Showing posts with label MA NH NJ NY VT Meteor 28NOV2012. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MA NH NJ NY VT Meteor 28NOV2012. Show all posts

30 November 2012

MA NH NJ NY VT Meteor 28NOV2012

MA NH NJ NY VT Meteor ~11:40 pm EST 28NOV2012

Several witnesses reported seeing a meteor over MA, NH, NJ, NY and VT at approximately 11:40 pm on 28NOV2012.  Thank you to all that filed reports!

If you witnessed this event please file a meteor sighting report on this site; thank you!
Click here to file a report.

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports:

28NOV2012 Phil Georgetown, MA 23:00 EST 6 sec E-W Bright White Same as moon yes, and a tail was very low in the sky

28NOV2012 Benjamin Lipiecki Brighton, Massachusetts, USA 2340 Half a second, maybe a whole second. Saw it looking Northeast as it traveled right to left at a very steep angel. The fireball started blue, then increased in size and changed to red.  I was outside for several more minutes and did not hear any sound. Bright enough to see VERY clearly in a major urban area.  The fireball at least appeared larger than the moon. Did not see any, but the fireball did get very large and looked like it exploded or burnt out. Was unlike anything I've ever seen or expected to see in the night sky.  At first I thought I must have been seeing things, but a friend of mine across town saw it too, and three or four people on twitter seem to also have seen it.

28NOV2012 Bonnie Worcester,Mass 11:41 p.m. 3-4 seconds North.right to left green w/gold edges was fast! clear as day! maybe edges like sparks of gold colors wasnt near a camera

28NOV2012 Rick Shaffer Reading, MA, USA 23:40:00 1-2 sec ENE down light green no sound as Moon opoposite direction of travel appeared very large and close

28NOV2012 Julie Concord, NH, USA 2340 3-4 seconds Traveled right to left White with tail, sparks coming off end, no sound Bright as moon Yes, "sparks" coming off tail end Burned out quickly

28NOV2012 Tiffany PORTSMOUTH, NH USA 23:45:00 5 sec high in the sky left to right. I was facing N very bright white with orange and green near tail venus appeared to spark no fragments that I saw brightest meteor I've ever seen

28NOV2012 Stephen M Woodbridge, NJ, USA 2345 1-2 seconds East to West, Right to Left, facing North Bright white/yellow with some red/orange in the tail little brighter than the moon no fragmentation it was about 45 degrees up and moved downward. there was a distinct tail about 10degrees long that looked like a trail of burning smoke. both disappeared low in the sky (maybe 25 or 30 degrees up)
before disappearing. this was a spectacular, once-in-a-lifetime event

28NOV2011 Christopher Gillis WOBURN, MA 2340 hrs 2-3 sec saw it in NE sky. I was facing E In backyard with no lights around looking slightly downward, and this ENORMOUS blue/white streak fell earthward in a distinct arc while trailing white evanescent particles Easily as bright as the full moon Yes, the streak took up a third of the sky lengthwise The ball of this object was the same size as the full moon, and at least as bright. I have seen dozens of meteorites in my life, and this was by far the biggest. Please contact me by email or phone, because this should be a major event. Hundreds of people in New England must have seen it.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here:

2012 THE Year of Meteors!