29 August 2011

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over Minnesota, Ohio, Manitoba and Ontario 27AUG2011

MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over Minnesota, Ohio, Manitoba and Ontario 27AUG2011

Timmins, Ontario Meteor aug 27th 2011 9:45/9:50 pm eastern    A few of us were outside in our front yard at about 9:50 pm eastern, and from the northeast over our heads was a big ball of light that looked like it was on fire. Someone described it like a hot air balloon pulling its string. The ball flew over our houses and slowly got smaller and smaller until it just disappeared (within 3 minutes). The Ball was totally orange. Then about 10 minutes later we saw this very bright “star” which was the size of three stars combined zoom in the sky(about 1’-2 minutes). It just appeared and disappeared. After that there were 3 more bright lights that zoomed by (1 minutes from when it starts to when it disappears).
We were in our front yard on Martin Ave. It was coming from the North east.
Then we saw these two girls walking down the street and when we asked them if they saw anything they just heard a large bang and saw the other white lights sway by.
-Amber  Thank you Amber for your kind report!

Ravenna, Ohio Meteor Spotted - Saturday, August 27th, 2011 - approx. 10pm 
standing in street facing northeast sky - two of us saw a VERY large meteor, (largest i have ever seen), cross from the east heading north. it had a very long tail - the whole thing was bluish white. it lasted 3-5 seconds max. it was ten times the brightness and size of venus. i am surprised there are no other sightings on here!! it was magnificent. thank you, -m. dillon  Thank you M. Dillon!

Kent, Ohio arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor august 27, 2011.
11:42:58 -- 8 minutes ago

Esko, Minnesota arrived from google.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for august 27, 2011 5:25pm duluth mn news burning flash in sky.
10:28:22 -- 16 minutes ago

Winnipeg, Manitoba arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for meteor manitoba august 27.
10:22:43 -- 22 minutes ago

Grimsby, Ontario arrived from google.ca on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News" by searching for orange light over Grimsby, ON, Saturday Aug 27, 2011.
11:03:10 -- 1 minute ago

We need your reports; thank you!
Date and Time of event? Location name (town,city) where you were when saw the meteor? Start and Stop location in sky? Direction of movement? Duration of Event (seconds)? Brightness ( in comparison with Venus, Moon, Sun) color, sounds? Photos? Videos? please email LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com Your reports make it possible for all to check what they saw as well. Thank you!

2011 The Year of Meteors!

Sci-Fi Movie Matinee - Phantom From Space (1953) - Full Movie 28AUG2011

Phantom From Space (1953) - Full Movie

Posted on YouTube by   2009/07/12  52.547 views

28 August 2011

Meteor/Meteorite News 27AUG2011

Falling meteor depicted in 5000-year-old rock carving in north China
27 (Xinhua) -- A 5000-year old rock carving in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region depicts a falling meteor, said archaeologists on Saturday. A rock on the side of Dahei Mountain in the city of Chifeng has images of people, domed houses and ...

Upper Mid-Western Fireball August 23, 2011 | American Meteor ...
In the AMS fireball table, refer to event #898 for 2011. ... 8:55 pm (Mountain Time) near Hot Springs SD I saw a fireball appear out of no where and it was so low I ...

Meteorite hunt underway in the North while stargazers gather for a cosmic ...
ASTRONOMY IRELAND IS asking people interested in looking for a potentially valuable meteorite to get involved in a search for a rock from space somewhere in the north of the country. David Moore from Astronomy Ireland has told TheJournal.ie that the ...

Asteroid dust reveals meteorite origins
ABC Online
The results of the Itokawa sample study, reported in the journal Science confirms ordinary chondrites, the most common types of meteorites found on Earth are pieces of stony asteroids known as S-types. Dr Trevor Ireland from the Australian National ...
Meteor flashes across area skies Tuesday
Daily Republic
A Mitchell police dispatch log that described a “strange sighting near Corsica” shortly before 10 pm Tuesday was one of many such meteor sightings, said Mike Buss, a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Sioux Falls. ... (The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News was the first to break this story minutes after the event due to MBIQ (Meteor Bot Internet Queries) and numerous sighting reports from readers; thank you!)

