08 January 2017

Tang Lung Elementary Allsky Captures First Meteor 24DEC2016

Tang Lung Elementary School Allsky, PingTung, Captures First Meteor 24DEC2016

  TAIMON's first Sandia Sentinel Allsky Camera System at Tang Lung Elementary School Allsky, PingTung (Node 41), Taiwan has captured its first meteor 24DEC2016.  Although a very minor meteor event, this marks the beginning of success for the new system installed at the school.

 Tang Lung Elementary School is Taiwan's FIRST school to launch a meteor allsky camera system program that will eventually involve students grades 3-6 in maintaining the camera and computer, and processing data.

  Principal Shi Shi has one of Taiwan's finest astronomy programs, taught at Tang Lung Elementary School, PingTung, Taiwan.  My thanks to Principal Shi, Richard Spaulding formerly of Sandia Natl. Labs who made possible the allsky camera on loan, and Dwayne Free of GoSky Sentinel, USA, for maintaining the computer nodes and worldwide meteor capture data.
  I had the pleasure of presenting this allsky camera equipment to the Tang Lung Elementary School as a gifted prototype for Taiwan schools. -Dirk Ross, Tokyo

Other Schools interested in purchasing allsky cameras please contact me by email at- Dirk Ross-
drtanuki@gmail.com  Thank you.

Click on Image to Enlarge
First Meteor Capture- 24DEC2016 19:39:46.224UTC
Tang Lung Elementary School, PingTung, Taiwan
Sandia Allsky Network / TAIMON
c2016 TAIMON / Dirk Ross

Video of  TAIMON's PingTung, Taiwan first meteor capture- Event 20161224_193946_224

To view video requires a DOUBLE CLICK on play button to begin.
First Meteor Capture- 24DEC2016 19:39:46.224UTC
Tang Lung Elementary School, PingTung, Taiwan
TAIMON / Sandia Sentinel Allsky Network 
c2016 TAIMON / Dirk Ross

To view all video captured by this station (Node 41) see LINKhttp://goskysentinel.com/node/node41

Main website for all Nodes maintained- http://goskysentinel.com/

Tang Lung Elementary School is "SETTING the PACE NOW for the FUTURE!"
Tang Lung Elementary School cares-TLC!

2017 The FOURTH Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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