08 November 2010

METCOMLINE Meteors? 7NOV2010 Meteor/Meteorite News 8NOV2010

*If you wish to leave a comment please do; comments with name, time, location and information about what you saw are important.  Please leave your contact info; I will not post your contact info. 
email drtanuki@gmail.com  Thank YOU!

To officially register your meteor report please go to: http://www.amsmeteors

Monroe, Ohio 8NOV2010
"I cannot believe the Bolide that I saw this morning at 4:20 or 4:25AM, I was outside 
sitting on my daughters deck drinking coffee in the cold,(waiting to go hunting) when looking south. The bigest, brighest  "slow moving" meteor I have ever seen came out of the western 
sky and headed south east. I was in Monroe Ohio, which is between Cincinnati and Dayton. It came in very low in the sky! with sparks trailing.  As it was 10 to 15 degrees above the Horizon there was a Very Bright Flash that lit up the sky and it looked like the front or bottom blew out as it fragmented.
  At this Time it entered the city sky light of west Chester, Ohio which is directly south of Monroe, and I lost sight of it complety. This is the 1st one like this I have ever seen and will never forget it. It was far enough away that I heard no sound.
  There must be alot people traveling south on I-75 and I-71 who saw this, so we 
should hear more reports today.
  Also, I now see why some people think there seeing a jet on fire, It was moving 
at the speed you would think a jet would. MY 1ST, WAY TOO COOL!" - DAVE M. (contact info)

Georgia 7NOV2010 (georgia/ south carolina border)

"I saw a white fireball in the sky on Sun Nov 8, 2010.  It was approximately 7:35 pm eastern standard time. The light was at the georgia/ south carolina border. I was traveling south on I-95, at first  I thought it was a plane crashing, but there was no explosion. I guess it was a meteor. It lasted only about 10 seconds, It was a little scary though."
--Tzana (contact info on file)

Sault Ste Marie 7NOV2010
Guest513 (guest): "In Sault Ste Marie,Ontario I saw a bright object moving Quickly across the eastern sky at 6:40 PM,EST on Nov 7, 2010. It was travelling in a north to south direction." (no name or contact info)

Stevens Point, WI 7NOV2010
Guest938 (guest): "i saw a meteorite about 7 pm central sunday Nov 7 time right outside of stevens point wi heading what looked like north to south west" (no name or contact info)

Phoenix, AZ 7NOV2010
Guest8 (guest): "In Phoenix AZ my mom was sitting on her patio at 6:30 pm. She came running in the apartment and said she just saw the largest light fly across the sky. She said it came from the southwest and moved toward the northeast. It was so large and falling so fast she thought a plane was crashing. After it fell behind the trees, she was expecting to hear an explosion as she really thought it was a plane crashing. It is interesting there is so many sightings of this at around the same time from all over, from TN 2 az" (no name or contact info)

Georgia, USA 7NOV2010
"Anonymous said...
(no contact info or name)

LaVergne, TN 7NOV2010
"My wife texted me at work and said she saw either a meteor or a plane crash while plugging in our christmas lights also and she said she saw a ball of fire fall from the sky from about northwest to east at about 7:30 pm central time today (November 7, 2010). So I was on google for about 2 hours before I found your post. We live in LaVergne, TN about 15 minutes south of Nashville." -- Douglas (contact info)

Knoxville, TN 7NOV2010
hullaballoEarlier today, I heard a "pop" like a distant un shot. Was not in a part of the house where I could see outside.Moments later my wife asked if I saw the bright flash and heard the pop. She asked me if it could have been a meteor. This occured in Knoxville, TN. Any otehr reports of activity????

