21 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 21MAR2021 Late Edition

Cosmic shower: Locals report seeing bright 'meteors' in Britain, Cuba and US (VIDEOS)
Unconfirmed meteor sightings were also reported in the US. A dashcam recorded a bright ball of light flying across the sky over the island of Jersey, a ...

Meteor news: Cuba rattled as fireball explodes in the night skies - 'Lit up everything'
Daily Express
A METEOR has exploded over Cuba, briefly illuminating the skies with an intense flash of light and noise. · Jamaica: Dashcam captures fireball over ...

Meteor streaks over Cuba, causes explosion - Eagles Vine
Eagles Vine
HAVANA(CUBA): What is believed to be a meteor lit the sky over eastern Cuba and caused an explosion, scientists on the island said on Saturday.

Did a meteor cause sonic boom in Dorset?
Dorset Echo
A meteor bolide - or 'fireball' - is an extremely bright meteor, comparable to a full moon. It is caused when rock matter hurtles into the Earth's atmosphere ...

Stunning dash-cam footage captures meteor hurtling over the UK
The Advertiser
Stunning footage has captured the moment a meteor caused a gigantic sonic boom, rattling thousands of unsuspecting residents. Britta Zeltmann and ...

Loud boom across south of UK was probably a meteor, say experts
Gloucestershire Live
A loud boom heard across the south of England was probably caused by a meteor, experts have said. Footage captured what appeared to be a bright ...

Sonic boom heard over Devon 'was caused by a meteor'
Devon Live
Video of what appears to be a meteor was captured over Jersey at around the same time as the noise and shockwave was being reported in Devon.

Un meteorite da 1 kg ha colpito un paese italiano: dove e quando
Yahoo Eurosport IT
Con il Molise in zona arancione, gli abitanti del paesino si metteranno ora a cercare i frammenti del meteorite. Finora, infatti, la regione era in zona rossa ...

Prima un boato e poi un forte bagliore per tutto il cielo | un meteorite si è schiantato in Italia
Zazoom Blog
Un meteorite sembra aver colpito l'Italia. Un sasso spaziale, secondo le prime ricostruzioni, sarebbe caduto dal cielo del Molise pochi giorni fa (lo scorso ...

4,6 Milliarden Jahre: Dieser Meteorit ist älter als die Erde
Forscher erhoffen sich durch den Stein, der in der Sahara gefunden wurde, neue Erkenntnisse über die Entstehung von Planeten. Ein Meteorit, der ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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