11 November 2015

The Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News 11NOV2015

Siberia, Russia Bolide Meteor Leaves Many Stunned with Awe 11NOV2015 w/ Video - Just BREAKING

BRAMON- Brasil Meteor Observation Network 10 years!

نيزك - UAE to Establish Meteor Monitoring Network
Meteorite Fall Over Eastern Turkish Village: Poor Villagers Make Hundreds Of Thousands Of ...
International Business Times
Pictured: This long-exposure photograph taken on Earth Day, April 23, 2015, shows the Lyrids meteor shower passing near the Milky Way in the clear ...

Kouga, Eastern Cape, South Africa Boom Blue Flash a Meteor?
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Still no sign of mysterious Eastern Cape 'meteorite'. 2015-11-09 13:46. Ahmed Areff, News24. A meteor the size of a minivan and weighing in at 70 .

Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 08NOV2015
Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News
Ireland / Wales Fireball Meteor 2012 Local 08NOV2015 Check your security cameras! Please report your meteor sightings to this website for posting- ..

The Search For Returns Has Taken Investors To The Nether Regions Of The Solar System
Rob Wile- Business Insider- June 12, 2014
...according to Artemis, a group that tracks catastrophe bonds, insurer USAA took out a policy against the risk it would have to pay out for tropical cyclones, earthquakes, severe thunderstorms, winter storms, wildfire, volcanic eruption and meteorite impact. ...

Taurid Meteor shower pics
Cloudy Nights
Taurid Meteor shower pics - posted in General Observing and Astronomy: I thought I would share a pic of a nice meteor I saw yesterday morning and ..

Taurid Meteor Shower 2015 Peak: Perfect Conditions For 'Fireballs,' 'Earthgrazers'
“The annual Taurid meteor shower is going on right now, and we are seeing steady activity in our meteor cameras,” Bill Cooke with NASA's Meteoroid ...

Lucky streak! Amateur snapper captures amazing image of bright green meteor in Yorkshire skies
Grandad Peter Horbury went out to photograph the Northern Lights and ended up capturing this image of a meteorite streaking through the sky above ...

Saskatchewan sky watcher captures incredible view of meteorite: 'The fireball fell out of the sky'
National Post
Bill Allen knew the aurora borealis Sunday night would be “epic” — but he wasn't expecting to capture a stunning meteor photo. “I've got in the habit of ...

The Leonids are coming! Here's how to watch them.
Christian Science Monitor
The Leonid meteor shower peaks every year in mid-November, as our ... midpoint to the next anticipated meteor "storm," which is predicted for 2033, ...

Fireball-spitting meteor stream peaks Wednesday night
Sacramento Bee
Bright, glowing fireballs zipping across the night sky have been reported worldwide as the Taurid meteor shower delights stargazers this month.

Comet Encke pelts Mercury with meteors
Astronomers there are presenting results of a study showing that our sun's innermost planet, Mercury, has a recurring meteor shower during which bits ...

Mysterious 'meteor' in Eastern Cape may have disintegrated
"It sounds like a bolide, which is a meteor that is large enough to break up into smaller meteors when it enters the atmosphere," said Jerome Jooste, ...

20000 year-old Taurid meteor puts on a show in Saskatchewan
University of Saskatchewan astronomer Stan Shadick has some background info on Sunday night's meteor sighting.

Look to the sky Wednesday night — you might see 'life-changing event'
Bright, glowing fireballs zipping across the night sky have been reported worldwide as the Taurid meteor shower delights stargazers this month.

Fireballs are falling to Earth this week in numbers we won't see for another 10 years: here's how to ...
National Post
The best way to watch any meteor shower is to get far away from city lights and look up, no special equipment required. Here's a map from ...

Video shows Taurid meteor in Saskatchewan
News Talk 650 CKOM
A University of Saskatchewan astronomy professor explained that the meteor is remnants of an old comment. Shards of the comet produce the Taurid ...

Meteors shower Mercury
Science News
SPACE SHOWERS Recurring puffs of calcium seen by MESSENGER at Mercury (illustrated) might be connected to the Taurid meteor shower, a new .

Taurid Meteor Shower Captured In Stunning Detail By Saskatchewan Photographer
Huffington Post Canada
It's believed the fireball was part of the Taurid meteor shower that's expected to peak this week. "It was literally the first frame,'' Allen said Monday.

Meteor lights up Sask. sky
News Talk 650 CKOM
A spectacular photo making its way through social media was close to not being captured at all. “I had planned to go out last night, Aura's (Aurora ...

Meteor monitoring and filming network to open
Abu Dhabi: A meteor monitoring and filming network, which will include a number of stations in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and the Western Region, will open in .

Oklahoma City Live Shot Catches Meteor Falling in Background
Oklahoma City Live Shot Catches Meteor Falling in Background ... on social media, so the station explained that it was a fireball from ameteor shower.

Incredible bright green meteor photographed off coast of Yorkshire, UK
Signs of the Times
The remarkable sight was captured at the same time as the Taurid Meteor Shower passes Earth - with larger cellestial debris being more visible than ...

Taurid meteor shower peaks with new moon
Daily Nebraskan
This week, stargazers will have the chance to see something a little more exciting than usual up in the night sky. The annual Tauridmeteor shower is ...

13 Reports
Fireball event
AMS received 13 reports about a fireball seen over CT, VT, MA, NY, NH and Ontario on Tuesday, November 10th 2015 around 02:17 UT.

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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