Showing posts with label Almeria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Almeria. Show all posts

02 June 2015

Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 01JUN2015

Breaking News - Almeria, Spain Fireball Meteor 2220 Local 01JUN2015
Updates pending.

Almeria, Spain
Time: 22:20 (local time) or 20:20 (UTC+0).
Route: South (a 190º) to North (a 10º).
Height to appear: A 50º
Height to disappear: A 10º
Brightness: -3 to -4
Shape: Ellipse. Larger diameter: A 15'.
Duration (time): 5 sec.
Place: 36.8389N, 2.4497W

Reported by-
José Luis Ruiz, Spain

Saw a meteor? File a report-

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

25 October 2013

Almeria, Spain Bolide 19OCT2013

Spain Bolide 19OCT2013

José Antonio Sánchez writes,

Last Saturday was over Almeria, Spain a fireball diurnal, which fragmented into two pieces, numerous reports from people who saw it.

Here the news:
Best wishes
José Antonio Sánchez

The meteorite fall, after the origin of 'strange lights' last Saturday in Almeria
Written by Alberto F. Cerdera Wednesday, October 23, 2013 16:15
  Scientists at Calar Alto Astronomical Observatory have discovered the origin of the strange lights that many Almeria saw Saturday afternoon.Center exterior cameras captured a meteor falling, a phenomenon "very common", at 20.12 hours on Saturday afternoon. Enjoy the images on our Youtube channel .
According to the researcher David Galadí, which could be seen from Almeria was a fireball, or put another way, "a shooting star more intense than usual." This Calar Alto scientist explained that it is a phenomenon "very common and completely normal", and attributed the fact that they look like two fireballs at the object "experienced an explosion during the journey through the atmosphere." ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!