30 July 2013

Puerto Rico Fireball Meteor 21JUL2013

NOT UFO! -- Puerto Rico Fireball Meteor 21JUL2013

Meteoro brillante / Bright Meteor (Puerto Rico)
YouTube Published by kevinizooropa on Jul 26, 2013 35,902 views

Varios avistamientos de meteoros han sido reportados recientemente a la Sociedad de Astronomía del Caribe (SAC). La entidad explicó que la Tierra esta pasando por las zonas de residuos de varios cometas por lo que se estarían viendo algunos meteoros especialmente tarde en la noche. Si usted observa uno notable, favor de reportarlo en Facebook.com/sociedad.astronomia o en SociedadAstronomia.com o al correo sociedadastronomia@gmail.com

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There are some reports of recent bright Meteor sightings over Puerto Rico and other countries. The "Sociedad de Astronomia del Caribe" (Caribbean Astronomical Society) explains that as part of Earth's orbit around the Sun, sometimes our planet enters into a zone where comets left behind some debris; when those particles enter Earth's atmosphere at great speeds, friction causes them to burn and viola: we see a meteor. Some meteors look really bright, like the "Alpha Capricornid" fireball seen on this video.

2013 THE Year of Meteors, Asteroids, Comets, and MORE!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

We sighted from the Cruise ship something which was visible for like a minute on July 26th or 27th, 2013. We were west off the coast of Jamaica and pretty sure it was for sure visible all over the Caribbean seas because has been reported as well on the same moment visible on the east coast of Cayman islands. We were unable to record it and strangely i was not able to find any report of it on Internet the morning after