14 September 2013

Guide to the Geology of Sudbury, Ontario, Impact Structure

Guide to the Geology of Sudbury, Ontario, Impact Structure

The below field trip guidebook should be of interest
to many of the people on the meteorite mailing list.

Rousell, D. H., and G. H. Brown, 2009, Guide to the
Geology of Sudbury, Ontario. Open File Report no. 6243,
Ontario Geological Survey, Toronto, Ontario. 200 pp.
and geological map.
61 MB PDF file at

Related publications are:
Pye, E. G., A. J. Naldrett, and P. E. Giblin, eds., The
Geology and ore deposits of the Sudbury Structure.
Special Volume 1, Ontario Geological Survey,
Toronto, Ontario. 603 pp with additional geological
and geophysical maps, charts, plates, and reprints.
113 MB PDF file at

Rousell, D. H., 1998, Bedrock Geology of the Regional
Municipality of Sudbury. Map Series no P3187, Ontario
Geological Survey, Toronto, Ontario.
PDF file at

More publications can be found using the below web pages.

Geology Ontario - Publications PDF Search

Geology Ontario - Publications Search

Yours, Paul H.

For All of the writings of Paul H.-

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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