24 November 2009

Greek μετεωρίτης Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Μετεωρίτης στον ουρανό της Γιούτα

Έθνος - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Το βίντεο από τις κάμερες ασφαλείας του Πανεπιστημίου Μίλφορντ κατέγραψαν μία εκτυφλωτική αστραπή, την οποία ακολούθησε εμφανώς ένα αντικείμενο που κινείτο ...
Meteorites in the sky, Utah
Nation - 2009年11月19日
The videos from security cameras at the University Milfornt recorded a blinding flash, followed by an object apparently a step ...

Διαφημιστικό κόλπο η "πτώση μετεωρίτη"

iKypros - ‎2009年10月27日‎
Η λετονική εταιρεία κινητής τηλεφωνίας Tele2 παραδέχθηκε το απόγευμα της Δευτέρας ότι σκηνοθέτησε για διαφημιστικούς σκοπούς την "πτώση μετεωρίτη" σε χωριό ...
Advertising bay the "meteorite fall"
iKypros - 2009年10月27日
Latvian mobile operator Tele2 conceded Monday afternoon that he directed for promotional purposes the "meteorite fall" in a village ...

French météorite Meteor/Metorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Une météorite illumine le ciel à Pretoria et à Johannesburg en Afrique du Sud ...

Casafree.com - ‎2009年11月22日‎
Une astronome sud-africaine a confirmé, dimanche, qu'une météorite a été à l'origine de la lumière éclatante ayant illuminé le ciel à Pretoria et à ...
A meteorite illuminates the sky in Pretoria and in Johannesburg in Southern Africa...
Casafree.com - ‎2009年11月22 日‎
One astronomer South African confirmed, on Sunday, that a meteorite was at the origin of the bright light having illuminated the sky in Pretoria and in...

VIDEO : Une météorite dans le ciel de l'Utah

AgoraVox - ‎2009年11月20日‎
A Salt Lake city, dans la nuit du mercredi 18 novembre, le ciel s'est soudain illuminé quand une météorite est entrée dans l'atmosphère terrestre, ...
VIDEO: A meteorite in the sky of the Utah
AgoraVox - ‎2009年11月20日
In Salt Lake City, at night of Wednesday, November 18th, the sky suddenly lit up when a meteorite entered the atmosphere of the Earth,...

Un spationaute répond à vos questions sur les OVNI et à une question ...

20minutes.fr - ‎2009年11月19日‎
La première fois que j'ai vu une météorite (une étoile filante) sur fond de Terre, j'ai vu une grosse trainée lumineuse entre la Terre et moi. ...
An astronaut answers UFO your questions on and in a question...
20minutes.fr - ‎2009年11月19 日‎ The first time when I saw meteorite (a shooting star) on bottom of Earth, I saw an engrossment bright trainée between the Earth and me....

L'agonie du mammouth américain révélée par ses excréments

Le Monde - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Résultat d'une chasse intensive menée par les hommes nouvellement débarqués sur le continent pour les uns, chute d'une grande météorite pour les autres. ...
The death throes of the American mammoth revealed by its excrements
Le Monde - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Result of an intensive hunt led by the men newly off-loaded to the continent for some, falls of a big meteorite for the others....

Il risque de se faire happer deux fois de suite

20 minutes.ch - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Un homme qui frôle la mort risquant à deux reprises de se faire happer par un train, une météorite qui illumine le ciel de l'Utah et un bug lors du 20 ...
It risks making catch two times in succession
20 minutes.ch-11.20. 2009
A man who brushes the death risking twice making catch by a train, a meteorite which illuminates the sky of the Utah and a bug during 20...

Fête de la Science: naissance d'un dinosaure à Toulouse

AFP - ‎2009年11月17日‎
Les dinosaures auraient disparu il ya 65 millions d'années à la suite de la chute d'une météorite sur la Terre, selon la théorie la plus répandue. ...
Holiday of Science: birth of a dinosaur in Toulouse
AFP - ‎2009年11月17 日‎
The dinosaurs would have disappeared it ya 65 million years following the fall of a meteorite on the Earth, according to the most spread theory. ...

La disparition des mammouths d'Amérique du Nord

nouvelobs.com - ‎4 時間前‎
Cette découverte exclut aussi l'hypothèse d'un impact de météorite il ya 12 900 ans, une idée également avancée pour expliquer les extinctions de cette ...
The disappearing of the mammoths
of North America
nouvelobs.com - ‎4 時間前‎
This discovery also excludes the hypothesis of an impact of meteorite it ya 12 900 years, an idea also moved forward to explain redemption of this...

La crotte de mammouth dédouane les humains

Science et Vie - ‎2009年11月22日‎
De la chute d'une météorite géante? Des chercheurs américains écartent ces deux hypothèses dans la dernière édition de la revue Science (1). ...
The excrement of mammoth clears through customs the human beings
Science et Vie - ‎2009年11月22 日‎
Of the fall of a huge meteorite? American researchers move aside these two hypotheses in the last edition of the magazine Science (1)....

Découverte au Sahara de fossiles d'espèces inconnues de crocodiles éteints

Romandie.com - ‎2009年11月19日‎
... extinction il ya 65 millions d'années après la chute d'une météorite qui a bouleversé le climat terrestre, selon l'hypothèse la plus couramment avancée...
Discovered in Sahara of fossils of unknown kinds of put out crocodiles
Romandie.com - ‎2009年11月19 日‎ redemption it ya 65 million years after the fall of a meteorite which confused climate of the Earth, according to hypothesis most fluently advanced. ...

Spanish Meteorito Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Una cámara de seguridad, testigo de la caída de un meteorito

TeleCinco - ‎2009年11月18日‎
Las cámaras de seguridad de la Universidad de Utah han sido testigo del impacto de un meteorito en la Tierra. La caída provocó que la noche se convirtiera ...
A safety camera, witness of the fall of a meteorite
TeleCinco - ‎2009年11月18日‎
The security cameras of the University of Utah have been a witness of the impact of a meteorite in the Earth. The fall provoked that the night it was turning...

Sierra Nevada cuenta con un sistema de detección de meteoritos

ADN.es - ‎2009年11月21日‎
El Observatorio del Parque Natural y Nacional de Sierra Nevada (Granada) cuenta con un sistema de detección de meteoritos que pretende estudiar la materia ...
Nevadas is provided with a system of detection of meteorites
ADN.es - ‎2009年11月21日‎
The Observatory of the Nature and National Reserve of Sierra Nevada (Granada) is provided with a system of detection of meteorites that tries to study the matter...

