13 June 2014

MBIQ Detects - California Meteor 12JUN2014

MBIQ Detects - California Meteor 12JUN2014

Report your meteor sightings please

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Initial Meteor Sighting Report-
12JUN2014 Cristina SJ Sierra Madre, CA, USA Approximately 9:30 PM Don't know W-E.travelled from Right to Left. , 174' South (per iPhone) Very brigth at the beginning, fast moving, started fading, almost zig-zag trajectory Brighter than other stars, not as bright as Venus. don't know/didn't notice Beautiful! first time I have seen it!

MBIQ Data Set-
Thousand Oaks, California arrived from bing.com on "Latest Worldwide Meteor/Meteorite News: California Meteor 10JAN2014" by searching for june 12 2014 CA meteor.
13:54:10 -- 2 hours 8 mins ago

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of "CERTAIN Uncertainty" ™; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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