18 October 2014

Two Daytime Meteors Witnessed Over US in 9 Days

Two Daytime Meteors Witnessed Over the US in 9 Days, one in Arizona and one in Louisiana,
... and BOTH likely produced meteorites. Hunters are currently scouring the fall areas for them.

The Flagstaff, AZ daytime bolide meteor was seen leaving a debris trail on 04OCT2014 at approximately 0900 MDT and then on 13OCT2014 at 1623 CDT the Shreveport, LA Loud Boom was heard and witnessed. We now have solid evidence including radar images of the debris clouds. Debris clouds from both events indicate meteorites have survived, and are yet to be found.

More details will be added later... off to bed.

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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