La extinción de los mamuts: caso abierto

RTVE - ‎2009年11月20日‎
La caída de un meteorito hace 13.000 años. Su impacto habría provocado fuegos a lo largo de todo el continente, matado la vegetación. ...
The extinction of the mammoths: open case
RTVE - ‎2009年11月20日‎
The fall of a meteorite 13.000 years ago. His impact would have provoked fires along the whole continent, killed the vegetation....

La noche se convirtió en día gracias a un meteorito en Utah, Estados Unidos

El Espectador (Colombia) - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Según testigos del hecho la luz de generada fue parecida a la del Sol por unos segundos. Este es un espacio para la construcción de ideas y la generación de ...
The night it turned in day thanks to a meteorite into Utah, the United States
El Espectador (Colombia) - ‎2009年11月19日‎
According to witnesses of the fact the light of generated was similar to that of the Sun in a few seconds. This is a space for the construction of ideas and the generation of...

Pendientes del cielo

Sur Digital (Andalucía) - ‎20 時間前‎
Los nuevos equipos permiten localizar dónde cae un meteorito , principal testigo del origen del Sistema Solar. Una conferencia aborda hoy estos avances ...
Dependent on sky
Sur Digital (Andalucía) - ‎20 時間前‎
The new teams allow to locate where it falls down a meteorite, principal witness of the origin of the Solar System. A conference tackles today these advances...

¿Quién acabó con los gigantes del hielo?

ABC.es - ‎2009年11月20日‎
¿Y el meteorito? La desaparición de los animales también se produjo antes que el supuesto cataclismo, según los científicos. Ante este panorama, el misterio ...
Who finished with the giants of the ice?

- ‎2009年11月20日‎
And the meteorite? The disappearance of the animals also took place before the supposed cataclysm, according to the scientists. Before this panorama, the mystery...

EUA: Meteorito transforma noite em dia (C/ Vídeo)

Correio da Manhã - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Um meteorito iluminou os céus no Estado norte-americano de Utah, durante a madrugada de quarta-feira. O episódio foi capturado por câmaras de vigilância ...
USA: Meteorite transforms in the night in day (C// Video)
Correio da Manhã - ‎2009年11月19日‎
A meteorite illuminated the skies in the North American State of Utah, during the Wednesday dawn. The episode was captured by security cameras...

Estados Unidos: Impactó un meteorito en la Tierra

Momento 24 - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Desde la Universidad de Utah fueron testigos y pudieron filmar el impacto de un meteorito en la Tierra. La rapidez del movimiento con que impactó el ...
The United States: Impactó a meteorite in the Earth
Momento 24 - ‎2009年11月19日‎
From the University of Utah were witnesses and they could film the impact of a meteorite in the Earth. The rapidity of the movement with which impactó...

Filmaron la caída de un meteorito en Utah, EEUU

contexto.com.ar - ‎2009年11月19日‎
La supuesta caída de un meteorito en Utah, Estados Unidos, fue filmada por las cámaras de seguridad de la Universidad local, que registraron cómo un intenso ...
They filmed the fall of a meteorite in Utah, the USA
contexto.com.ar - ‎2009年11月19 日‎
The supposed fall of a meteorite in Utah, the United States, it was filmed by the security cameras of the local University, which they registered how the intense one...

El jurásico cobra vida en BCN en un espectacular 'show' de dinosaurios

El Periódico de Catalunya - ‎19 時間前‎
... continúa con la aparición de los dinosaurios y acaba con su exterminación a causa del choque de un meteorito con la Tierra, 65 millones de años atrás. ...
The Jurassic one receives life in BCN in a spectacular 'show' of dinosaurs The
Newspaper of Catalunya - ‎19 時間前‎
... it continues with the appearance of the dinosaurs and finishes with his extermination because of the shock of a meteorite with the Earth, 65 million years behind....

Los ríos secretos de los mayas

Verdad (Murcia) - ‎2009年11月20日‎
El impacto de un meteorito hace 65 millones de años sobre la ciudad mexicana de Mérida hizo emerger la península de las aguas marinas; al menos, ...
The secret rivers of the Mayan
Verdad (Murcia)- 2009年11月20日‎
The impact of a meteorite 65 million years ago on the Mexican city of Merida made to emerge the peninsula of the marine waters; at least,...

Dutch Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Zoeken naar leven

De Telegraaf - ‎2009年11月17日‎
Test welk effect veranderende zwaartekracht heeft, raak een échte 4,65 miljard jaar oude meteoriet aan en ontmoet de atomen Harry en Huib en een verliefde ...
Search for life
De Telegraaf - 2009年11月17日
Test the effect of gravity is changing, get a real meteorite 4.65 billion years old and Harry met the atoms and Huib and a love ...

Zelfs 'Der Spiegel' begint te twijfelen aan het opwarmingsdogma

De Dagelijkse Standaard (Blog) - ‎2009年11月19日‎
... tenzij er een grote meteoriet inslaat of een andere gigaramp plaatsvindt, maar in dat geval is opwarming van de aarde onze minste zorg). ...
Even 'Der Spiegel' begins to doubt the warming dogma
De Dagelijkse Standaard (Blog) - 2009年11月19日
... After ca unless a large meteorite or other giant catastrophe occurs, but in this case global warming is our least concern). ...

Swedish Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Solsegel ett steg närmare verklighet

IDG.se - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Om en eller annan meteorit skulle slå igenom här och där, skulle förmodligen inte spela någon roll heller. Det är klart att när solseglet kommer ut utanför ...
Solsegel one step closer to reality
IDG.se - 2009年11月19日
If one or another meteor would strike through the here and there, would probably not play any role, either. It is clear that when solseglet comes out outside ...

Hungarian Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Más vadászta le a megafauna óriásemlőseit

Origo - ‎2009年11月21日‎
Az eredmények tehát ellentmondanak az eddigi elképzeléseknek, hogy a vegetációváltozás, a tűz vagy a meteorit becsapódás okozta volna a megafauna kihalását. ...
To hunt down the other megafauna óriásemlőseit
Origo - 2009年11月21日
The results therefore contradict the current ideas that vegetációváltozás, or a meteorite impact of the fire was caused by the extinction of the megafauna. ...

