08 August 2024

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 08AUG2024

Buckle up, stargazers: the Perseid meteor shower promises a celestial extravaganza
... meteor showers of the year: the Perseids. While you can see a meteor on any given night — with patience and dark skies — strong meteor showers ...

How to Watch the 2024 Perseid Meteor Shower - YouTube
Mashable is your source for the latest in tech, culture, and entertainment

LIVE - Meteor Radio Echoes from Minneapolis - YouTube
When a meteor enters the atmosphere at high velocity it burns up leaving trails, sometimes even visible during daylight, though the majority of ...

Meteorite Strikes Are the Primary Creator of the Moon's Thin Atmosphere, Study Finds
Smithsonian Magazine
Researchers examined lunar soil samples collected during the Apollo missions to determine which weathering processes contribute most to ...

Ancient grains of dust from space can be found on Earth − and provide clues about the life ...
Seattle PI
The grain was extracted from the Murchison meteorite that fell in Australia in 1969. Scientists have investigated physical properties of the grain ...

Formation of parallel meteor trail pairs as associated with their buoyant rise - ScienceDirect
Leonid meteor ablation, energy exchange, and trail morphology. Adv. Space Res. (2004). W.J. Baggaley. Sodium emission in long-enduring meteor trains ...

2024 The ELEVENTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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