20 March 2021

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 20MAR2021 Late Edition

Meteor streaks over Cuba, causes explosion
What is believed to be a meteor lit the sky over eastern Cuba and caused an explosion, scientists on the island said Saturday. There were no reports ...

Bagliori nella notte: a Cuba si indaga sulla possibile caduta di un meteorite - Foto e Video
Sputnik Italia
"Il sensore dei fulmini (GLM) del satellite GOES-East rileva il bagliore di un possibile meteorite che è stato avvistato in diverse province orientali.

Une possible chute de météorite observée au-dessus de Cuba – images
Sputnik France
Les caractéristiques du phénomène laissent supposer qu'il pourrait s'agir de la chute d'une météorite, indique le service national de météorologie du ...

Space Rock Reportedly Hits Cuba, Lights Up Night Sky and Causes Explosions - Photos
Sputnik International
The Caribbean island was previously hit by a meteorite in February 2019, with space rock fragments causing a sonic boom powerful enough to shatter ...

Loud bang and 'earthquake-like' tremors in Dorset
Dorset Echo
This evening, a resident in Jersey reported seeing a meteor, leading to widespread speculation on social media that this was the cause. Meteorite.

Dorset 'sonic boom': Meteor 'caused' huge noise which rocked homes as sound heard for miles
Now footage has emerged of a mystery object in the sky over Jersey, which is thought to be a meteorite responsible for the blast. Dashcam footage ...

'Sonic boom' heard across Somerset, Devon and Dorset 'was a meteor'
Somerset Live
... Somerset this afternoon seems to have been a sonic boom, and now speculation is growing that it could have been another meteor exploding in the ...

METEOR 'caused' sonic boom over south west England
nation.lk - The Nation Newspaper
METEOR 'caused' sonic boom over south west England - and was caught streaking across the sky and disintegrating over Devon, Somerset and Dorset ...

Sonic boom: Dorset and Somerset reports big explosion - what is it?
Daily Express
... (in Dorset) just before 3pm. Suggestions are a sonic boom or meteorite breaking up." ... #meteor #SonicBoom". One person said: "I heard that a few ...

UK security camera captures sonic boom likely caused by meteor
Yahoo News UK
A meteor likely caused a sonic boom that was felt across South West England today (March 20). Ollie Peart from Dorchester capture the noise on his ...

L'INAF: "Una meteorite da un kg potrebbe essere caduta in Molise"
Rai News
di Andrea Bettini 20 marzo 2021 Una meteorite pesante un chilogrammo potrebbe essere caduta in provincia di Isernia. E' la conclusione a cui sono ...

Meteorite sui cieli del Molise, Prisma conferma: caduto in provincia di Isernia
CAMPOBASSO. Meteorite sui cieli del Molise, il bolide avvistato la sera del 15 marzo su gran parte del Centro-Sud d'Italia potrebbe essere precipitato in ...Photo shown is NOT of event-LMH

Meteorite in Molise, ricercatori Rete Prisma attesi lunedì
Agenzia ANSA
(ANSA) - ISERNIA, 20 MAR - La notizia di un frammento di meteorite caduto in località Temennotte di Sant'Agapito (Isernia) circolava già dal 15 marzo ...

Fireball Puts on Rare Show for a Few in Oregon, Washington - But Not Coastline
Oregon Coast Beach Connection
It's two seconds or so worth of dazzling display, not like the quick streak of a faint meteor shower. It turns out I'm one of the very few in the Pacific ...

Asteroid flyby: How to watch the largest asteroid flyby of the year
Daily Express
Meteor rattles US households with 42,000mph journey · Mysterious formation spotted an hour before meteor blazed sky. Asteroids, comets and ...

Une météorite vieille de 4 milliards d'années étudiée à Brest
Incroyable mais vrai. Des scientifiques ont mis la main sur l'une des plus anciennes météorites d'origine volcanique au monde. Son âge : plus de 4 ...

Il cratere da impatto più antico del mondo effettivamente non lo è
Il cratere più antico del mondo creato da un meteorite pare non avere a tutti gli effetti questo primato. Un team di scienziati ha scoperto che deriva da ...

2021 The EIGHTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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