02 August 2013

丟臉! Xinjiang, China Meteorite Fall 31JUL2013

丟臉新疆隕石 - Xinjiang, China Meteorite Fall 31JUL2013


UPDATES Pending-
Report of crater 3 meters wide and 2 deep-- unconfirmed
Photos shown of "crater" appear to be unrelated or very suspect.

Sorry this photo does not enlarge due to copyright issues; see the orginal source just below.
Photo of meteorite appears to be authentic
Source- http://www.theepochtimes.com/n3/224047-meteorite-in-chinas-xinjiang-a-heavenly-warning/

More accurate report-
Meteorite fall Xinjiang hit pit will have earth-shattering event occurred?
NTDTV August 2, 2013 Reuters Local time at 2:00 on July 31 and more, a meteorite crashed in Xinjiang Akto County Township Bulunkou Gez village. Loud noise generated by meteorite fall, was awakened the sleeping villagers, individual houses glass was shattered, but fortunately caused no casualties. - Google Translated
NTDTV - 7 hours ago

Meteorite in China's Xinjiang a 'Heavenly Warning'?
The Epoch Times-6 hours ago
A photo of a meteorite fragment in Xinjiang Province on August 1, 2013. A meteorite crashing into a Xinjiang Province village on Thursday has ...

Suspected meteorite crashed Xinjiang punched two meters deep pit shattered glass
ETtoday - 11 hours ago Share
Xinjiang Meteorite Collectors Association Tong Xianping said, "may be a meteorite, according to the relevant records, before falling meteorite Xinjiang experienced similar situations." He explained that Xinjiang is currently recognized as the largest meteorite continent rich region, refers to more than the amount saved, easy to meteorites found a specific area, mainly due to the Taklimakan Desert, ...

Meteorite fall Xinjiang now pit "or something big happens."
Taiwan Epoch Times - 14 hours ago

Meteorite crashed into Xinjiang punched two meters deep pit (Figure)
China Review - Jul 31, 2013
Social commentary in Beijing July 31 / PRNewswire CCTV reported today 2:00, ameteorite crashed into Xinjiang Gez Akto County village, in a rubbish delivery point punched a diameter of three meters, two meters deep pit . Meteorite fall generated noise, then woke up the sleeping villagers. Fortunately, in addition to individual houses shattered windows, there is no ...

Xinjiang meteorite fell to the ground punched 2 m deep pit crater inventory of the most spectacular
People - 4 hours ago
Extraterrestrial "dump Xinjiang Gez Village] yesterday 2:00, a meteorite crashed into Xinjiang Gez Akto County village, in a rubbish delivery point punched a diameter of three meters, two meters deep pit . loud noise generated by meteorite fall, was awakened the sleeping villagers. Fortunately, in addition to individual houses shattered windows, but caused no ...

Meteorite Hits Village in NW China
CRIENGLISH.com-Jul 31, 2013
This photo taken on August 1, 2013, shows the dump site which was hit by a meteorite in a village of Akto County of northwest China's Xinjiang ...

Centro Meteo Italiano

Cina : Meteorite si schianta al suolo in nottata. Paura fra la ...
InMeteo-12 hours ago
Cina/ Un meteorite si è schiantato al suolo, come riferito da fonti statiunitensi, in un discarica in un villaggio dello Xinjiang, nel Nord-Ovest della ...

Meteor pogodio selo na sjeverozapadu Kine
China Radio International-21 hours ago
Meteor je u četvrtak pogodio selo u sjeverozapadnoj kineskoj pokrajini Xinjiang, u Ujgurskoj autonomnoj regiji, javlja CCTV. Oko dva sata ...

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

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