21 December 2014

Venezuela Geminid Meteor Shower 2014 Observation Results

"click on image to enlarge"
Geminids Radiant Map 2014 from Venezuela
2230 VET - 2330 VET 13DEC2014
c2014 Jesús Otero
Venezuela Geminid Meteor Shower 2014 Observation Results
Report by Jesús Otero 20DEC2014
  The Geminids were observed from 10:30 pm to 11:30 pm (22:30 - to 23:30 VET = -4h.30m. GMT) and the others radiants from 23:47 to 00:47 VET.
  We observed a ZHR = 117, but there were others, 4 radiants, active this night, but their ZHR were low and their meteors faint and very faint. The most important of those I think were: 43 Taurids, that is a new radiant discovered by me and another observer some days ago, and a radiant seen in Columbia, South of Orion. This last is not previously mentioned in any catalog.
  The Geminids had many bolides, one of them of -12 mag. (full moon), observed from Los Teques, Miranda State by Alida Ayesta. She reported a trail and changes in its color.
  Alfredo Castillo helped with the observation of the other meteor radiants.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

1 comment:

Lyda Patiño Productora Cultural y Artìstica said...

Very interesting activity and map. He has to be an expert

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