Missiauga, Ontario , Canada 7NOV2010
Guest314 (guest)we saw a meteor tonight, missiauga, ontario , canada in the northern sky at around 6:30 pm

Kingman AZ Meteor? 7NOV2010 
"I live in Kingman, AZ.  I went outside to look at my Husband`s christmas lights he was turning them on for the full impact.  I looked up in the sky and saw something like a falling star or meteor it was moving from the north falling down towards the east it was the largest thing I have seen and it seemed pretty slow although it was moving pretty fast.
  It was 11/07/10 at about 6:30 p.m. Sunday evening.  It wasn`t totally dark so it was pretty easy to see it."
Marie (contact info)

 To those that saw this event please go to the AMS website and fill out a fireball report form.

email me:

Meteor/Meteorite News:

Life on Mars might actually come from Earth

We usually think of meteor strikes as a one-way process, as giant rocks rain down from space and hit the Earth. But Earth itself can also produce meteors...


17: Leonid meteor shower peaks. Debris originates from Comet Tempel-Tuttle's passage in 1533. Expect about 25 to 30 meteors an hour under ideal observing ...

07 November 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News Polish Fireball 13OCT2010 7NOV2010

Kula ognia nad Polską - o włos od upadku meteorytu! - Wiadomości24

Wiadomosci 24 - ‎2010年10月15日‎
Dwa dni temu poranne niebo nad Mazowszem rozświetlił niezwykle jasny meteor - tak jasny, że podejrzewano nawet upadek meteorytu... (more in Polish)

Fireball over the Polish - a hair from falling meteorites! - Wiadomości24

News 1924 - 2010年10月15日
Two days ago the morning sky over the Mazovia extremely bright meteor lit up - so bright that even the collapse of suspected meteorite... (in Polish Poland fireball 13OCT2010)

Would You Survive If a Meteor Struck the Earth? - Environment - GOOD
Impact Earth is a site that allows you to set variables for the size, speed, and material of an object crashing into Earth, and then see the effects. ...

Представлены результаты изучения осадочных пород на дне чукотского озера Эльгыгытгын
Компьюлента - ‎2010年11月3日‎
Во время падения метеорита местный климат был примерно на 10–14 ˚C теплее, чем сегодня. Удар привёл к испарению большого количества камня, богатого кремнезёмом, что способствовало образованию смеси, известной как брекчия, с растрескавшимися зёрнами кварца и другими расплавленными частицами. ... (more in Russian)
The results of study of sedimentary rocks at the bottom of the Chukchi Lake El'gygytgyn
Kompyulenta - 2010年11月3日
During the fall of the meteorite local climate was about 10-14 ˚ C warmer than today. Strike led to the evaporation of a large number of stone, rich in silica, which contributed to the formation of the mixture, known as breccia, with cracked grains of quartz and other fused particles. ... (in Russian)

06 November 2010

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News & Sightings from Readers- 6NOV2010

NASA Investigates Great Balls of Fire Over Canada - UFOs or Meteors?
The UFOs in the sky over Canada were likely meteors. They were probably actually part of the Taurids meteor shower, which actually come from the comet Encke ...

Meteors From Comet Hartley 2 Amaze Skywatchers
By Tariq Malik Stunningly bright fireballs created by meteors from Comet Hartley 2 have amazed skywatchers across the United States lucky enough to spot ...

Return of the Leonids Annual Meteor Shower Arrives This Month ...
In the coming days, skywatchers will likely be hearing much about the impending return of the famous Leonid meteor shower, which graces the night skies of ...

STAR TRAK for November Jupiter and Leonid meteor shower
Jupiter will be easy to see in the south as night falls in November. The best time to observe this bright planet with a telescope will be from dusk to ...

EPOXI Visits Hartley 2 « The Transient Sky – Comets, Asteroids ...
By Carl Hergenrother
Comet News: A New Bright Comet and Rendezvous with Hartley 2 · In The Sky This Month - November 2010 · Meteor Activity Outlook for October 30-November 5, 2010 · Venus and Sirius - 2 Bright Stars in the Evening Sky · Where, ...

Return of the Leonids: Annual Meteor Shower Arrives This Month
By Joe Rao In the coming days, skywatchers will likely be hearing much about the impending return of the famous Leonid meteor shower, which graces the night ...