Romanian Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Vezi aici imaginile care i-au făcut pe americani să creadă că au văzut un OZN

Gândul - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Ambasadorul pentru Sistemul Solar şi NASA din Utah (Utah's NASA and Solar System Ambassador), a declarat că a fost vorba de un meteorit, care a brăzdat ...
View images here that have made Americans believe that thought they saw a UFO
Gândul - 2009年11月19日
NASA Solar System Ambassador to Utah (Utah's NASA and Solar System Ambassador) said that it was of a meteor that streaked ...

FIBA Eurochallenge: Enisey (Federatia Rusa) – CSU Asesoft Ploiesti

Prahova - ‎13 時間前‎
In 1749, un meteorit de 700 kg a fost descoperit la sud de Krasnoyarsk, fiind primul din istorie gasit si studiat. O data cu realizarea cailor ferate ...
FIBA Eurochallenge: Enisey (Russia) - CSU Ploiesti Asesoft
Prahova- 13时间前
In 1749, a meteorite of 700 kg was found south of Krasnoyarsk, was first found and studied in history. With the completion of the railways ...

Manelelor din lumea-ntreagă

Catavencu - ‎2009年11月17日‎
„Stele căzătoare“ e un fals binecunoscut. Sînt, de fapt, meteoriţi care se aprind în atmosfera Pămîntului. Ce dorinţă să-ţi îndeplinească un meteorit? ...
Manelelor entire world
Catavencu - 2009年11月17日
"falling stars" is a well known fake. There are actually meteorites that light up the earth's atmosphere. What you wish to meet a meteorite? ...

Indonesian Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Ledakan Meteor Di Bone Undang Perhatian Dunia

Harian Terbit - ‎12 時間前‎
... oleh alarm infrasound milik Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CNTBTO) yang berjarak 10.000 km dari lokasi jatuhnya meteorit. ...
Meteor explosion Bone Act In The World Attention
Harian Terbit -时间前12
... by the alarm's infrasound Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty Organization (CNTBTO), a distance of 10,000 km from the location of the meteorite fall. ...

Czech Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09

Příběh planety Země

Český rozhlas - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Petra Burdová: To je obrovský meteorit, vůbec největší, který kdy byl v České republice vystaven. Je také zajímavé, že majitel, který nám ho na výstavu ...
Story of the Earth
Czech Radio - 2009年11月19日
Peter Burda: That is a huge meteorite, the largest ever, ever been issued in the Czech Republic. It is also interesting that the owner, allowing us to show him ...

Mosty k porozumění

Britské listy - ‎2009年11月18日‎
(V říjnu 2009 se objevila zcela nová hypotéza, podle níž zánik dinosaurů způsobil jiný a nesrovnatelně mohutnější meteorit, jehož kráter byl nalezen v Indii ...
Bridges to Understanding
British listy - 2009年11月18日
(In October 2009, appeared completely new hypothesis, according to which caused the extinction of dinosaurs and other incomparably larger meteorite crater, which was found in India ...

23 November 2009

German Meteor/Meteorite News- Prior Week** 23NOV09

Utah: Meteorit verglüht – Video des Feuerball – Eiswolken am Himmel

Lilu24 (Blog) - ‎2009年11月21日‎
Die Rede ist von einem Meteorit. Laut den Berichten auf "Astronomie heute" soll der Meteor 2 Meter breit gewesen sein und wenn man sich aber das Video ...
Utah: Meteorite dies away – video of the fireball – ice clouds in the sky
Lilu24 (Blog) - ‎2009年11月21 日‎
The speech is from a meteorite. According to the reports on " astronomy today " the meteor should have 2 meters wide and if one to themselves, however, the video...

Dung dokumentiert Sterben der Riesensäuger

Spiegel Online - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Bisher hatten viele Experten angenommen, dass die Clovis-Menschen die Großtiere nach der letzten Eiszeit ausgerottet haben oder ein Meteorit die sogenannte ...
Dung documents death of the Riesensäuger
Spiegel Online - 2009年11月20 日
Many experts had supposed ‎‎ up to now that the Clovis people have exterminated the majority bulls after the last ice age or a meteorite the so-called...

Jagd nach dem Todesstrahl

Spiegel Online - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Und auch das Rätsel um das "Tunguska-Ereignis" scheint weitgehend gelöst: Vermutlich ist ein poröser Meteorit nach dem Eintritt in die Erdatmosphäre am ...
Hunt for the death ray
Spiegel Online - ‎2009年11月19 日‎
And also the riddle around the "Tunguska event" seems relaxed to a great extent: A porous meteorite after the entry into the terrestrial atmosphere in is supposed...

Rezension: „Von der Erde zum Mond“

Westfälische Nachrichten - ‎2009年11月17日‎
Auf dem Mond wird das Mondfahrzeug jedoch nicht landen: Ein vorbeirasender Meteorit wirft das luxuriöse Gefährt aus der berechneten Flugbahn. ...
Review: „ Nevertheless, from the earth to the moon “
Westphalian news - ‎2009年11月17 日‎
On the moon the lunar rover will not land: A vorbeirasender meteorite throws the luxurious carriage from the calculated flight path....

Heller Feuerball über den südwestlichen USA

Wissenschaft-Online - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Die Feuerkugel leuchtete für Sekundenbruchteile so hell wie die Sonne, so dass mehr als ein Dutzend Überwachungskameras in Utah den Meteoriten registrierten ...
Brighter fireball over the southwest USA
Wissenschaft-Online - ‎2009年11月20 日‎
The fire ball shone for split seconds as brightly as the sun, so that more than one dozens supervision cameras registered the meteorite in Utah...

Mammuts wohl nicht von Jägern ausgerottet

NZZ Online - ‎2009年11月20日‎
Auch ein Meteoriten-Einschlag vor knapp 13 000 Jahren wird als Ursache gehandelt. Wie Forscher um Jacquelyn Gill von der Universität Wisconsin in Madison im ...
extinction probably not from hunters
NZZ On-line - ‎2009年11月20 日‎
A meteorite impact just 13,000 years ago is blamed as a cause. However researcher Jacquelyn Gill of the university of Wisconsin in Madison in...

Proteste: Studenten stoppen Präsidentenwahl

Hamburger Abendblatt - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Links und rechts Vitrinen mit Meteoriten, Tektiten und Edelsteinen, außerdem ein verwaister Laptop, der eine einsame Powerpointpräsentation an die Wand ...
Protests: Students stop presidential election
Hamburg evening newspaper - ‎2009年11月19 日‎
links and to the right of glass cabinets with meteorites, Tektiten and precious stones, in addition, an orphan laptop, that a lonesome Powerpointpräsentation to the wall...

