04 November 2016

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 04NOV2016

1490慶陽 隕石事殺死10000人 / 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10000 ...
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The 1490 Ch'ing-Yang China Meteor Event May Have Killed 10,000 People 1490慶陽 隕石事殺死10,000人. English only ...

Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Perth, Western Australia Fireball Meteor 19"07 Local 02NOV2016 w/ Fragmentation Report your meteor sightings please-

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2016
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 03NOV2016. NASA's New Asteroid Alert System Gives 5 Whole Days of Warning Universe Today

NASA's new asteroid alert system gives five days of warning
Look at the Chelyabinsk meteor from 2013. It was a 10,000 ton meteor that exploded over the Chelyabinsk Oblast, injuring 1500 people and damaging ...CAVEAT- IF Object is DETECTED!-LMH

LOOK: Curiosity Spots Meteorite on Mars
NASA's Mars Curiosity rover snapped images of a tiny, iron meteorite on the Red Planet on Oct. 30.

Aνακαλύφθηκε ένας περίεργος σιδερένιος μετεωρίτης στον Άρη
Athina 9.84 fm
Ο σκούρος γυαλιστερός σφαιρικός μικρός μετεωρίτης έχει μέγεθος όσο μισή μπάλα του γκολφ και οι επιστήμονες τον βάφτισαν «αυγό». Τέτοιου είδους ... Story about iron meteorite found on Mars in Greek.

Spaceweather.com Realtime Image Gallery
A beautiful fireball streaked the sky tonight. Here seen streaking the sky above the Sunnmøre Alps, Ørsta, Norway. Photo details: Canon EOS 650D, ...

Smoking meteor through Pleiades
Cloudy Nights
Smoking meteor through Pleiades - posted in Beginning and Intermediate Imaging: While blinking through my 570 ten second Pleiades subs from last ...

NASA International Space Station On-Orbit Status 2 November 2016
Space Ref (press release)
Meteor Operations: CDR changed out the hard drive and diffraction grating on the Meteor camera located in the Window Observational Research ...

Ball of Fire Seen Over Perth – Reports of Explosions
So Perth (blog)
It's possible the fireball was connected to the South Taurid meteor shower, which peaks every year around late October and early November.

Meteor fireball seen over Perth, Western Australia
Signs of the Times
People across Perth have seen a huge ball of fireball over the city tonight. Some people even said they heard explosions like fireworks in the moments ...

Event 4268-2016
Fireball event
Report a Fireball · Events · Reports · Log In · Sign up ... AMS received one report about a fireball seen over Nova Gorica on Wednesday, November ...

Meteorite showers to continue over Perth after Wednesday night burst
When it's as bright as the full moon, that's when it's called a fireball. ... The Fireballs in the Sky research team at Curtin University has called for footage ...

Perth motorist films 'meteor' on dash-cam
The West Australian
A fiery meteor was spotted flashing across Perth skies on Wednesday night, exciting both citizen scientists and motorists who saw the burning object ... One of the poorest meteor videos I have wasted time watching!-LMH

UFO flashing green 'fireball' filmed shooting across the night sky in Japan
The Sun
A MYSTERIOUS huge green fireball is captured in this footage shooting across the night sky in Japan on Monday. The bizarre object was filmed ...NOT mysterious or a UFO;anything for a headline!

BRIGHT and blazing
The Hindu
November makes it special for all sky watchers as it brings you two meteor showers. Beginning tonight, watch out for the South Taurids. The showers ...

2 meteor showers to dazzle Cincinnati skies this month
WLWT Cincinnati
The Leonids will be most visible, and some may see a few meteors from the Taurids. The Taurids are not a prolific meteor shower, only producing ...

Guided walk under the Leonid Meteor Shower planned for Headlands
Petoskey News-Review
With the upcoming Leonid Meteor Shower the public is invited to join Headlands International Dark Sky Park staff under the dark of night for an ... NOV 18th event.

Your guide to this month's constellation and meteor show
San Diego Entertainer Magazine
Perhaps one of the more exhilarating scenes is set to occur on late Nov 11, which will mark the starting point of the North Taurid meteor shower.

Meteorite showers to continue over Perth after Wednesday night burst
Collie Mail
"A fireball, or or bolide, is the official term," Mr Woods said. "While it's still in space it's a meteoroid; when it hits the atmosphere, a meteor; if it hits the ...

2016 The THIRD Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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