Space Weather News
for Nov. 4, 2010  COMET FLYBY A BIG SUCCESS: This morning's Deep Impact (EPOXI) flyby of Comet Hartley 2 was a success.  The probe is transmitting data to Earth and, even without processing, the first raw images of the comet's core are spectacular.  Visit http://spaceweather.com/

If you saw a meteor fireball or bolide report it here: http://www.amsmeteors.org/fireball/report.html

Questions from Readers:
1) "Have there been any recent reports of a bolide meteor that would have been seen in Denver, NE Colorado, SE Wyoming and SW Nebraska around 6 pm local time (Mountain Daylight Time) on October 28th? Some sheriff departments in the region got reports of a green flash in the sky around that time." (contact info)

2) "My children and I saw something large and bright in the eastern sky this morning about 8:15-8:20 mountain standard time this morning (date not specified; I received this email at 11pm 4NOV). We live in Roy, Utah, just North of Salt lake City." (contact info)  

3) "I saw on Nov. 1st at 8:20 PM a very large, orange fireball in northeast Michigan (aka The Thumb). It was very short in duration and led me to believe something had exploded in the sky. I've always thought of meteors as quick little streaks of light so I'm not entirely sure that I in fact saw a meteor. This was such an oddity that I called the local 911 dispatch to report it (thinking something bad had happened to an aircraft). Thanks. -Patrick" (contact info)  

Please leave Comments on this post if you have information; thank you.  Please include name and contact info (I will not post your contact information)

05 November 2010

NW Coast/ Seattle Bolide Fireball 3NOV2010 5NOV2010

NW Coast/ Seattle Bolide Meteor 3NOV2010
by Mike Bandli
Fireball over Seattle @ 3:20 AM PDT:
“I think i just saw a meteor enter our atmosphere. Easily one of the coolest things i have seen. It was bright green with an orange trail. Kinda like a fire work. Google says it was a meteor. Either way, it was awesome.”
“Just saw a massive meteor fly over my house. Crazy!”
“Holy Meteor!!! Did anyone else just see that!!!! @ 3:20AM I was laying on my coach looking into the sky, night dreaming, and Holy Sh*t. I have seen hundreds of shooting stars, and this looked like something from a movie, super huge, super tail, WOWZERS!!!”
“I was just outside and saw a meteor break up in our atmosphere looking towards south auburn and muck hill. That was intense.”
“just saw the brightest f*cking meteor EVER. SO COOL. I DON'T EVEN CARE ABOUT THE ELECTION ANYMORE.”

Credit: Jeffrey Brower, British Columbia Meteor Network - station ABMO.  http://www.bcmeteors.net/

This video was captured by Jeffrey Brower over 300 miles away. It does not show the terminal burst as the fireball disappears under the horizon due to the distance.


Caught On Camera: Bright Light Streaks Across Seattle Sky

Did you see the unusual light show?
KIRO 7 Eyewitness News Reporter Michelle Millman and engineer Dan Crouch both saw flaming debris streak across the sky at about 3:20 Wednesday morning.A surveillance camera at Honda of Kirkland captured the streak of light ... (more)

Meteor/Meteorite News 5NOV2010

Great balls of fire over Canada: NASA investigates
Scientist Peter Brown says his meteor group at the University of Western Ontario tracked one of two fireballs while the other was tracked by NASA's ...

Smithville man almost hit by meteorite
WKRN Nashville Thu, 04 Nov 2010 16:54 PM PDT
Jimmy Duncan was nearly hit by a meteorite in August as it fell from the sky. 

The Taurid Meteor Shower and the Planet Venus
San Diego Reader (blog)
By Jerry Schad | Posted November 4, 2010, 8:58 am The Taurid Meteor Shower, featuring about 10-15 visible events per hour -- as seen under clear, ...

US skies lighten up due to meteor showers
Medical Daily
Fireballs, as the bright meteors are called, occurs when comet dust burns up in Earth's atmosphere. Helga Cabral in Seascape, California reported after 9 pm ...

Comet Hartley 2  UFO/Meteor 2NOV2010 R.I.

Posted on YouTube by foxprovidence 195 Views

04 November 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 4NOV2010

Did Earth Encounter Pieces Of An Alien Visitor Last Night
Space Daily
NASA meteor experts had predicted it was a long shot, but the evenings of November 2nd and 3rd might display a meteor shower from dust which puffed off this ...