Canada: Burning Fireball Lights Up Sky -- Fire in the Sky -- Sott.net
A number of southern Manitoba residents noticed something unique in the sky last night. Scott Young is an astronomer at The Manitoba Museum, ...

'Meteor' lights up sky over Peru
The Sun
By STAFF REPORTER A "METEOR" has been spotted in the skies over the city of Cusco in Peru. Quick-thinking locals managed to capture the suspected space rock on film as it blazed through the clouds at 2pm yesterday. It vanished over the horizon without ... 
(As I posted earlier as the story broke, this IS NOT a meteor!  It is a video of an aircraft contrail.)

Suspected meteorite caught on tape in Peru
CBS News
A suspected meteorite streaked across the Peruvian sky over the ancient city of Cusco on Thursday. Residents were surprised to see the object shooting across the horizon around 2 pm local time. A meteorite is a natural object from space that survives ... 
(As I posted earlier as the story broke, this IS NOT a meteor!  It is a video of an aircraft contrail.)

UFO in Peru identified as falling meteor? 'Not so fast,' some claim [video]
The fireball was spotted near the Andes mountains in Peru on August 25, 2011 around 2:00 in the afternoon. At least one lucky observer was able to capture the amazing sight on video. News reports from Sky News in the United Kingdom initially called the ...

Meteor Causes Fires in Peru (27th August 2011)
3 min
ARTICLE: www.dailymail.co.uk SANGSTAR1 VIDEO: www.youtube.com THY ALWAYS SEEK FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com
youtube.com  (As I posted earlier as the story broke, this IS NOT a meteor!  It is a video of an aircraft contrail.)

26 August 2011

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 26AUG2011

Astronomers discover planet made of diamond
(Reuters) - Astronomers have spotted an exotic planet that seems to be made of diamond racing around a tiny star in our galactic backyard. ...

Meteorite soars over Peru
A suspected meteorite has been caught on film soaring across the sky over the Peruvian city of Cusco. The amateur footage shows the glowing ball of rock soaring across the horizon near the Andes mountains in southern Peru. As it fell from space local ...  (Contrail from Aircraft!!!)

Meteor Survival Tips | Ape, not monkey
By Jeffrey Weston
Updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Meteor Survival Tips. ◄ Previous |. August 26th, 2011 ... Latest Comics. Meteor Survival Tips · Origin Of Cloud Nine · Calculating The Gravitational Constant ...

Mutant Space Maggots Invade the Earth
Dread Central
meteor blasts through space and quickly enters the Earth's atmosphere, crashing hard and littering the area with fragments of meteorite. Two unsuspecting campers witness the spectacle and proceed to investigate. Maggots crawl from the broken ...
Streak in sky likely piece of comet
Winnipeg Sun
“People said it looked like a very bright fireball and it was heading in a westerly direction,” Rutkowski said of Tuesday's sighting. “Some people described it as a long, blue teardrop. Clearly it was a piece of a comet or something like that. 

Weather Talk: Region witnesses a type of meteor called fireball
What they saw was a kind of glorified meteor called a fireball. Most meteors are made of a rock from space smaller than a pea. As they enter Earth's atmosphere at an extremely high velocity, these pebbles burn up quickly, usually at an altitude of 40 

Asteroid Dust Confirms Meteorite Origins
New York Times
By SINDYA N. BHANOO Last year, a Japanese spacecraft brought asteroid dust back to Earth for the first time, and now researchers analyzing the dust report that mostmeteorites on Earth originate from stony S-type asteroids like the one sampled, ...
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: MBIQ Indicates Meteor ...
MBIQ Indicates Meteor Event Over South Dakota, North Dakota, Colorado, Nebraska, Minnesota and Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Canada 23AUG2011 ...

