29 January 2017

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 29JAN2017

Getting lucky
Herald Review
About 50,000 years ago, a meteor about 150 feet in diameter hit the earth in what is now the state of Arizona. It hit the earth at a speed of 10 miles per ...

Security camera captures meteor fireball lighting up the sky in Huntersville, North Carolina
Mary Greeley News
Security camera captures meteor ...

From rooftops & farmlands, city's stargazers set off on space odyssey
The Indian Express
From star clusters and comets to galaxies and meteor showers, the cosmic voyage of the sky is a fulfilling experience for these amateur astronauts.

Meteor sighted in south of Portugal
A meteor was registered through a vehicular camera in Lisbon on January 24, 2017 at 23:21 pm local time. Very high quality video, thanks to good ...

February meteor showers feature quantity not quality
New Jersey Herald
February has seven meteor showers but none are any great shakes. In chronolological order: on Feb 1-3, the Sagittarid/Capricornids; Feb. 5-10, the ...

Stunning meteor turns the sky emerald green as it burns up over India Toby Meyjes for Metro.co.ukFri
Democratic Underground
Toby Meyjes for Metro.co.uk Friday 27 Jan 2017 4:05 pm. A Brilliant Green Meteor Lights Up India's 'Sky Islands' (Picture: Prasenjeet Yadav/2016 ...

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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