Hartley 2 Spawns Meteor Shower | Universe Today
The comet of the year for 2010 seems to be Hartley 2. Although this comet is receding from Earth now (its closest approach was in the latter half of ...

Arctic lake offers up climate record
Cored through sediment layers at the bottom of a lake in northeastern Siberia, the record shows what happened when a meteorite smashed into the planet 3.6 ...

A Clear Voice for Science
Berthoud Recorder
The radiant points for two November meteor showers – the South Taurids and North Taurids – both reside in front of the constellation Taurus the Bull. ...

 [1010.5733] Meteor showers of comet C/1917 F1 Mellish
Abstract: December Monocerotids and November Orionids are weak but established annual meteor showers active throughout November and December. ...

Jet Propulsion Laboratory  -- November 03, 2010
PASADENA, CALIF. - Mission controllers at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., have relayed final instructions to their comet-bound spacecraft today, Nov. 3. The new programming will guide NASA's EPOXI mission through its close approach with comet Hartley 2, scheduled for tomorrow, Nov. 4, at about 7 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. EDT).

Dawn Journal
Dr. Marc Rayman - October 31, 2010
Continuing its journey to collect treats in the main asteroid belt, Dawn is making excellent progress toward its July 2011 rendezvous with protoplanet Vesta. The gentle thrust of its ion propulsion system is gradually changing its trajectory around the sun, smoothly helping the spacecraft move onto a path that will perfectly match Vesta's own motion. This pas de deux ...

East Coast/ MASS R.I. NH VT ME NY Meteor 2NOV2010 comments and report UPDATED 4NOV2010

East Coast MASS R.I. NH Bolide Meteor Fireball 2NOV2010 comments and report
UPDATED 4NOV2010  updated post here

  Thank you to all of the kind persons that took their time to write about their observations and comments of the New England/ East Coast MASS, RI, NH bolide event of Nov. 2.  Videos, cellphone captures and  still images are sorely needed and time is critical to determine if a meteorite survived from the event and where it may have landed.  Please put out the word for people to check for videos of the event in communities were the event was witnessed.  News persons please put out the word on weather broadcasts and TV programs.  Most video from security systems will be recycled or lost within 5-7 days.  Get to work!
Anyone with a fresh new hole in their roof from a meteorite?  Black burnt looking out-of-place rocks?  Please contact your local news station weatherman.
Thank YOU!!  LunarMeteorite*Hunter...Tokyo
email address  drtanuki@gmail.com

03 November 2010

Meteor/Meteorite News 3NOV2010

Russia to upgrade Soyuz spaceship
"Upgraded solar batteries will be installed on the Soyuz starting from November 2011, an additional meteor shield from March 2012 and the new Russian ...

Cometary Poison Gas Geyser Heralds Surprises
NASA Science News
Nov. 2, 2010:  As NASA's Deep Impact (EPOXI) probe approaches Comet Hartley 2 for a close encounter on Nov. 4th, mission scientists are certain ...

Arctic Lake Yields Climate Record
US News & World Report Tue, 02 Nov 2010 11:29 AM PDT
Siberian drilling also penetrates meteorite crater...

East Coast USA Meteor Sightings Summary Breaking News 3NOV2010

El Paso TX All Sky Meteor Detection Camera Blog Site: BREAKING ...
2 Nov 2010 ... BREAKING METEOR NEWS...Bolide Seen Over NE Coastline ... www.lunarmeteoritehunters.blogspot.com reporting a very bright meteor event along the U.S. east coast from Rhode Island to ...
elpasoallsky.blogspot.com/.../breaking-meteor-newsbolide-seen-over-ne.html - 33 minutes ago

Perth "Meteor" 30OCT2010 was Russian??? Australia Meteor/Meteorite News 3NOV2010

Mystery 'falling star' was Soyuz rocket body plunging to Earth

PerthNow - 4 minutes ago
... Saturday morning when he was in the Morley area looking east or south-east. ... which tended to discount the theory that it was a meteor falling to Earth. ... (photos and story)   METEORITE!!!