Meteoritenschauer in Asien: Der Sternschnuppenregen blieb aus

RP ONLINE - ‎2009年11月18日‎
In Asien wurden nur vereinzelt Meteoriten gesichtet. Foto: AP Zum Teil auch, weil Wolken den Himmel verdeckten. Eine Gruppe von indischen Amateurastronomen ...
Meteorite shower in Asia: The shooting star rain remained
RP ONLINE - ‎2009年11月18 日‎
In Asia were sighted only sporadically meteorites. Photo: AP partly also because clouds covered the sky. A group of Indian amateur's astronomers...

Nächte zum Sterngucken

Kleine Zeitung - ‎2009年11月17日‎
Für die Forschung seien Meteoriten aber umso interessanter, weil diese Materie seit der Bildung des Sonnensystems keinen Veränderungen ausgesetzt war.
Nights to the Sterngucken
Kleine Zeitung - ‎2009年11月17 日
‎ However for the research are the more interesting meteorite because this matter since the education of the solar system was put out to no changes...

Monotonie dank Mammuts

wissenschaft.de - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Auch den in der Vergangenheit immer wieder diskutierten Einschlag eines Meteoriten schließen die Forscher aus. Die Funde sprechen vielmehr dafür, ...
Monotony thanks to mammoth
wissenschaft.de - ‎2009年11月19 日‎
Also the impact discussed in the past over and over again of a meteorite exclude the researchers. The findings speak rather for it...

Signale aus dem Schatten

FR-online.de - ‎2009年11月19日‎
Eisen: Ständig regnen Meteoriten auf den Mond herab. Im Mondstaub liegt das meteoritische Eisen in gediegener Form vor. Edelmetalle wie Gold, Platin, ...
Signals from the shade
FR-online.de - ‎2009年11月19 日‎
iron: Constantly meteorites on the moon are raining. In the lunar dust the meteoritische iron is in good-quality form. Precious metals like gold, platinum...

Spannende Reise durch ferne Galaxien

suedkurier.de (Pressemitteilung) - ‎18 時間前‎
... Erde, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus und Neptun, zu Sternschnuppen, Meteoriten und Kometen. Von 100 Prozent Masse gehören 99,86 Prozent allein der Sonne, ...
Exciting trip by distant galaxies
suedkurier.de (press release) - ‎18 時間前‎
... Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, to shooting stars, meteorites and comets. From 100 percent of mass 99.86 percent belong only to the sun...

India ल्का-पिंड Meteor/Meteorite News- Week++ of 23NOV09

उल्काओं की होगी आतिशबाजी

प्रभात खबर - ‎2009年11月15日‎
पूर्णप्रज्ञा कॉलेज के एमेच्योर एस्टोनामर क्लब (पीएएसी) के संयोजक डॉ एपी भट्ट ने बताया कि यूं तो उल्का पिंड कभी भी और कहीं भी आसमान में दिखायी दे जाते हैं, लेकिन इस प्रकार की उल्का वृष्टि साल में एक निश्चित समय और निश्चित जगह पर ही दिखायी देती है. लियोनिड मिटियर के बारे में उन्होंने कहा कि यह नजारा हर साल 17 नवंबर को दिखायी देता है. डॉ भट्ट ने इस घटना का कारण बताते हुए कहा कि धूमकेतु टैंपल टट्टल द्वारा पीछे छोड़े गये मलबे के ...
Good news will be the meteor fireworks - 2009年11月15日
Stonamr पूर्णप्रज्ञा College Amateur Club (Piasi) convener said Dr. AP Bhatt
While anytime and anywhere meteorite nodules can see is sky, but this Type in a certain time of year, meteor showers and certainly does look the same place. He said the sight of Mitiar Lionid About appear every year on November 17. Dr. Bhatt said the incident points out the reason that comets Debris left behind by Tanpl Tttl ...

पृथ्वी पर जीवन को कोई खतरा नहीं

याहू! भारत - ‎2009年11月13日‎
नासा ने कहा है कि उल्कापिंड 'प्लैनेट एक्स' के दिसंबर 2012 में पृथ्वी से टकराने की कोई संभावना नहीं है। नासा ने इसकी तुलना करीब एक दशक पहले खूब चर्चा में रही 'वाई2के' [वर्ष 2000] से जुड़ी आशंकाओं से की है। तब कहा जा रहा था कि वर्ष 2000 में दुनिया खत्म हो जाएगी। नासा के एक वरिष्ठ वैज्ञानिक डान एओमान्स ने कहा, 'हाल के दिनों में कैलेंडर वर्ष 2012 की समाप्ति के बाद खगोलीय पिंडो, उनकी स्थिति और दिशा के बारे में जानने में लोगों में काफी रुचि ...
No threat to life on Earth
Yahoo! India - 2009年11月13日Ulkapind
NASA has said that "Planet X" December is no chance of hitting Earth by 2012. Compare this to NASA about a decade ago was much discussion "of Y 2 '[year 2000] is associated with concerns. Then being told that the world will fall in 2000. A NASA scientist Dan Vrish Aomans said, "In recent days after the end of calendar year 2012 Pindo astronomical, About their position and direction of people interested in knowing ...

चांद पर स्थायी बेस के और करीब

नवभारत टाइम्स - ‎2009年11月14日‎
दूसरी थिअरी के मुताबिक, मुमकिन है कि जब कोई धूमकेतु या उल्कापिंड चांद से टकराया होगा तो उससे भाप पैदा हुई होगी। अब तक नहीं थी जानकारी : वैज्ञानिक लंबे समय से मानते रहे हैं कि चांद पर पानी है पर इसे साबित करने का उनके पास कोई जरिया नहीं था। चांद के आसपास घूमने वाले स्पेसक्राफ्ट को चांद की सतह पर हाइड्रोजन के सबूत तो मिले थे पर वे काफी कम थे। सितंबर महीने में इसरो के मिशन चंदयान-1 के तहत पहली बार ऐलान किया गया कि चांद पर पानी ...
Permanent Moon base and nearly
Navbharat Times - 2009年11月14日Thiari
It is possible that when a comet collides with the moon or Ulkapind then steam it must have been born. Was not yet information: Scientists have long believed that water on the moon to prove it, but he was not a source. Revolving around the moon with the moon on the surface of hydrogen Speskraft met on evidence enough Were low. ISRO's mission under Chandayan month -1 in September for the first time declared that the water on the moon ...

कोलकाता में 17-18 को उल्का पिंडों की बौछार!

हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक - ‎2009年11月12日‎
कोलकाता के आसमान में 17 नवंबर और इसके बाद की रात में आसमान रोशनी से चमचमाता हुआ दिखेगा जब लीयोनिड उल्का पिंड की प्रकाशीय बौछार होगी। एमपी बिड़ला तारामंडल के निदेशक देवीप्रसाद द्वारी ने बताया कि समय समय पर घटित होने वाली लीयोनिड उल्का पिंड की बौछार 17 नवंबर की रात और 18 नवंबर की सुबह लगभग तीन बजे चरम पर होगी। उन्होंने कहा कि हर साल 16 और 17 नवंबर के आसपास धरती पी-55 टेंपल टटल धमूकेतु के मलबे से होकर गुजरती है, इसलिए कोई भी उल्का ...
The meteor shower of objects in the 17-18 Calcutta!

India Daily - 2009年11月12日
Calcutta skies later in the night sky to 17 November and it was lights Cmcmata of mass optical meteor shower will be when Liyonid. MP Birla Planetarium director said that periodically occur Deviprasad Dwari the mass of the meteor shower Liyonid night of November 17 about three o'clock in the morning and 18 November will be at the peak. He said that every year around November 16 and 17 Earth Temple Ttl P -55 Passes through the debris Dmuketu, so no meteor ...

सृष्टि यज्ञ से पृथ्वी पर आए थे डायनासोर!

दैनिक भास्कर - ‎2009年11月20日‎
हालांकि वैज्ञानिक इनके खात्मे को आकाश में उल्का पिंड से मानते हैँ लेकिन पौराणिक कथाओं और वेदों में इनका अंत शिव के अग्निबाण से बताया गया है। अब एक ओर यदि हम रामायण, महाभारत और श्रीमदभागवतगीता को मान सकते हैं तो पुराणों को भी झुठला नहीं सकते। इस लिहाज से धरा पर विशालकाय जीव-जंतुओं का आगाज सृष्टि यज्ञ से ही हुआ है। प्राचीन पांडुलिपियों व भारतीय पुराणों पर आधारित शोध से कौलांतक पीठ ने खुलासा किया है कि हिमाचल में भी ...
Dinosaurs on earth came the creation of sacrifice!
Dainik Bhaskar - 2009年11月20日
Though scientists believe their end of the sky objects in the meteorite, but mythology and हैँ Vedas Shiva in the end they have been told by tornado. On one hand, if we now Ramayana, Mahabharata and the Puranas also Srimdbagwatgeeta can accept can not deny. In this sense the giant creatures on earth - from sacrificial animals is the creation of the debut. Ancient Indian mythology, based on manuscripts and research has revealed that Kaulantk P in Himachal ...

आज रात दिखेगी उल्का पिंडों की बौछार

खास खबर - ‎2009年11月8日‎
नई दिल्ली। सोमवार की रात आसमान में वृषभ (टारिड्स) उल्का पिंडों की बौछार दिखाई देगी। सांइस पापुलराइजेशन एसोसिएशन आफ कप्युनिकेटर्स एंड एजुकेटर्स (स्पेस) के अध्यक्ष चंद्रभूषण देवनगन ने बताया, "अंतरिक्ष प्रेमी भालानुमा टारिड्स को सोमवार की रात उसे समय देख सकेंगे जब उल्का पिंडो की बौछार चरम पर होगी जो एंके धूमकेतु से संबंधित है। उन्होंने कहा, "टारिड्स हर साल होने वाली उल्का पिंड बौछार है। ये आसमान में 27 किलोमीटर प्रति घंटे ...
Objects appear tonight meteor shower special report
- 2009年11月8日
New Delhi. Taurus in the sky Monday night (Tarids) meteor shower of objects will appear. Educators Association and Kpyuniketrs Papulraijeshn Sanis off (Space) Chandrabhusn Devngn president said, "Monday night at Space Tarids Balanuma lover will see her time at the peak will be when the meteor shower Pindo Anke related to comets. He said," Tarids Every year Meteor shower is going to mass. This 27 kilometers per hour in the sky ...

इंडोनेशिया के ऊपर फटा धूमकेतु

Pressnote.in - ‎2009年10月29日‎
अंतरिक्ष से गिरे इस विशाल उल्का पिंड के कारण पृथ्वी की सुरक्षा खतरे में पड़ने से बाल-बाल बच गई। नासा की एक हालिया रिपोर्ट में बताय ¤ गया है कि इस माह के आरंभ में पांच से 10 मीटर व्यास वाला एक धूमकेतु इंडोनेशिया के दक्षिण सुलावेसी के ऊपर वायुमंडल में फटा और उसने करीब 50 हजार टन टीएनटी की ऊर्जा छोड़ी। यह विस्फोट हीरोशिमा पर गिराए गए अमेरिकी परमाणु बम की तुलना में तिगुना शक्तिशाली था। नासा ने कहा कि यह अब तक के देखे गए धूमकेतु ...
Indonesia comet exploded above
Pressnote.in - 2009年10月29日
Fell from space objects because of the large meteorite in Earth's security risk from falling hair - hair was saved. A recent NASA report that this month ¤ Btay five to 10 meters in diameter at the start of Indonesia's South Sulawesi on a comet exploded in the atmosphere and energy he left nearly 50 thousand tonnes of TNT. The U.S. atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima blast than threefold was powerful. NASA Said it still viewed the comet ...

विज्ञान की 10 असाधारण सफलताएं

हिन्दुस्तान दैनिक - ‎2009年11月1日‎
1974 में भौतिकविद् अर्नस्ट क्लाडनी ने वाइब्रेशन और अकॉस्टिक पर अपनी एक किताब का प्रकाशन किया जिसमें ये कहा गया था कि उल्का पिंड बाहरी स्पेस से आते हैं। क्लाडिनी की किताब 'ऑन द ओरिजिन ऑफ पलास आयरन एंड अदर्स सिमिलर टू इट, एंड ऑन सम एसोसिएटड नेचुरल फिनोमिना' का उस दौरान उपहास उड़ाया गया। 1803 में उनकी बात न्यायोचित ठहरी, जब जीन बेपीसाइट ने फ्रांस के लांस एंजिल्स में कुछ गिरते हुए पत्थरों का विश्लेषण किया और कहा कि यह आकाश से ...
10 extraordinary success of science daily
Hindustan - 2009年11月1日
1974 by the physicist Ernst Cladni publication of a book on Acostik Waibreshn and in which it was stated that the meteorite objects come from the external space. Cladini's book 'On the Origin of Iron and Plas Adrs Similler Tu It, and even on Sosiattd Natural Finomina "During that's been ridiculed. Fair to him staying in 1803, when the gene Bepisait Lance in France analyzed Angeles and said some stones falling from the sky that ...

