22 February 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 22FEB2017

Meteor Concurrent Sounds
Cloudy Nights
Meteor Concurrent Sounds - posted in Space Rocks: This topic is not in the mainstream of the meteorite forum, but is a related topic, so I post it for the ...

Origin of spooky meteor noises reappraised
Arabian Post
Origin of spooky meteor noises reappraised. Sound travels more slowly than light. Then why do sounds of meteors entering Earth's atmosphere ...

This is the weird reason why meteors burning up in the atmosphere sound like rustling leaves
What's even weirder is that the sounds are caused by bright light pulses emitted from the meteor hitting things such as our hair, according to an article ...

KaBLAM! A small asteroid carved out one of the youngest craters on Mars
We get a fantastic (if very brief) light show — an extremely bright meteor, also called a bolide or fireball — and maybe a small shower of debris.

Did you see any meteor fragments?
Atmore Advance
All that commotion last week created excitement, fear and anticipation for many folks in our area seeing that meteor falling and hearing the loud noise ...

Is This Really The Sound Of A Falling Meteor? Study Reveals
Science World Report
When meteor fills the air, one could hear a mysterious crackling noise.

What Does a Meteor Sound Like?
Discover Magazine (blog)
When a meteor screams through our upper atmosphere, it's a silent show for us here on the ground. Most meteors burn up dozens of miles above the ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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