Quebec City Bolide- Canada Meteor News 2NOV2010 3NOV2010

Quebec City Bolide- Canada Meteor News 2NOV2010
There are reports tonight of a bright bolide moving west to east and lasting from 4 to 6 seconds passing over Quebec City. Reports also say it was breaking up as it passed through around 19:15 pm. local time.

Chris Spratt
Victoria, BC

East Coast USA Meteor Sightings 2NOV2010 from Readers JUST IN!!! 3NOV2010

 East Coast USA Meteor Sightings 2NOV2010
by LunarMeteorite*Hunter (c) 2010 All Rights Reserved
Tokyo, Japan posted from reader/observers within 10 minutes of event at about 7:20pm EDT .

Anyone with video, still photos or cell phone captures please contact me.  Readers, emergency responders, police, or media persons reading this please try to acquire video; this is critical for locating any potential meteorites from this event.
AMS Fireball Report Form, Have you seen an extremely bright meteor? Share your sighting with others across the globe by filling out our fireball report form.

"Driving home from work this evening, around 7:20 pm ; Initially I thought it was the vapor trial from a jet as it caught my attention (we live south of Logan Airport) Then I could see it looked like a ball of fire with a comet-like tail behind it, but was moving much slower and was much bigger than a shooting star. I was worried that it might be a jet on fire and crashing because I could see it breaking up and a shower of debris behind it and it was coming in at an angle like a jet. It was traveling South-East to North-West - and I was in North Quincy MA heading east at the time. Very strange; I've never seen anything like it." -- Amy B., Quincy, MA (contact info)

"I just saw the biggest meteor I have ever seen in my life tonight.  It was around 7:15 pm and I was in East Weymouth.  At first it appeared to be a low flying plane on fire but it was actually a large white ball with a long tail behind it.  It went from West to East.  It appeared to be heading towards Boston from the South Shore and was traveling horizontally across the sky.  It lasted about 3-4 seconds and eventually exploded with red pieces falling towards the Earth.  It would seem that somewhere in North Weymouth, MA or Hingham, MA there may be pieces of a meteor lying on the ground!" -- SJDoran (contact info) 

"Got out with the wife in Belmont, MA to vote, and we saw a very slow moving bright light going from what looked to be SE to NW, or maybe E to W.  This was between 7:15 and 7:20.  We both got out of the car, gasping at the sky, and as someone who has seen plenty of shooting stars and fast moving objects, this was moving far slower than anything I'd ever seen.  It also looked much lower, and appeared to have several different "jets" of light coming off it, so I guessed that it may have been breaking up.  We lost it through the trees, as we were both trying desperately to get our cell phone cameras out... but alas, even though it was slow, we were even slower."
-- Brian S., Belmont MA  (contact info)

 "THANK YOU!!! I saw a very large "ball of fire" with an even longer tail behind it - going from East to West over Hampstead, NH at 7:18PM tonight. It only lasted a couple of seconds, but it was really bright - and then it was gone. I asked friends, but nobody else had seen it - so I started searching online ... and here it is" !  -- Elaine

"I just saw a very large Meteorite shoot across the sky here in Massachusetts, it was traveling east to west, seemed to be very low to the ground and was breaking up into pieces as it traveled across the sky, It had a very long trail of “flames” and as the pieces broke off they also had trails behind them. I have seen many smaller Meteorites while fishing at night on cape cod but nothing as large and low to the ground like this."  -- Scott M.  (contact info)

"I just saw a fireball at approximately 7:30pm from Warwick, RI. It was travelling from east to west and lasted about two seconds.  At first I thought it was a plane (we are close to the airport), but then noticed it had the distinctive round mass of a fireball.  It was bluish green and so amazing.  I used to teach astronomy so it was especially exciting for me.  My husband was surprised but not nearly as excited as me!" -- Alicia (contact info)

