16 April 2018

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 16APR2018

Football-pitch sized asteroid spotted on SATURDAY just misses earth
The Sun
In February 2013 a 50ft-wide meteor detonated 16 miles above the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, shattering windows and injuring more than 1,000. The close pass of 2018 GE3 echoed hit Bruce Willis movie Armageddon in which a team lands on a giant meteorite to destroy it before it hits Earth.

Earth Has Near Miss With Asteroid Spotted Just Hours Earlier
CBS Miami
The “medium-sized” space object is reportedly over three times the size of a meteor that entered the atmosphere over Russia in 2013 and injured more than 1,000 people. That incident also reportedly damaged thousands of buildings in the area which had their windows blown out by the meteor's shock ...

Colossal asteroid spotted just 48 HOURS ago narrowly misses hitting Earth
Daily Star
The meteor was even bigger than the 50ft-wide asteroid that exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, in 2013, injuring hundreds. Only two ... “Around 50-100 m in diameter, it was several times the 2013 Chelyabinsk meteor, around the size of the 1908 Tunguska event – easily enough to destroy a city.

Lyrids Meteor Shower 2018
Vatican Observatory Foundation
The Lyrids meteor shower is a medium strength shower that typically produces good rates for three nights centered on the maximum. These meteors usually lack persistent trails, but have been known to produce fireballs. This shower is best seen from the northern hemisphere, where the radiant is high ...

The Lyrid meteor shower is coming to a sky near you this weekend
Let's hope for clear skies and an end to the dreary weather next weekend: The Lyrid meteor shower will peak early Sunday morning. The annual meteor shower is active each year from about April 16 to April 25, Earthsky.org said. "In 2018, the peak of this shower — which tends to come in a burst and ...

Lyrid meteor shower starts Monday night
The forecast might cooperate for the oldest of the meteor shower to hit Earth, the Lyrids. The show starts Monday night but the best viewing is on early Sunday morning. The forecast for the Seattle calls for clearing on Thursday and Friday so the viewing would be pretty good. Sunday will have a mix of ...

A surprise asteroid came "relatively" close to the Earth today
KVOA Tucson News
A more recent point of comparison is the Chelyabinsk meteor--a ~20-meter asteroid that exploded in the atmosphere over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013, shattering windows and toppling onlookers as a fireball brighter than the sun blossomed in the blue morning Ural sky. 2018 GE3 could be 5 to 6 times ...

2018 GE3 An asteroid flow Close to Earth today
Daily Enterpriser
A more current point of comparison is the Chelyabinsk meteor– a ~ 20-meter asteroid that blew up in the environment over Russia on Feb. 15, 2013, shattering windows and falling observers as a fireball brighter than the sun progressed in the blue early morning Ural sky. 2018 GE3 could be 5 to 6 times ...

Fireball from Space
On February 15, 2013, a 7000 tonne asteroid crashed into the Earth's atmosphere. This documentary asks what are the chances of another, larger, asteroid heading straight for earth.

Steinheim Meteor Crater -Miocene Lake Fossils
The Fossil Forum
Hi,. I am new here. I am an American stationed in Germany. I went to the Steinheim [am Albuch] meteor crater in Baden Wurttenberg, Germany yesterday. I was digging in the municipal sandpit for fossils and found some great little sand snails and a few other worm looking fossils. The area was struck by ...

A Mysterious Mars Crater Puzzles The Scientists – It's Either An Impact Crater Or A Dead Volcano
Canadian Homesteading
Images of a Mars crater taken by ESA's Mars Express probe on January 1st disconcert scientists, who can not discern whether its origin is a meteor or a supervolcano. Ismenia Patera (“patera” means “dish” in Latin) is found in the Martian region of Arabia Terra, which is a transition area between the ...

Opals found in meteorites

Lyrids: How to Watch One of the Oldest Known Meteor Showers
The ancient annual Lyrid meteor shower is finally here. As the cold nights of winter start to fade, spotting its shooting stars is a perfect way to welcome summer on the northern hemisphere. Brief but hopefully beautiful, the shower lasts from April 16 to about April 25, peaking this year on the morning of ...

Starwatch: wrap up warm and watch the Lyrid meteor shower
The Guardian
The Lyrid meteor shower will reach its peak in the pre-dawn sky on 22 April. This is the oldest known meteor shower, with records stretching back more than 2,500 years. The meteors appear to originate from a point in the constellation Lyra, hence the shower's name. On Saturday night/Sunday morning ...

Lyrid meteor shower 2018: When, where and how to watch
WPXI Pittsburgh
Here's what you need to know about the Lyrid meteor shower and how to watch the celestial spectacle: What are Lyrids? The Lyrid meteors are named after their radiant, defined as the point in the sky from which they appear to come from, the constellation Lyra. According to NASA, Lyrids are one of the ...

The Lyrid Meteor Shower Season of 2018 Begin this Month
Daily Enterpriser
NASHVILLE, TN – The spring and summer season meteor shower season begins this month with the Lyrid meteor shower, which runs April 16-25, however peaks Sunday, April 22, however skywatchers might likewise see them on the days prior to and after the peak. At its peak, the Lyrids will produce in ...

This is what would happen if a nuclear bomb was dropped on these Hertfordshire towns in event of ...
Hertfordshire Mercury
According to the last census in 2011, Cheshunt has a population of around 52,000 people – so the bomb would kill or wound 86 per cent of the residents, NukeMap predicts. The fireball would have a radius of 150m and would engulf Downfield Road, Russell's Ride and Stewart Close, according to the ...

Meteor Activity Outlook for 14-20 April 2018
Meteor News
During this period the moon will reach it's new phase on Sunday April 15. At that time the moon will be located near the sun and will not be visible at night. As the week progresses the waxing crescent moon will enter the evening sky but will not cause any interference to meteor observers, especially ...

2018 The FIFTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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