Chinese Meteor/Meteorite News- Prior 23NOV09

太空探索/美國猶他州隕石墜落 黑夜變白晝

NOWnews - ‎2009年11月18日‎
這兩天壯觀的獅子座流星雨登場,在美國猶他州就有一顆巨大的隕石從天而降,瞬間把黑夜變成了白晝。 這顆隕石掉落的時間,約是當地時間19日凌晨剛過午夜,從監視畫面上可以看到,猶他州的夜空一瞬間亮得宛如白晝。 天文學家表示,這顆隕石的大小像是一個烤箱,它在160公里 ...
Space Exploration / night change Utah meteorite fall day
NOWnews - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 18 date by two days of spectacular Leonid meteor shower the stage, in the United States, Utah, there is a huge meteorite fell from the sky, and instantly the night into day. Meteorite fall time is about midnight local time on the 19th just after midnight, from the monitor screen can see the sky, Utah, the moment was like a bright day. Astronomers said that like a meteorite the size of the oven, it is 160 km ...

美國下月將發射太空望遠鏡 觀測更遙遠的天體

中國經濟網 - ‎2009年11月18日‎
據新加坡《聯合早報》19日報道,美國這臺稱為“廣域紅外線觀測探險家”(WISE)的望遠鏡,料將揭露太陽系中此前未知的數以萬計的“近地天體”——晦暗隕石和彗星以及遙遠天空的無數星辰和星系。 將由德爾塔2型火箭運送到環球軌道的這臺望遠鏡,訂星期五拖往加州范登堡空軍基地的 ...
United States Space Telescope will be launched next month, more distant objects Christian Science Monitor - November 18, 2009,

According to Singapore's "Lianhe Zaobao," 19 NOV reported that the United States that Taiwan is called "Wide-area infrared observations explorer" (WISE ) telescope, the solar system is expected to reveal previously unknown tens of thousands of "near-Earth objects" - dark and gloomy sky, meteorites and comets, as well as the countless distant stars and galaxies. Delta 2 rocket will be transported to the global orbit telescope set hauled Friday from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California ...

俄首位非共黨籍太空人逝世 享年83歲

雅虎香港 - ‎2 時間前‎
俄羅斯聯邦太空總署表示,那一次的任務讓費奧蒂斯托夫成為「第一位可以在實際情況下測試作品的太空船設計師」。 他一直擔任太空船設計師到1990年為止,參與過的計畫包括「聯合號」(Soyuz)火箭及「和平號」(Mir)太空站。 俄羅斯聯邦太空總署指出,月球上有一個隕石坑以 ...
Russian astronauts on the first non-communist party who died at the age of 83
Yahoo Hong Kong - 2 hours ago The Russian Federal Space Agency said that it was a task so that Feiao Di Kostov become "the first one can be tested under actual conditions of works spacecraft designers. " He has served as spacecraft designers to 1990, participated in the plan include the "United" (Soyuz) rockets and the "Mir" (Mir) space station. The Russian Federal Space Agency said there is a crater on the moon in order to ...


中時電子報 - ‎2009年11月21日‎
大陸極地考察船「雪龍」號目前在南極進行第廿六次考察任務,這次行動除執行既定的科研項目,還將首次在南極內陸海拔最高的冰穹A地區鑽探冰芯,並在南極內陸格羅夫山區採集隕石,這兩項行動將為中國對重建地球的歷史演化、預測全球氣候和環境變化,以及對中國深空探測計畫 ...
Yun-_ ice drilling mining research for millions of years of climate change
International Herald Tribune - November 21, 2009
Continental polar research ship "Snow Dragon", is currently in the Antarctic for the first Nianliu second tour of duty, this action except to the established research project, will be the first time, the highest elevation in the Antarctic inland ice Dome A ice core drilling in the region and the Grove Mountains in Antarctica collecting meteorites inland, these two actions will provide China the reconstruction of the history of the Earth's evolution, predicting global climate and environmental change, as well as China's deep space exploration program ...


臺灣新浪網 - ‎2009年11月19日‎
位於『里奇』(Ritchey)大隕石坑底部的一個小隕石坑,小隕石坑被噴射物所包圍,裡面滿是沙子。 塔爾西斯山群(Tharsis Montes)附近看上去很模糊的地貌。乍看上去,你或許以為此圖的某些部分焦點沒對准。但是,正如我們看到的像隕石坑那樣更加清晰的地形,圖像模糊不是 ...
Mars fantasy landscape: the formation of dust storms raging interlaced texture (Photos) (6)
Sydney Morning Herald - November 19, 2009 at
Ritchie (Ritchey) large crater at the bottom of a small craters, small craters have been surrounded by ejecta, which is full of sand. Tarsis Hills (Tharsis Montes) looks very fuzzy around the landscape. At first glance, you might to focus on certain parts of this plan did not align. But, as we have seen more clearly as the image of crater topography, the image blurring is not ...

美國太空總署撞擊月球 發現大量的水

eTaiwan News - ‎2009年11月19日‎
「月球隕石坑觀察與感衛星」太空總署的「月球隕石坑觀察與感測衛星」(LCROSS),上個月撞入月球南極附近一個永久陰暗的隕石坑,探測下面是否埋藏了冰。 The mission actually involved two moon shots. First, an empty rocket hull slammed into the Cabeus crater. ...
NASA found a large quantity of water hit the moon
eTaiwan News - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 19 day
"Lunar crater observation and a sense of satellites," NASA's "lunar crater observation and sensing satellite" (LCROSS), the last near the lunar south pole on crashed into a permanent dark crater, detecting whether or buried below the ice. The mission actually involved two moon shots. First, an empty rocket hull slammed into the Cabeus crater. ...


商業電台 - ‎2009年11月18日‎
【商台互動中國組】拉脫維亞隕石坑是偽造,是宣傳噱頭;四川冰川遺跡也是假的,是發現者的猜想,是部份地方官員受利益驅使捏造的? 早前曾報導《四川發現百萬年前冰川遺跡》一事,「地貌罕見」、「國內首次發現」等字眼振奮人心。然而四川地質及冰川專家發布宣言,表示 ...
Are glacial relics in Sichuan is a lie?