Malta: Burning UFO thought to be a fireball -- Fire in the Sky -- Sott.net
A strange object spotted by residents in the skies above Birżebbuġa on Saturday night could have been a "very bright meteor", also referred to as a fireball...

Astronomers confirm fireball meteor entered Irish atmosphere
Irish Central
Irish astronomers have confirmed that a fireball meteor entered the atmosphere above Ireland earlier this week and have appealed for video evidence of the event. Astronomy Ireland has reported that afireball meteor entered the atmosphere in the early 

Asteroid sample nails meteorite source
Science News
For starters, the dust reveals which type of asteroid is responsible for the meteorites that litter Earth, says planetary scientist Bill Bottke of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo. Until Hayabusa returned with a sample of Itokawa's 

Weird lights flash across night sky Tuesday
Dickinson Press
Echo Press reader Brian Alvstad posted this on the newspaper's Facebook page Wednesday: “Find out what the heck that meteor or asteroid or comet was that flew in the sky around 9:45 last night [Tuesday]...it was green and purple and you could tell when 

Weird lights flash across night sky
Jamestown Sun
After hunting around on the Internet, the newspaper found a blog — lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot — that included several sightings of a fireball or meteor from sky watchers across the Midwest on Tuesday night. Here are just a few: Huron, South 

Burning UFO thought to be a fireball
Times of Malta
A strange object spotted by residents in the skies above Birżebbuġa on Saturday night could have been a “very bright meteor”, also referred to as a fireball, according to the Astronomical Society of Malta. It has attempted to shed light on the 

隕石と有機物の化学式イメージクリックで拡大提供NASA's Goddard Space Flight ... 隕石のうち特に炭素に富んでいる炭素質隕石と呼ばれる隕石や NASA の探査機 ...

Ufologist says bright thing in Manitoba sky could have been a meteor, or ?
Winnipeg Free Press
Rutkowski says once in a while pieces of meteor drop to earth, but the cases are extremely rare and usually happen in very isolated areas. He also says this is a good time to be watching for planets —- Mars and Jupiter are visible very early in the ...

Bright Lights In the Manitoba Sky
A very bright meteor or even a chunk of a comet was seen over Manitoba skies Tuesday night. Chris Rutkowski who does Ufology Research in Manitoba gets the calls when there are sightings here. Rutkowski says once in awhile pieces of meteor drop to earth ...

Burning Fireball Lights Up Sky
Portage Online
A number of southern Manitoba residents noticed something unique in the sky last night. Scott Young is an astronomer at The Manitoba Museum, and shares they've already received quite a few reports. Young tells us people were able to watch it for a few ...

Meteorites Possible From Irish Fireball -- Fire in the Sky -- Sott.net
Astronomy Ireland (AI) has confirmed that a fireball meteor entered the atmosphere above Ireland in the early hours of Tuesday morning (23 August 2011).

Meteorite researcher blasts through his field
Science Network Western Australia
A WA researcher has received an Australian Laureate Fellowship for his research into meteoritesand the data they hold of the origins of The Solar System. “Information about where individualmeteorites originated and how they moved around the Solar ...

APOD: 2011 August 13 - Castle and Meteor by Moonlight
A different astronomy and space science related image is featured each day, along with a brief explanation.

High confidence meteorite fall in Northeast Ohio
On August 8 at 1:22 Eastern Daylight Time, 4 all sky cameras belonging to the Southern Ontario Meteor Network detected a fireball ...
ALERT Aug.18: NASA Warns, Fireball Leads to ...
24 sec
Meteorites Possible From Midwest US Fireball www.space.com Fireball Leads to Midwest Meteorite Alert, NASA Warns Read more ...
Fireball Leads To Midwestern Meteorite Alert, NASA ...
55 sec
UFO in Peru? Amazing video of what is thought to be a ...
1 min
What is believed to be a meteorite has been caught on film soaring across the sky over the Peruvian city of Cusco.
youtube.com  (Contrail from Aircraft...NOT a meteor!!!)