"I also observed this event while using my telescope last night viewing Andromeda.  About 4-5 degrees off of the horizon beginning in the east and transiting out of view to the north.  Bright white in appearance, with fragments falling off.  I didn't witness the beginning or end of the event but the time frame reported by others sounds accurate.  I began viewing Jupiter around 7pm and was just moving on to Nebula when I witnessed the event.  Reminded me of the video of the shuttle break-up a few years ago.  I thought it might be a satellite re-entering."
.....Mike in Hudson, NH (contact info)

"Harvey Leonard (highly respected Boston MA area meteorologist) said that this might be the end of the Orionids or the beginning of the Leonids.   I probably saw the same show that others report below. In Gloucester/Rockport MA at 7:15 p.m., with a very clear dark sky, we saw a very bright, very low fireball (but colored green, no red – is this weird?) with a wide, long tail of white sparklers moving from southeast to northwest. It appeared to be breaking up quickly"
-- Jane Seigel (Contact info)

DATE:  02 NOV, 2010 @ 19h 17m EDT
PLACE: Elizabeth Brown Elementary School, 29 Gardners Neck Rd. Swansea, MA, USA
SKY: Cloudless; chilly
SIGHTING DETAILS: Initially  about 0 degrees azi. @ about 15 degrees alt.
                                   Finally about 10 degrees azi @ about  10 degrees alt.
                                   Duration about 3~4 sec.
                                   General   Bright, details visible in the tail, straight track sloping down t the left; passing over the three arc-stars in handle of Big Dipper" -- LON CARACAPPA (contact info)

"I was at Shaws in Salem, NH last night around 7:30 when I saw something in the sky.  At first I thought it was a plane on fire.  Then I thought it was silent fireworks but it was going horizontal.  I was in such awe not knowing what I saw that I didn't even think to take a picture with my phone.  I was traveling so slow.  It was a very sureal moment and I wonder if I will ever see another one in my lifetime. I would love to see a video if anyone else captured activity last night." -- Maryellen (contact info)

"We saw a spectacular fire ball coming from the east south east passing between Cassiopeia and Perseus in Cumberland, Maine, about 7:30p on November 2nd.  It seemed to last for about 4 to 5 seconds, was slow moving, yellowish wide streak turning reddish as it broke into several pieces just at its end.  Definitely a life time best for me." -- Bill Rixon of Freeport, Miane (contact info)

"I also saw this one and filed a report with amsmeteors.org -- though it
hasn't shown up yet.-- 1917 EDT, Westford, northest to north travel. Very slow -- maybe 3
degrees per second. Exploded into fragments at the end. Significant
trail (maybe 5 degrees)" Philip (contact info)

"In Stoneham I saw a large white object with a rounded front end and a tail at about 7:20 last night.  It appeared to have scattered objects trailing behind it but everything was white (no red).  It went from east to west with a slight turn to the south.  It streaked right over my neighbors house and seemed so low I thought it might touch the roof.  It appeared to be very large so I immediately ruled-out a shooting star.  I thought it might be a plane but the shape was so perfectly round in the front and there was such a perfect tail behind that I thought it could only be celestial. By the time I ran to the back yard it was not in sight.
Thank you for your blog.  I have an understanding of what I saw in Stoneham, Mass on Nov. 2"
Marilyn M (contact info)

On the way home at 7:19pm this evening I saw what I thought was an awfully low-flying airplane. It's flight path was parallel to snow hill rd between kelton rd and the gardner farm.
 (MOVING SLOWLY EAST TO WEST)   as it came over my windshield it began to split into a (long) trail of large shooting stars....the car behind saw it too-did you?

