05 January 2014

PA NY NJ MD Meteor 04JAN2014

PA NY NJ MD Meteor Approx. 20:30 EST 04JAN2014 w/ Fragmentation
"click on image to enlarge"
PA NY NJ MD Meteor Approx. 20:30 EST 04JAN2014
v.1 c2014 LuanrMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth
Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!
If you have video or photo captures please email me at LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
04JAN2014 Justin Thompson HUNTINGTON, NY, USA ~2055/EST 2 SEC SW to NW BRIGHT WHITE; LONG TAIL Venus None observed Brilliant and awe inspiring

04JAN2014 Sharon Miller Tamaqua, PA 20:32:00 Approx 5 seconds Wow!!!! I was just out on my back porch Facing North and I saw a large meteorrite, Bright white with green. It came down as a single ball and then split into 3 ( 1 large and 2 small ) It faded out just before hitting the mountain range. A full 5 seconds at least. Awesome sight. Light green, and white brighter than the moon. split into 3 Wow!!!! I was just out on my back porch Facing North and I saw a large meteorrite, Bright white with green. It came down as a single ball and then split into 3 ( 1 large and 2 small ) It faded out just before hitting the mountain range. A full 5 seconds at least. Awesome sight.

04JAN2014 cedric bush montgomery ny usa 2030 25 second s south going northwest orange moon yes very bright with fragments breaking off

04JAN2014 Lee Glen Mills, PA, USA 20:30/EST,PM 3 seconds 30 degr to 5 degr., NNW to N, facing North Mainly Yellow Venus + Yes, at end Nice!

04JAN2014 alison monroe, ny USA 20:23:00 2 sec W-N, L to R I faced W maybe light yellowish venus had a bright trail brightest "shooting " star I've seen

04JAN2014 Jay Renner Aspen Hill, MD 2022 EST 8:22 PM 4 sceonds S-N Very low to ground- Facing northeast White - seperated into two pieces - no sound Brighter than the moon Yes Seemed very far away

04JAN2014 Gary Jacques Medford NJ 20:15:00 2.5 Left to Right from the Northwest red yellow whit Venus 4 fragments The best I ever saw

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of CERTAIN Uncertainty; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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