: il giorno dopo resta la paura, “In tanti usciti velocemente da casa”
La Nazione
... vibrazioni dei vetri. Non è stato un terremoto né un bang sonico di un aereo. Resta concreta la possibilità che si sia trattato di un meteorite.

Méditerranée. Une mystérieuse détonation entendue... à cause d'une météorite ?
Le Bien Public
La Corse et l'île d'Elbe ont notamment été touchées. Ce qui a été à l'origine de la secousse se déplaçait à une vitesse de 600 kilomètres par ...

High resolution wind observations in the mesosphere to lower thermosphere based on MF ...
GFZpublic - GFZ-Potsdam
... meteor echo measurements. ... Because of the low radio frequency (2-3 MHz) employed the duration of MF radar meteor echoes is by two orders longer than ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

21 June 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21JUN2024

Mystérieux bruit d'explosion en Haute-Corse ce jeudi : la thèse du bolide avancée
Corse Net Infos
Après de premières hypothèses écartées, les scientifiques italiens suggèrent qu'il pourrait s'agir d'une météorite entrant dans l'atmosphère terrestre.

boato isola elba senese ipotesi meteorite terremoto aereo muro suono-Corriere di Siena
Corriere di Siena
Forte boato dall'Isola d'Elba avvertito anche a Murlo e Monteroni d'Arbia: ipotesi meteorite. 21 Giugno 2024; di Annalisa Coppolaro. meteorite cade.

Mystery Sonic Boom Rattles Mediterranean Resorts | Barron's
... meteorite, experts said Thursday ... meteorite, experts said Thursday. The town of Campo nell'Elba, on the ...

Mystery sonic boom rattles Mediterranean resorts - Arab News
Arab News
... meteorite, experts said Thursday. The town of Campo nell'Elba, on the Italian tourist island of Elba, said on its Facebook page that a nearby ...

Forte boato all'Elba e sulla costa, ipotesi meteorite - Toscana Media News
Toscana Media News
... meteorite, in caduta al largo dell'Isola di Montecristo. "La nostra stazione di rilevamento sia sismico che acustico di Seccheto ha rilevato un ...

Ipotesi dell'impatto atmosferico di un meteorite tra le spiegazioni possibili del boato
(smse) Da Gian Mario Gentini della Protezione Civile riceviamo, in ordine al boato avvertito questo pomeriggio la seguente breve nota: La nostra ...

El sistema solar primitivo era más una rosquilla que un diana - Europa Press
Europa Press
Fragmento de meteorito - UCLA METEORITE GALLERY. Europa Press Ciencia · @cienciaplus. MADRID, 20 Jun. (EUROPA PRESS) -. El disco planetario de nuestro ...

Separate effects of irradiation and impacts on lunar metallic iron formation observed in ... - Nature
... meteorites impacts to the production of different-sized npFe0. We show ... meteorite impacts produce directly large npFe0 in melts, through impact ...

Iron meteorites hint that our infant solar system was more doughnut than dartboard
Most meteorites formed within the first few million years of solar system history. Some meteorites, called chondrites, are unmelted conglomerations of ...

Iron meteorites hint that our infant solar system was more doughnut than dartboard | UCLA
UCLA Newsroom
Iron meteorites contain refractory metals, such as iridium and platinum, that formed near the sun but were transported to the outer solar system. New ...

Separate effects of irradiation and impacts on lunar metallic iron formation observed in ... - Nature
... meteorite impacts produce directly large npFe0 in melts, through impact-triggered disproportionation reaction or thermal decomposition. These ...

The occurrence of petroleum in sedimentary rocks of the meteor impact crater at Lake Siljan, Sweden
a meteor struck, causing a large impact crater at Lake Siljan with a diameter of 50-60 km. An annular depression was formed which is still preserved ...

Meteor Crater, Arizona - NASA Visible Earth
NASA Visible Earth
This image originally appeared in the NASA Earth Observatory story Meteor Crater, Arizona. Image courtesy NASA/GSFC/MITI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ...

Rock or Meteorite? - Riverine Herald
Riverine Herald
A local resident is convinced he has found a piece of rock from outer space on his farm in Moama. Hold tight - we're checking permissions before ... not confirmed to be a meteorite-LMH

Antarctic Meteor Scatter Test, December 1992. - Open Polar
Open Polar
The purpose of the test was to evaluate the performance of a meteor scatter communications link in high southern latitudes. ... Meteor burst, Technology ...

La météorite de 105 kilos a trouvé preneur pour 8500 francs - Tribune de Genève
Tribune de Genève
Objet extraterrestre. Tout semblait pourtant réuni pour que les enchères s'envolent. À commencer par l'origine du fragment de météorite, un objet ...

Culture. The presentation of the "Meteora" project will be held on Friday 21 ... - Comune di Milano
Comune di Milano
... meteorite collection of the Natural History Museum of Milan, which includes over 240 meteorites from all over the world. Subjects: Culture. Updated ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!