I was rushing, so long trail of shooting stars does not describe it well.  Someone else's description of "breaking up describes it better - a big chunk leading the way and smaller pieces, trailing.  It moved at the speed of a jet flying low, but went out when it was just past overhead - long before reaching the horizon..."  Jennifer (contact info)

"I observed a the most dramatic fireball of my life for about 4 sec transiting my NE-facing window (~16 miles NW of Boston) about 3-4 degrees above the horizon, it was yellow with a sizable fireball and relatively short tail, shedding pieces. I was a private pilot, and know the flight pattern of the nearby airport well, so I can say that this was comparable in apparent size to a Cessna 150-series at ~2000 ft, 1 miles out. In actual size, I believe the technical term would be "humongous"""I forgot to note: my sighting was just before 7:20 EDT."  -- Anonymous - sign of the times? (no contact info)

"On the night of Nov. 2, 2010, my boyfriend and his cousin witnessed this super fast (approx. 800 mph) fireball with a burning glow to it as it sped over them, kinda close....after reading about Hartley's Comet 2, I think it had to be that....he was so excited about it, he called the police right away and they confirmed it with the FAA that 10 other people saw it too.  They were heading up north on rt. 22 in Amenia, NY near Renneys at around 7:15pm....I was excited too for them and only wished I was there also experiencing it for myself.....my boyfriend is very cosmic...seems that he has witnessed extraordinary objects/sightings/UFOs since living up in Amenia.  We both witnessed UFOs on the night of July 3 and July 5, 2010 also in Amenia, NY. We are DEFINITELY NOT ALONE."  -- Blackwhiskers(contact info)

Other Reported Meteor Event: 31OCT2010
"We were driving home from Maine on October 31, around 8:45 pm or so, when I saw a large yellow streak falling in the Southwest sky.  It was much larger, brighter and much longer lasting than a shooting star.  It seemed to go down over the trees.  I think we were in the area near Danvers, MA but  I'm not sure.  My sister saw the tail end of it when I pointed it out.  Have you heard of anyone else seeing this?  What might it be besides a meteor?  Could it be a bit of a satellite or space junk? " Martha S. (contact info)

  Very Important: Please include location, event, date, time and contact information; your contact info will not be posted or shared without your permission.

New Mexico Rip-Roaring Fireball 2NOV2010 3NOV2010

Rip-roaring fireball - Nov 2, 2010 - New Mexico

Wednesday, November 3, 2010 1:09 AM
by Thomas Ashcraft
I did not see any  "Hartley-ids" in my all-sky fireball captures this morning. At least no fireball-sized ones.
  But I did capture a rip-roaring sporadic fireball. I made a movie of the meteor with its strong dopplering head echo in stereo at 61.250 MHz and 83.250 MHz. The full radio reflection reflection lasted about a minute. This movie is only 8 seconds or so, head echo only
1 MB

Thomas   |   Heliotown  |  New Mexico
Thomas Ashcraft

El Paso, Texas Meteor Event 2NOV2010 3NOV2010

Latest El Paso Meteor Event Nov. 02/2010 08:50:29 UTC
report by Jim Gamble  El Paso AllSky Camera Network
Bright meteor captured by the El Paso, TX allsky camera at 08:50:29 UTC (01:50:29 MDT) on November 2, 2010.
El Paso, Texas Meteor Event 2NOV2010(c) Jim Gamble El Paso AllSKY Camera Network 2010
See full report with video:

Meteor/Meteorite News 3NOV2010

 Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Meteor? ~8:00P.M. Central Time, 1Nov2010
A reader from Canada writes to ask, "Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Around 8:00P.M. Central Time, November 1, 2010, My wife and I saw a bright light travel across the night sky. It was a steady path, very large and gets smaller as it went past the Big Dipper, southwest to northeast and it disappeared; did anyone else see this?."
  Anyone with information please use the comment form at the bottom of this post; thank you.

Arctic Lake Yields Planet's Most Continuous Record of Ancient Climate
Wired News (blog)
At the time the kilometer-wide meteorite hit, temperatures were probably 10 to 14 degrees Celsius warmer than today, Brigham-Grette said. ...

NASA's Comet Mission May Face Multiple Jets Nov. 4
Jet Propulsion Laboratory- November 01, 2010
Two movies derived from images taken by the two cameras aboard NASA's
EPOXI mission spacecraft show comet Hartley 2 is, as expected, quite
active, and it provides information on the nucleus's rotation. The
spacecraft has been imaging Hartley 2 almost daily since Sept. 5, in
preparation for its scheduled Nov. 4 flyby of the comet. ...

