Showing posts with label Australia Meteor Fireball 5MAY2011. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Australia Meteor Fireball 5MAY2011. Show all posts

06 May 2011

Brunswick, VIC, Australia Fireball Meteor 5MAY2011

Brunswick, VIC, Australia Fireball Meteor 7:15am EST 5MAY2011
I saw something similar to what the people in Brunswick, VIC, Australia saw. The difference was that it was at 7:15am EST on the 05/05/2011. I can confirm that there was greens in the fireball, but mainly reds, yellows, oranges and whites. Here is my post:
i am new to these forums and recent enthusiast (I wont say amateur as i dont have that much time).
Although, I do look to the sky (perhaps too often) in search of that wonder that will awe me.
Well today I got my awe. i was driving s-s-w from capella to emerald along the gregory highway, with the sun to my left and a crisp autumn sky with few clouds, it was the perfect start to my morning. Imagine a long straight road with nothing but sky and fields in my view.
At approximately 7:15 am, my eye caught a massive flash from out the top of my right window. This 'flash' proceeded into view along the top of my windscreen and trailed across the sky and then below the horizon. Time seemed to slow and my vision was encapsulated by the bright light. I was spellbound. Intial impressions were 'WOW, this is huge!'. Its main body was 3/4 the size of my fist held up to the sky (which eclipsed a local cloud) and its trail was about the size of your thumb held up to the sky. It burned with an effervescence I have never seen in a comet. It was also going extremely fast, my prediction (totally unreliable though) is in the region of 60km/s.
It was still burning as it dipped below the horizon.... Then I remembered i was driving! Thank goodness for straight roads!
This made my day and far oustrips anything I have ever seen in the sky. I cant get it out of my head. Now I am looking for any other information that people can provide on what I saw and why it was so frightning/awe-inspiring.
Cheers, Karl

Anyone else witness this event?
Have photos or video? 
Find a meteorite? 
If so please email your details of the meteor to Thank you! 
2011 is the "Year of Green Fireballs"!