12 January 2014

MBIQ Detects Large Meteor Event- MN WI IL Meteor 11JAN2014

MBIQ Detects Large Meteor Event- MN WI IL Meteor Approx. 1715 CST 11JAN2014
'click on image to enlarge"
MN WI IL Meteor Approx. 1715 CST 11JAN2014
v2 c2014 LunarMeteoriteHunter / Google Earth

Report your meteor sightings please-

Please help get the word about this event so that we might recover security camera video or cell phone captures; spread the word about this website via Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Reddit, GLP, SOTT and your favorite forums; contact your local news outlets; thank you!
If you have video or photo captures please email me at LunarMeteoriteHunter@gmail.com

Initial Meteor Sighting Reports-
11JAN2014 Cory M Woodbury, MN, USA 17:00/central;PM 10 seconds From up to down facing East Bright White, No Sound but was in my car Bright as the moon I didn't see any. I seen a bright white light fall to Earth for 10 seconds then it burned out. You could see the amber around the object as it continued to fall.

All meteor sighting reports can be seen here

2014 The Year of CERTAIN Uncertainty; Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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