28 September 2015

ISS Lunar Transit 24SEP2015 Fortaleza, Ceará - Brasil w/ Video

ISS Lunar Transit on 09/24/2015 at 19h26m28,2s (Local Time) Fortaleza, Ceará - Brasil w/ Video

ISS LunarTransit on 09/24/2015 at 19h26m28,2s (Local Time) Fortaleza, Ceará - Brasil.
C 2015 Lauriston Trindade

The amateurs astronomers Paulo Regis (Clube de Astronomia de Fortaleza) and Lauriston Trindade (Grupo de Astronomia Perseus) catch the valuable picture: the ISS Lunar Transit. The ISS was distant 415km and runnning with 7,66km/s. A short video shows the ISS across the lunar disk (0,14s).
C 2015 Lauriston Trindade

ISS LunarTransit on 09/24/2015 at 19h26m28,2s (Local Time) Fortaleza, Ceará - Brasil.
Short video showing the ISS across the lunar disk (0,14s).
C 2015 Lauriston Trindade
Thank you Lauriston!

2015 The SECOND Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™ / Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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