Commercial Radio - November 18, 2009
China Commercial Radio Interactive
Latvia crater was forged, is publicity gimmick; Sichuan glacial relics are false, the discoverer of the conjecture is that some local officials motivated by profit and fabrication it? Had earlier reported that the "Sichuan glacial relics found in millions of years ago," had "a rare landscape," "the first time found that" the words inspiring. However, geological and glacial experts in Sichuan Province issued a declaration that ...

兩岸科學家聯手挺進南極 郭富雯台灣第一人

NOWnews - ‎2009年11月20日‎
到南極探勘20多次的中國考察團「雪龍號」,今年將組成最龐大的科學隊伍,挺進南極鑽冰芯、採隕石,而船上也首度加入來自台灣的神秘嘉賓郭富雯。 今年4月,雪龍號首度造訪高雄港,從此開啟了兩岸南極合作契機。來自屏東海生館的研究員郭富雯,成為挺進南極的第一位台灣人, ...
Antarctic scientists advance the two sides together
GUO Fu-wen, Taiwan's first people NOWnews - 2009 Nian 11 Yue 20
Antarctic exploration mission in China 20 times, "Snow Dragon" and this will form the largest scientific community, advance the Antarctic ice core drilling, mining meteorites, while the ship is also the first time to join the mystery guests from Taiwan, GUO Fu-wen. In April of this year, Snow Dragon's first visit to Kaohsiung, from opening an opportunity to cross-strait cooperation in Antarctica. NMMBA from GUO Fu-wen, a researcher, becoming the first South Pole advance Taiwanese, ...

Japanese Meteor/Meteorite News- Week Prior+ 23NOV09


時事通信 - ‎2009年11月21日‎
南極大陸で9年ぶりに隕石(いんせき)採集を行う小島秀康国立極地研究所教授と前回調査時に採集した火星からの隕石。小島教授は「隕石保有数の世界一を取り戻したい」と意気込む(19日、東京都立川市の同研究所) 【時事通信社】
9 years to collect meteorites in Antarctica expedition
2009 - November 21
Iin Antarctica 9 years meteorite (meteorite) were collected during the previous survey and Professor, Institute of Polar Research to collect Kozima Hideyasu meteorite from Mars. Professor Kojima is "regain possession of the world of meteorites," he said (July 19, Tachikawa City, Tokyo institute) [Jiji]


日刊ゲンダイ - ‎2009年11月18日‎
鉱物・化石・隕石・宝石が集う日本最大の展示即売会「東京ミネラルショー~地球の芸術たち。~」が12月11~14日に池袋サンシャインシティ文化会館で開催。目玉は、モロッコで発掘された世界最大級の変形アンモナイトの群集化石4点の特別展示。 ...
Tokyo mineral shows "pair + invitation ammonite fossil," the Nikkan Gendai three people - 2009 November 18
Gem mineral fossil meteorite exhibition and sale of Japan's largest gathering of "Art of the Earth - Tokyo Mineral Show us. ~ "held on December 11 to 14 days at Ikebukuro Sunshine City Bunka Kaikan. Highlights the deformed ammonite fossil assemblage of the world's largest exhibition presents four points unearthed in Morocco. ...


時事通信 - ‎2009年11月20日‎
24日に成田空港から出発する第51次南極地域観測隊では、国立極地研究所の小島秀康教授(58)ら7人が9年ぶりに隕石(いんせき)採集を行う。日本は約1万6200個の隕石を保有し、かつては世界一を誇ったが、米国が約1万7300個に達し、抜かれてしまった。 ...
Nine years to collect meteorites in Antarctica = "Number of holdings, the world again" - Mercury, Venus are expected Newsletter - November 20, 2009
24 days of departure from Narita Airport Station Antarctica 51 Next The Corps, a professor of the Institute of Polar Research Kozima Hideyasu (58) were seven to nine years meteorite (meteorite) to collect. Japan owns about 16.2 thousand pieces meteorite once boasted the world about the United States reached 17.3 thousand pieces, but was overtaken. ...


秋田魁新報 - ‎2009年11月21日‎
オーロラなど宇宙に関すること、気象や空気、水に関すること、宇宙から落ちてきた隕石や地質など地球に関すること、植物や動物など生物に関することです。日本には南極に昭和、みずほ、あすか、ドームふじの四つの基地があります。今は主に昭和、ドームふじで活動してい ...
[The observations in the Antarctic to why? ]
Akita Sakigake Shimpo - 2009 November 21, about the universe that Sun and the Aurora, weather and air, that of water, such as that on Earth meteorite fell from space and geology, and biology is that for plants and animals. Antarctic Showa in Japan, Mizuho, Asuka, there are four of the Dome Fuji Station. Showa now mainly active in the Dome Fuji they ...

Meteor/Meteorite News- 23NOV09

Meteorite lights up Gauteng sky

Times LIVE
Amazed Johannesburg and Pretoria residents could hardly believe their eyes when a "five-second lightning flash", thought to be a meteorite, lit up the night ...

Encounters with the Unexpected

Jamaica Observer
I spent an afternoon hiking around the Lonar Crater where a meteorite weighing two million tonnes and travelling at 90000 kilometres per hour crashed into ...

22 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- Gauteng, South Africa 21NOV09 Meteor 22NOV09

Meteor lights up Gauteng

Times LIVE
It was a meteor which lit up the skies over Johannesburg and Pretoria on Saturday night, an astronomer has confirmed. The Leonid meteor shower in Thailand ...

Meteor believed to be spotted in Gauteng

Primedia Broadcasting - Eyewitness News
Johannesburg and Pretoria residents have come forward, claiming they spotted a meteor in the skies on Saturday night. People in Gauteng saw the bright light ...

Meteor "Shower" Sighting: 21 November at 11h00 SAST

... S.A. Weather and Disaster Information Service.(SAWDIS) ... amateur radio operators and private citizens around the country that volunteered the use of their weather and radio stations, weather and disaster photographs...

Great balls of fire! Camera records exploding meteor

On the Wednesday morning, a meteor was caught on camera streaking through the sky, exploding, and then undoubtedly crashing to Earth. The meteor in question ...

Other Meteor/Meteorite News:

Utah: Meteorit verglüht – Video des Feuerball – Eiswolken am Himmel

Lilu24 - Rosenfeld,Germany
Die Rede ist von einem Meteorit. Laut den Berichten auf "Astronomie heute" soll der Meteor 2 Meter breit gewesen sein und wenn man sich aber das Video ...