PAGASA: Meteor shower treat awaits stargazers this November
Barring cyclones and cloudy skies, stargazers will be treated to a meteor shower display this November, the Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and ...

Craig Murray - Meteors or Meteorites over Kent
By craig
I have just seen the most beautiful sight. A meteor of the deepest red, a distinct flare with a tail, came over in a great arc, moving very slowly and slightly wobbly, and gradually dwindling away to nothing. Just as...

Memorial Songs for the Meteorite Hunter
5 min video- a bit odd
Ethan Murrow 2010

02 November 2010

Not Canadian Geese- Wipe Off Your Lens 3NOV2010

Canadian Goose is a Swan- Hartley 2
Comet Hartley 2- Droppings from Cygnus the Swan 
(photo source: Wikipedia ca.1825, England)
  If Comet Hartley 2 is going to produce a meteor shower, tonight is the night.
  According to experts, there is a slim chance that dust from the comet could hit Earth's atmosphere on Nov. 2nd and 3rd, producing a slow flurry of meteors streaming from the constellation Cygnus. If you're out after sunset,
Clear skies
Michael Boschat
Halifax Center- Royal Astronomical Society of Canada"
web page: http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~aa063

Meteor/Meteorite News 2NOV2010

 Comet Hartley 2 Could Deliver Bonus Meteor Shower Yahoo News
The icy Comet Hartley 2 put on an interesting show during an unusually close pass by Earth last month and is poised to be visited by a NASA space probe on ...

WASHINGTON -- NASA will hold a series of media and educational events
about the EPOXI mission's close encounter with comet Hartley 2 at
approximately 7 a.m. PDT on Thursday, Nov. 4. The spacecraft will
provide the most extensive observations of a comet in history....

SPACEcom Comet Hartley 2 Could DeliverBonus Meteor Shower
The Comet Hartley 2 may give birth to a new meteor shower this week, but it may not. Any meteors from Comet Hartley 2 would likely be best seen from Nov. ...

New address for MetBull Database 
The Meteoritical Bulletin Database has moved to a permanent home at LPI.  For now, you will be redirected there from the old address.  The new address is:

Slice of Scifi Special: Geoff Notkin of Meteorite Men (video) 21 min
A special interview with Geoff Notkin of Meteorite Men

Silica on a Mars Volcano Tells of Wet and Cozy Past
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
October 31, 2010
PASADENA, Calif. -- Light-colored mounds of a mineral deposited on a
volcanic cone more than three billion years ago may preserve evidence of
one of the most recent habitable microenvironments on Mars. ...

01 November 2010

Italy 29OCT2010 9.8 Second Fireball 1NOV2010

Italian Fireball 29OCT2010  (c) Ferruccio Zanotti 2010

Fireball SPO mag.  -5.30 ± 0.30  from Ferrara ( Italy )
Time of transit 9.84s
Video station: *IMTN-Ferrara1-SE- ( C ) F. Zanotti*
Observer: Ferruccio Zanotti
Location: Ferrara 44.8181 N; 11.6167 E; alt. 9 m s.l.m.
Direction: az: 139 ° ev:47°
Camera: Mintron MTV-12V6H-EX integration 2x ( 1/25s ) 
Computer Lens 2.6mm F/1.0 FOV: 122.8° * 97.1° ( diagonal: 148° )

for image and video:

Ferruccio Zanotti
Italian Meteor and TLE Network

El Paso Meteor 31OCT2010 1NOV2010

El Paso Meteor 31OCT2010
  Jim Gamble, operator of the El Paso All Sky Camera, reports that his system captured a meteor at 09:50:10 UTC (04:50:12 MDT) over El Paso, Tx.. ...(original report and photo)

Southern Iowa MeteorFireball 30OCT2010 1NOV2010

Fireball Meteor over southern Iowa

KCCI Ch. 8 TV, Des Moines, Iowa-
A fireball was recorded by a sky camera operated by Mr. Tim Cline of Lucas County, Iowa at 12:30am 30OCT2010. ... (photo of fireball)
Video of  30OCT2010 Southern Iowa fireball event