Benedict Woos Artists, Urging 'Quest for Beauty'

New York Times
In 1999, the Italian conceptual artist Maurizio Cattelan produced “The Ninth Hour,” a wax sculpture of Pope John Paul II struck down by a meteorite. ...
Latvians not laughing after meteorite hoax

Linex Legal (registration)
Source: Lawyers Weekly - A Swedish mobile phone company has apologised after staging a PR stunt in which it created a 10-metre wide meteorite crater in the ...

Utah Meteor/Meteorite News- Utah Bolide Impact 18NOV09 21NOV09

Calculation of the 18NOV09 Utah Meteor impact site

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On YouTube

21 November 2009

Utah Meteorite News- Dugway Increases Security after Meteor

Dugway beefs up security after meteor
Fox 13 Now- Salt Lake City
DUGWAY PROVING GROUND - Security at this military testing facility has been increased after a meteor was spotted over Utah, and believed to have crashed ...

Other News:
Cosmic Triple-Play: Asteroid Flyby, Fireball over Utah, Meteor Shower
A Fireball over Utah, an energetic asteroid whizzing past Earth and a dazzling meteor shower...
Read More

Spectacular Meteor Lights Up The Utah Skies
Gizmodo Australia
Clark Planetarium Director Seth Jarvis said the stony meteorite was probably travelling 80000 miles [129000km] an hour when it hit our atmosphere. ...

Meteor showers in Asia disappoint
Auburn Citizen
Thousands of stargazers across Asia stayed awake overnight to catch a glimpse of what was advertised as an intense Leonid meteor shower, but the show ...

Space 101 - What is a meteor shower?
A meteor shower is when small bits of space rock produce tiny pinpoints of light that streak through the sky. These small fragments enter the Earth's ...

Friday TV Colombia World News Update
Colombia News
... Tournament in Dubai while Colombia's Camilo Villegas is second. Plus, a surveillance camera at a Utah university captures a meteorite flash across the sky.

Leonids a cosmic time to watch "ET"
Denver Post
( Universal Studios/ Amblin Entertainment ) Sitting under the Eastern Plains stars the other night, and the occasional Leonid meteorite, my oldest daughter ...

Meteor/Meteorite News: Meteor Activity Outlook for November 21-27, 2009 20NOV09

Meteor Activity Outlook for November 21-27, 2009
American Meteor Society

As seen from the northern hemisphere, meteor rates continue to be strong in November. While no major showers are active this month,
the two Taurid radiants plus the Leonids keep the skies active. The addition of strong sporadic rates make November one of the
better months to view meteor activity from north of the equator. ... *For a detailed explanation on the different classes of meteor showers and other astronomical terms, please visit: http://www.amsmeteors.org/showers.html#X2009

Clear Skies!
Robert Lunsford
American Meteor Society

20 November 2009

Meteor/Meteorite News- YD Mammoth Demise 20NOV09

from Google News:

Dung dating illuminates mammoth mystery

Nature.com (subscription) - ‎12 分前‎
The disappearance of the huge herbivores that once roamed North America triggered a massive change in the environment with new trees and more fires. ...

Scientists zero in on reason for mammoths' demise

Los Angeles Times - ‎2 時間前‎
The sediment beneath an Indiana lake is providing clues. One thing is clear: A meteor didn't kill off the mammoths, mastodons and other large plant-eaters, ...

Mammoths not killed by human spears

ABC Online - ‎5 時間前‎
By Madeleine Genner for The World Today They were some of the biggest mammals to walk the earth but it seems woolly mammoths were not killed off by humans ...

New Data Shed Light on Large-Animal Extinction

New York Times - ‎17 時間前‎
By NICHOLAS WADE Whenever modern humans reached a new continent in the expansion from their African homeland 50000 years ago, whether Australia, ...

Dung helps reveal why mammoths died out

BBC News - ‎17 時間前‎
By Victoria Gill Mammoth dung has proved to be a source of prehistoric information, helping scientists unravel the mystery of what caused the great mammals ...

Extinction of giant mammals altered landscape

msnbc.com - ‎17 時間前‎
By Jeanna Bryner The last breaths of mammoths and mastodons some 13000 years ago have garnered plenty of research and just as much debate. ...

Dung Fungus Provides New Evidence in Mammoth Extinction

Wired News - ‎18 時間前‎
By Betsy Mason The latest evidence in the disappearance of the mammoths, and nine other North American species weighing over a ton, comes from fossilized ...

After Mastodons and Mammoths, a Transformed Landscape

Science Daily (press release) - ‎19 時間前‎
ScienceDaily (Nov. 20, 2009) — Roughly 15000 years ago, at the end of the last ice age, North America's vast assemblage of large animals -- including such ...

Sophisticated hunters not to blame for driving mammoths to extinction

guardian.co.uk - ‎20 時間前‎
Giant animals such as the woolly mammoth were already facing extinction by the time humans had developed more lethal weapons. Photograph: Corbis/Royal BC ...

Spores in Mastodon Dung Suggest Humans Didn't Kill Off Ancient Mammals

Discover Magazine - ‎2 時間前‎
A fungus found within ancient mammoth dung is providing scientists with clues about how the large ancient mammals collectively known as megafauna went ...

Mammoths weren't killed off by meteor

TG Daily - ‎5 時間前‎
By Emma Woollacott Friday, 20 November 2009 04:55 A new study into the North American landscape 15000 years ago has debunked several theories about why ...

Study Provides Insight into Extinction Of Large Animals

The Money Times - ‎8 時間前‎
At the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Scientists have advanced towards solving the mystery of extinction of mammoths, mastodons, and other large animal ...

Poop evidence exonerates humans in mammoth mystery

World Science - ‎13 時間前‎
The question of how huge animals like the mammoth, mastodon, and ground sloth went extinct—and how their disappearance from North America affected ...

Blame the Mammoths

Journal Watch - ‎18 時間前‎
With the help of a dung fungus, scientists have figured out that the disappearance of mammoths, mastodons, and other large animals likely caused dramatic ...

UW scientists creep closer to solving mystery of mammoths' extinction

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - ‎19 時間前‎
By Mark Johnson of the Journal Sentinel Scientists at the University of Wisconsin have taken an important step toward solving the mystery of what wiped out ...

Was there a Stone Age apocalypse or not?

New Scientist - ‎19 時間前‎
Was there a Stone Age apocalypse or not? One narrative has it that about 13000 years ago a comet blasted North America , wiping out the continent's ...